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Description: 56我秀直播下载工具,简单的HTTP应用和Json应用
Platform: | Size: 137927 | Author: richer_law@hotmail.com | Hits:


Description: 作者是Ajaxian.com的创始人,JavaOne、TheServerSide等诸多高级别会议的演讲者。本书作为Pragmatic系列之一,从实践出发,通过实例展示Ajax的诸多特性,手把手教你实现Google Map的绚丽效果。不仅教会你Ajax的技术细节,同时还带你了解各种功能强大的主流Ajax工具包(Dojo、Prototype、Script.aculo.us、DWR、Backbase、SmartClient、Ajax.NET、SAJAX、JSON-RPC),掌握Ajax实时查看源代码的方法以及进行代码调试的相应方法,学习Ajax的开发模式和框架。本书后半部分共用了五个章节,从服务器端编程的角度,详细讲述了Ajax同PHP、Ruby On Rails、Java和.NET等语言的融合,最后还介绍了与Ajax相类似的其他RIA技术以及Ajax的精彩未来(E4X, Canvas, SVG,的相关应用)。本书的全部代码下载地址:http://media.pragprog.com/titles/ajax/code/ajax-code.zip 本书秉承了《程序员修炼之道》的特点—— “从小工到专家”,各个层次的web开发人员都能从本书中获益匪浅。 -author is the founder of Ajaxian.com, JavaOne, TheServerSide and many other high-level meeting of the speaker. Pragmatic the book as one of the series, starting from practice, Ajax examples demonstrate the many characteristics Shoubashoujiao you realize the splendor Google Map results. Ajax church you not only technical details, also take you to understand the powerful mainstream Ajax Kit (Dojo, Prototype, Script.aculo.us, DWR, Backbase, SmartClient, Ajax.NET, SAJAX, JSON-RPC). Real-time master Ajax View the source code for the methods and the corresponding code debugging methods, Learning Ajax development model and the framework. The latter part of the book spent five chapters from the server side programming point of view, described in detail by Ajax with PHP, Ruby On Rails, Java and. NE
Platform: | Size: 2579456 | Author: zoujian | Hits:


Description: JSON在symbian中的应用,内附文档-JSON in symbian application, enclosing the documents
Platform: | Size: 246784 | Author: 涛涛 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopAJAXTraining

Description: 实现自动刷新页面 本例实现页面自动刷新的效果,该页面的内容如图5-4所示,在该页面中将根据数据库中存储的最新数据信息更新页面中热卖商品的信息,但是对这些信息的修改并不会导致整个页面的刷新。 实际的Web应用中,诸如:天气预报、直播比赛以及股市行情等页面往往都需要定期进行自动刷新。 传统的Web实现方式中,要想实现类似的效果必须进行整个页面的刷新,在网络速度受到一定限制的情况下,这种因为一个局部变动而牵动整个页面的处理方式显得有些得不偿失。
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: xsh | Hits:


Description: 自己编写的JSON-RPC封装,使用方法简单,已在工程中多次应用-I have written JSON-RPC package, easy to use, has been repeatedly applied in engineering
Platform: | Size: 69632 | Author: 王阿土 | Hits:


Description: ext+json异步加载树,ext的初级应用-ext+ json tree
Platform: | Size: 1517568 | Author: gulang | Hits:

[Delphi VCLlkJSON-1.06

Description: 一个用delphi实现json应用的开发包。最新版本。包含源码。-A package which use delphi to implement Json application.Include full source.
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: jack tiger | Hits:

[Finance-Stock software systemjson

Description: ajax实例应用,json实现的许多功能-ajax example application, json to achieve many of the features
Platform: | Size: 169984 | Author: tom | Hits:


Description: json需要的包,json是一种很好的格式,具有非常好的应用前途。-json required packages, json is a good format, with a very good application prospects.
Platform: | Size: 92160 | Author: han qiang | Hits:


Description: 《Java组件设计》的源代码,有许多企业级应用的核心组件的实现代码,包括:配置组件,数据库访问组件,Socket通信组件,JSON转换器,日志组件,权限组件-Java Component Design source code includes core components for enterprise, like configuration, database access, socket, JSON, logger, rights.
Platform: | Size: 4536320 | Author: | Hits:

[Delphi VCLcocwJSONdemo

Description: JSON结构的demo ,可以使大家熟悉JSON结构的应用-JSON struct DEMO
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: 李阳 | Hits:


Description: json数据处理格式,结合主站程序的应用。尽管有许多宣传关于 XML 如何拥有跨平台,跨语言的优势,然而,除非应用于 Web Services,否则,在普通的 Web 应用中,开发者经常为 XML 的解析伤透了脑筋,无论是服务器端生成或处理 XML,还是客户端用 JavaScript 解析 XML -json format data processing, combined with the application of the master program. Despite the publicity about the XML how many have cross-platform, cross-language advantage, however, unless applied to Web Services, or, in general Web applications, developers often as XML, parsing a headache, whether it is generated server-side or deal with XML, or XML parsing client using JavaScript
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: pangzilulu168 | Hits:


Description: 主要实现了专辑浏览,音乐在线播放,下载等等。虽说看起来功能不多,但是绝对十分具有参考价值,考虑的十分严谨。因为里面应用了网络通讯,json解析,全局mediaservice,自定义View组件,自定义Adapter,application全局缓存,变量等等,所有要在项目中考虑到的优化问题-Main achievement of the album browsing, music, online play, downloads and more. Although not many seem to feature, but it definitely is a reference value, given the very stringent. Because it was the application of network communication, json analysis, global mediaservice, Custom View components, custom Adapter, application global cache, variables, etc., all projects should be taken into account in the optimization problem
Platform: | Size: 1000448 | Author: tanbo | Hits:


Description: google maps api的应用,数据采用惊悚保存,是一个小型的管理软件,可以查看本公司的所有的地区分布的分公司-google maps api applications, data Save with horror, is a small management software, you can view all of the geographical distribution of the company' s branch
Platform: | Size: 969728 | Author: 薛宝 | Hits:

[Other Web CodeStrut2_Ztree_json

Description: jquery的ztree应用,集合struts2进行了动态树节点的操作-jquery ztree applications
Platform: | Size: 4638720 | Author: 毛毛 | Hits:

[WEB Codees_wms_apiGB2312

Description: PHP种JSON应用 -PHP kinds JSON application
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 余业勤 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringabout-JSON

Description: 详细介绍JSON的结构与应用,JSON的使用,有大量实例,与XML对比-Detailed introduction JSON structure and application, the use of JSON, there are a large number of examples, compared with XML
Platform: | Size: 290816 | Author: wangxinzhong | Hits:

[Web Serverjson-c-master

Description: json-c-master是c代码方式解析json代码,高效简洁适合应用级使用。-json-c-master c code parsing json code, simple and efficient for application-level use.
Platform: | Size: 91136 | Author: tomer | Hits:


Description: jsonrpc 基本认为是一种xmlrpc的替代方案。在php中应用jsonrpc,是常见的一种用法。此方案中,给出了php权威的调用方法示例。-Using jsonrpc in php.
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: 王明心 | Hits:


Description: 包含基础教程,使用方法入门教程,应用,等等(Include basic tutorials, using method tutorials, applications, and so on)
Platform: | Size: 6844416 | Author: yjbj | Hits:
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