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《Visual C++实用图像处理专业教程》本光盘包括以下目录:\学习版Imgcx 、专业版Imgc 、ImageSys试用版、动态图像处理、其他。
Update : 2012-01-09 Size : 10.94mb Publisher :

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此程序是一个关于图像测量方面的,有图像测量的每一个步骤。-This procedure is a measurement on the images, have images of each measurement step.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 922kb Publisher : 刘卫卫

1. \学习版Imgcx 打开文件夹Imgcx,执行SetUp,按提示安装Imgcx。该书各个章节所处理的图像都包含在安装后的文件夹…Imgcx\Image里。 2. \专业版Imgc 介绍该书配套的专业版软件Imgc。专业版软件包括该书全部图像处理的C语言源程序以及可执行的Visual C++ 界面源程序,可以满足大学教师、科研人员以及图像处理专业人员的需要。 3. \ImageSys试用版 包括通用图像处理系统ImgeSys的介绍和试用版的安装程序。通用图像处理系统ImageSys是一套大型专业图像处理软件,安装试用版后可以体会专业图像处理软件的魅力。 4. \动态图像处理 介绍北京现代富博科技有限公司的二维、三维动态图像处理软件系统。 5. \其他 介绍北京现代富博科技有限公司的其他软件产品。 -1. \ Learning Edition Imgcx open the folder Imgcx, the implementation of SetUp, according to the prompts to install Imgcx. Sections of the book deals with the image are included in the installation folder ... Imgcx \ Image in. 2. \ Professional Edition Imgc supporting the professional version of the book introduces software Imgc. Professional image processing software, including all the book s C language source code and executable source code Visual C++ interface can meet the university teachers, researchers, and image processing professionals. 3. \ ImageSys trial, including image processing system ImgeSys General introduction and trial version of the installer. General image processing system ImageSys is a large professional image processing software, after installing the trial version you can experience the charm of professional image processing software. 4. \ Dynamic image processing the Beijing Modern Fu Bo Technology Co., Ltd. two-dimensional, three-dimensional dynamic image
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 16.92mb Publisher : 2054

实现了图像分类、特征提取等功能,具有很好地参考价值-Geoprocessing is a fundamental part of ArcGIS. Whether you are a new user or an old pro, geoprocessing is an essential part of day-today work with ArcGIS. Geoprocessing provides the data analysis, data management, and data conversion tools necessary for all GIS users including ArcObjects developers. Within programs it is often necessary to manipulate and analyze geographic data by transforming the coordinate system by projecting datasets from one projection to another, adding fields to a table, or creating buffer zones around features. ArcGIS 9 includes hundreds of geoprocessing tools for performing such tasks. This article describes how ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Engine users can use geoprocessing tools in ArcObjects applications.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 162kb Publisher : 王乐
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