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Description: jsp的Email爱很管用吧,试试吧,如果喜欢就下载-JSPEmail if you lik it , you could download it and use!
Platform: | Size: 4829184 | Author: 程晓龙 | Hits:

[Other Riddle gameslik

Description: 连连看Java小游戏,很适合初学者学习,每行代码都有详细的注释。-Lianliankan J2ME little game, very suitable for beginners
Platform: | Size: 210944 | Author: lixiang | Hits:

[Windows DevelopThinking_in_CPP_2nd_ed_-_Vol_2_-_Rev_4_PalmDoc.zi

Description: a very useful book if u wanna read on c++., hope u lik it
Platform: | Size: 421888 | Author: sac | Hits:


Description: 在先前已上传的那个版本上做了一点改进: 1.将服务器与客户端之间的通讯命令做了处理,这次采用特殊编码格式的命令控制方式,摒弃了先前版本中采用的通过解码成字符串的命令格式,避免了解码过程中会出现的bug(特殊情况下此bug才会出现,表现为将内部命令作为消息正文打印出来。。。让我很受伤。。) 2.增加了闪屏振动功能(一看就知道模仿MSN的。。没创意。。。),可以群振,也可以点对点振,反正振你没商量! 3.修正了其他的一些小bug。 程序截图还是先前版本的截图,凑合着看看吧,偶懒得再截了。。。 有个朋友发邮件问我在本机测试时为什么服务器开了,客户端死活连不上去,这次服务器启动监听后会打印出绑定到的IP地址及端口号,这样貌似就可以解决了吧。。。。 程序运行需要.NET Framework2.0的支持,以后不会再折腾这玩意了,其实这也就是一个作业而已,貌似就我搞得很来劲。。。总感觉同步的Socket的不会做出很强大的功能出来,bug多的要死,还折腾了这么长时间,伤心。。。以后有时间会尝试一下异步通信,后话了。。。不过就此程序还是欢迎大家一起交流。 :-) -In the previous version that has been uploaded to do a little improvement: 1 server and client communication between the command to do a deal, this time using a special encoding format of the command and control approach instead of the previous version used a string by decoding the command format, to avoid the decoding process will be the bug (a special case of this bug to appear, showing the internal command as the message body will be printed... I am hurt.) (2) increase the splash screen vibration function (see that mimic the MSN.. Not creative 。。。), group of vibration can also be point-vibration, vibration you top anyway! 3. Fixed some other small bug. Program screenshot or screenshots of the previous version, make do with a look at it, even too lazy to cut up. . . Email a friend asked me why the test in the local server opened, life and death Rom to the client, the server will start listening to bind to print out the IP address and port number, so it looks lik
Platform: | Size: 1491968 | Author: lzg8688 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个仿webQQ源码,Wweb应用的。可以做办公OA系统中-lik webQQ source code
Platform: | Size: 1901568 | Author: 释慧恒 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringArithmeticOperations

Description: find math fonsiyoin with aritmetic operators lik + - */
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: furkan | Hits:


Description: Estimating State-Space models through Maximum Likelihood_matlab code
Platform: | Size: 188416 | Author: wicked | Hits:


Description: api dig this is api dig.lik zhonghua
Platform: | Size: 549888 | Author: 8676 | Hits:

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