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Description: A novel Ka-band bandpass filter using LIGA micromachined proce
Platform: | Size: 982968 | Author: 赵欣 | Hits:


Description: A novel Ka-band bandpass filter using LIGA micromachined proce
Platform: | Size: 983040 | Author: 赵欣 | Hits:

[Program docAnAssessmentOfTheBitErrorRatePerformanceOfQPSK8PSK

Description: 一个分析Ka波段各种调制方式的很珍贵的资料,从欧洲航天局下载得到,学习一下。-An analysis of Ka-band modulation of a variety of very valuable information, download from the European Space Agency have been learning about.
Platform: | Size: 226304 | Author: wanghua | Hits:


Description: 设计并仿真了适合Ka 频段卫星移动信道的信号传输体制仿真结果为最终实现方案提供 了可靠的数据同时针对所设计的Turbo 编码和GMSK 调制相结合的信号传输体制提出了迭 代信道估计算法明显改善了系统的误码率BER 性能-Designed and simulated for Ka-band mobile satellite channel signal transmission system simulation results for the final program provides reliable data also for the design of the Turbo coding and GMSK modulation combined signal transmission system proposed iterative channel estimation algorithm significantly improved the system bit error rate BER performance
Platform: | Size: 461824 | Author: motonula | Hits:

[Windows DevelopKa

Description: Ka频段卫星通信上行链路自适应功率控制Ka band satellite communication uplink adaptive power control-Ka band satellite communication uplink adaptive power control
Platform: | Size: 1139712 | Author: ect200 | Hits:


Description: 16QAM的Matlab仿真程序,不仅仅是依照通信原理课本的框图编写,还加上此种调制方式在Ka频段的受天气影响的性能仿真-16 QAM of Matlab simulation program, is not only in accordance with the principle of communication of the block diagram of textbook compilation, and the modulation mode in Ka frequency band is affected by weather influence performance simulation
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 李密 | Hits:


Description: π/4-DQPSK的Matlab调制解调仿真程序,通过在Ka频段的仿真得出不同天气情况下此调制方式的受影响情况-π/4- DQPSK Matlab modem simulation program, through the simulation in Ka band at the different weather condition the modulation mode affected situation
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 李密 | Hits:

[source in ebookbeta

Description: Name beta.f Created 1.7.2000 c This program is for eigenvalue in a Ka band Rectangular c Waveguide-Name beta.f Created 1.7.2000 c This program is for eigenvalue in a Ka band Rectangular c Waveguide
Platform: | Size: 266240 | Author: aa | Hits:


Description: Ka-Band Self-Biased Monolithic GaAs pHEMT Low Noise Amplifier
Platform: | Size: 126976 | Author: gaoyuan | Hits:


Description: matlab simulink 仿真ka波段信道-matlab simulink simulation ka-band channel
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: wangce | Hits:


Description: FDD链路的仿真使用的是KA波段,其中在接收端涉及到多种算法(位同步算法,DD算法等)-FDD link simulation using KA band
Platform: | Size: 57344 | Author: BOB | Hits:


Description: Ka波段矩形波导H面膜片滤波器模式匹配法分析,得出了滤波器的回波损耗曲线。-Ka-band rectangular waveguide H-chip filter mask pattern matching analysis, the return loss curve filter.
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: 李江 | Hits:


Description: HFSS文件,毫米波介质棒天线仿真,频段为Ka波段,增益大约20dBi-HFSS file, millimeter-wave dielectric rod antenna simulation, for the Ka-band frequencies, the gain is about 20dBi
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: 李文帅 | Hits:


Description: KA波段卫星通信链路建模仿真程序,主要是对大气层中的降雨衰落进行仿真。-KA band satellite communication links modeling and simulation program, mainly for the atmosphere to simulate rain fading.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: cc | Hits:


Description: ka波段卫星通信链路数据传输的吞吐率、可用性仿真计算。使用markov建模-ka band satellite communications links for data transmission throughput, availability simulation. Use markov Modeling
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: cc | Hits:

[Post-TeleCom sofeware systemsBPSK

Description: BPSK信号的误码率特性仿真 利用NASA和ESA的数据对Ka波段基于火星探测的深空通信链路的中断特性进行了仿真-Error rate characteristics BPSK signal simulation utilizing NASA and ESA data for Ka-band based on the Mars Exploration interrupt feature of deep space communication link simulation
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: asan | Hits:

[Post-TeleCom sofeware systemsBER_BPSK_Rayleigh

Description: BPSK信号的误码率特性仿真 利用NASA和ESA的数据对Ka波段基于火星探测的深空通信链路的中断特性进行了仿真-Error rate characteristics BPSK signal simulation utilizing NASA and ESA data for Ka-band based on the Mars Exploration interrupt feature of deep space communication link simulation
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: asan | Hits:


Description: 在无线通信体系中,由于开放的通信信道条件,卫星通信系统中通信链路容易受到平均大气条件的影响,尤其是采用Ka波段的高频信号的系统,容易受到降雨造成的雨衰影响,严重影响了系统的有效性和可靠性。(In a wireless communication system, the communication channel open, average atmospheric conditions vulnerable to the communication link in satellite communication system, especially the system of high frequency signal using Ka band, vulnerable to the influence of rain attenuation caused by rainfall, seriously affect the validity and reliability of the system. In digital systems, channel coding is often used to improve reliability, while modulation is used to ensure effectiveness. Low order modulation and large redundancy coding are adopted to improve the reliability.)
Platform: | Size: 70656 | Author: zdjh-3156 | Hits:

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