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Description: JavaFX Script编程语言(以下称为JavaFX)有Sun微系统公司开发的一种declarative, statically typed(声明性的、静态类型)脚本语言-JavaFX Script programming language (hereinafter referred to as JavaFX) are Sun Microsystems developed a declarative, statically typed (declarative, static type) scripting language
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: helongfei | Hits:


Description: JavaFX的一个演示程序,是一个NetBeans项目。-JavaFX a demo program is a NetBeans project.
Platform: | Size: 80896 | Author: edward | Hits:


Description: JavaFx 教 程(需联网), Sun 公司 官方程序-JavaFX tutorial, (U need online to use it)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: vambadoz | Hits:


Description: In a JavaFX environment, the goal for the graphic designer is to use his or her creativity to forge graphical assets and then export them for JavaFX in the form of JavaFX Objects.
Platform: | Size: 6539264 | Author: Alexandr | Hits:


Description: java3d and javafx integration in a short example seee you soon-java3d and javafx integration in a short example seee you soon
Platform: | Size: 1774592 | Author: elmorocho | Hits:


Description: JavaFX Script Dynamic Java Scripting for Rich InternetClient side Applications
Platform: | Size: 1636352 | Author: zhoc | Hits:


Description: 《JavaFX in Action》,Manning 出版社的配套源代码-JavaFX in Action, Manning Press, supporting source code
Platform: | Size: 449536 | Author: chinnei | Hits:


Description: JAVAFX学习书资料Apress.JavaFX.Script.Oct.2007.pdf-JAVAFX learning book materials Apress.JavaFX.Script.Oct.2007.pdf
Platform: | Size: 1636352 | Author: Lucien | Hits:

[Game Programjavagamesrc

Description: 泡泡龙 游戏代码 javafx编写,凑字数 -buble dragon game src
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 潘凌昀 | Hits:


Description: FXAddressBook javaFX 实例学习。 联系人地址薄-javafx addressbook
Platform: | Size: 421888 | Author: lance | Hits:


Description: A E-Books for develop JavaFX application. Name : APress.JavaFX.Script.Dynamic.Java.Scripting.for.Rich.Internet.Client.Side.Applications
Platform: | Size: 1636352 | Author: redchew | Hits:


Description: Pro JavaFX™ Platform Script, Desktop and Mobile RIA with Java™ Technology-Pro JavaFX™ Platform Script, Desktop and Mobile RIA with Java™ Technology
Platform: | Size: 7393280 | Author: azby | Hits:

[Software EngineeringJavaFX

Description: Sun公司技术人员所做的关于Java讲座的PPT,内容包含JavaFX以及RIA技术。-Technical staff, Sun made Java seminar on PPT, includes JavaFX and RIA technology.
Platform: | Size: 3442688 | Author: fang | Hits:


Description: 本人收藏的,感觉很好的,很好的教程,相信你一定会用得上的.-My collection, feel very good, very good tutorial, I believe you will need them for.
Platform: | Size: 866304 | Author: 黄昏 | Hits:


Description: Simple JavaFX animation
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: hashimati | Hits:


Description: javafx的简单教程,里面提供了javafx的语法功能-A simple tutorial javafx, javafx which provides a grammatical function
Platform: | Size: 1510400 | Author: xialonghua | Hits:


Description: 平台使用eclipse,通过javafx来实现简单计算器的相关功能,包括加减乘除、括号运算和表达式错误检测。(The use of Eclipse platform, through the JavaFX to realize the function of a simple calculator, including brackets, add, subtract, multiply and divide operation and expression error detection.)
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 惜笑 | Hits:


Description: 连连看,用javafx实现, this.setOnMouseClicked(e -> { if (e.getButton() == MouseButton.PRIMARY) { x2 = (int) ((e.getX() - w) / w); y2 = (int) ((e.getY() - w) / w); g.drawImage(new Image("llkpics/checked.png"), x2 * w + w, y2 * w + w, w/6,w/6); if (check == false) { x1 = x2; y1 = y2; }//2次一循环 else { int grade = 0; if (isSame(x1, y1, x2, y2) && isCut(x1, y1, x2, y2) && map[y1 * COL + x1] != BLANK && map[y2 * COL + x2] != BLANK) { grade = Integer.parseInt(MainFrame.tf.getText()) + 2; MainFrame.tf.setText(String.valueOf(grade)); //不同的点击 if (x1 != x2 || y1 != y2) { map[y1 * COL + x1] = BLANK; map[y2 * COL + x2] = BLANK; myRepaint(); } } } check = !check; } });(this.setOnMouseClicked(e -> { if (e.getButton() == MouseButton.PRIMARY) { x2 = (int) ((e.getX() - w) / w); y2 = (int) ((e.getY() - w) / w); g.drawImage(new Image("llkpics/checked.png"), x2 * w + w, y2 * w + w, w/6,w/6); if (check == false) { x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } else { int grade = 0; if (isSame(x1, y1, x2, y2) && isCut(x1, y1, x2, y2) && map[y1 * COL + x1] != BLANK && map[y2 * COL + x2] != BLANK) { grade = Integer.parseInt(MainFrame.tf.getText()) + 2; MainFrame.tf.setText(String.valueOf(grade)); if (x1 != x2 || y1 != y2) { map[y1 * COL + x1] = BLANK; map[y2 * COL + x2] = BLANK; myRepaint(); } } } check = !check; } });)
Platform: | Size: 245760 | Author: 谭先生456 | Hits:


Description: JavaFx做界面VLC做视频处理,请看源码(JavaFx do the interface VLC to do video processing, please see the source code)
Platform: | Size: 3033088 | Author: DecoderMe | Hits:


Description: e(fx)clipse与Eclipse JDT进行了深度集成,例如提供了专门的类路径容器,使得用户可以使用和开发Swing/SWT应用程序一样方式来开发JavaFX应用程序。javafx开发资料文档可以帮助需要开发javafx应用程序的技术人员开发出绚丽多彩的页面(E (FX) Clipse is deeply integrated with Eclipse JDT, for example, providing special class path containers that allow users to develop JavaFX applications in the same way as developing Swing/SWT applications. JavaFX developing data files can help technicians who need to develop JavaFX applications and develop colorful pages.)
Platform: | Size: 2334720 | Author: 魅影逍遥 | Hits:
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