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Description: by Jay Kadane。Input:a vector with floats.Output:the maximum submatrix.-by Jay Kadane. Input : a vector with floats.Output : the maximum submatrix.
Platform: | Size: 870 | Author: 蒲永鑫 | Hits:


Description: by Jay Kadane。Input:a vector with floats.Output:the maximum submatrix.-by Jay Kadane. Input : a vector with floats.Output : the maximum submatrix.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 蒲永鑫 | Hits:


Description: Solution for the problem 6609 - Minimal Subarray Length(ACM-ICPC Live Archive), uses Kadane s Algorithm. Time of complexity O(n2).
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: enfranks | Hits:

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