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[Data structsK均值聚类

Description: 对图像进行K均值聚类的程序
Platform: | Size: 179761 | Author: gunner | Hits:


Description: 用matlab实现K均值算法
Platform: | Size: 5083 | Author: zhengna2000@126.com | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsk均值聚类算法源代码

Description: K均值聚类算法源代码-K-means clustering algorithm source code
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: 静子 | Hits:


Description: c++编写的模式识别k均值算法-c k prepared by the average pattern recognition algorithm
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 李俊 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopExam096 k均值算法

Description: 用c语言编写的k均值算法-prepared by the k-means Algorithm
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: | Hits:


Description: k均值算法的源代码-k means algorithm source code
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 刘新华 | Hits:


Description: K-均值聚类算法的编程实现。包括逐点聚类和批处理聚类。K-均值聚类的的时间复杂度是n*k*m,其中n为样本数,k为类别数,m为样本维数。这个时间复杂度是相当客观的。因为如果用每秒10亿次的计算机对50个样本采用穷举法分两类,寻找最优,列举一遍约66.7天,分成3类,则要约3500万年。针对算法局部最优的缺点,本人正在编制模拟退火程序进行改进。希望及早奉给大家,倾听高手教诲。-K-means clustering algorithm programming. Point by point, including clustering and clustering batch. K-means clustering of the time complexity of n* k* m, n samples, several types of k, m sample dimension. The time complexity is a very objective. Because if we use one billion times per second the computer using 50 samples of two exhaustive method to find the optimal set out again about 66.7 days, divided into three categories, offering 3,500 years. Local optimal algorithm against the shortcomings, I was prepared simulated annealing process improvements. Early Feng hope for everyone, listen to the master teachings.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 韩磊 | Hits:


Description: 数据挖掘中K均值算法的实现用MATLAB编写-data mining to the K-means algorithm to achieve prepared using MATLAB
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 方巍巍 | Hits:


Description: K均值算法的一个改进算法,简单实用,但是有点简单。-K-means algorithm of an improved algorithm is simple and practical, but a bit simple.
Platform: | Size: 79872 | Author: 石支柱 | Hits:

[Special Effects将维对分和K均值算法分割图像

Description: 利用聚类算法分割图像,将维对分法只可将图像分为2部分,可以作为二值化的代码,K-均值法可将图像分为任意多部分。程序直接采用R、G、B三色作为特征参数,聚类中心为随机值,当然也可以采用其他参数,程序编译为EXE文件后速度还可以接受,但尚有改进的余地,那位高手有空修改的话,请给我也发份代码。-clustering algorithm using image segmentation, Victoria right method can only image is divided into two parts, the two values can be used as the source, K-means algorithm can be divided into images of arbitrary multi-part. Procedures used directly in R, G, B color as the characteristic parameters for the cluster center random value, of course, can also be used for other parameters, procedures EXE compiler to speed document acceptable, but there is still room for improvement, but the master of the time change, then please give me also made in the code.
Platform: | Size: 50176 | Author: pbt | Hits:


Description: 本程序通过k均值算法对两类进行分类。通过任意选择初始点,由k均值很快找到两类的中心点-the procedure k means algorithm to classify two types. Through arbitrary choice initial point, k Mean quickly found two focal point
Platform: | Size: 102400 | Author: luxiangzz | Hits:


Description: 实现K均值算法,读取文件,实现K均值的分类。-K-means algorithm to achieve, reading the paper, K-mean achievement category.
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: | Hits:

[Graph programK聚类

Description: 基于K均值聚类的图像检索:用K均值聚类方法提取图像特征进行检索-K-means clustering- based Image Retrieval : K-means clustering method of extracting image features Search
Platform: | Size: 2091008 | Author: 吴成玉 | Hits:

[Graph programK均值聚类

Description: K均值聚类算法图像分割,最传统的一种分割方法(K mean clustering segmentation)
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: 瞌睡虫醒了呀 | Hits:


Description: 介绍了传统的图像分割与K-均值聚类算法分割,然后利用OpenCV函数将其实现,并介绍了OpenCV中图像分割相关的基本函数。(This paper introduces the segmentation of traditional image segmentation and K- mean clustering algorithm, then uses OpenCV function to implement it, and introduces the basic functions of image segmentation in OpenCV.)
Platform: | Size: 464896 | Author: 术道 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsk均值聚类

Description: 用VC++写的K均值聚类算法,可以直接使用(K mean clustering algorithm is written by VC++ , which can be used directly.)
Platform: | Size: 187392 | Author: gongshixin | Hits:


Description: 根据k均值聚类的原理,实现一些数字的聚类,但是具体类别数需要自己设置(Clustering of some numbers by K mean clustering)
Platform: | Size: 2109440 | Author: fighter小皮皮 | Hits:

[Graph programK—均值聚类提取

Description: k均值聚类提取,适合学习。先将RGB图像转换到LAB空间,在LAB空间进行聚类分割。(K-means clustering is suitable for learning. First convert the RGB image to LAB space and perform clustering and segmentation in the LAB space.)
Platform: | Size: 2323456 | Author: 江城歌 | Hits:


Description: K均值聚类算法-对数据进行聚类分析,适合数据处理(k means clustering algorithm)
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 季jsx | Hits:


Description: 基于粒子群优化的k均值,可以对实验对象进行定性分类(Based on the k-means of particle swarm optimization, the experimental objects can be qualitatively classified)
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 付夕夕 | Hits:
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