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Description: Status InitPolyn(polyn P) {/*建立一个空的一元多项式的链表*/ P=(polyn)malloc(sizeof(LNode)) if(P==NULL) exit (OVERFLOW) P->data.coef=0 P->data.expn=-1 P->next=NULL return OK }/*InitPolyn*/-Status InitPolyn (Polynesia P) (/ * establish an empty number one yuan - Chain * / P = (Polynesia) malloc (sizeof (LNode)) if (P == NULL) exit (overflow) P -
Platform: | Size: 6522 | Author: iieeww | Hits:

[Other resourcecutedraw1

Description: 画图工具L c R G NONE End Enum Dim graph As Graphic Private Type Lnode’定义一个节点类型来 保存每个图形的信息 Sx As Single Sy As Single Tx As Single Ty As Single Bch As Graphic Color As Long End Type 画图:直线,圆跟矩形都用Line方法来实现,封装在Public Sub-drawing tools c R L G NONE End Enum Dim graph As Graphic Private Type Lnode 'definition of a node to preserve each type of graphical information Sx As Sy As Single Single Single Tx As Ty As Single Bch As Long As Graphic Color End Type Painting : linear , round rectangle with both methods to achieve Line, the Public Sub Packaging
Platform: | Size: 31927 | Author: 魏衍斌 | Hits:

[Graph Drawingcutedraw1

Description: 画图工具L c R G NONE End Enum Dim graph As Graphic Private Type Lnode’定义一个节点类型来 保存每个图形的信息 Sx As Single Sy As Single Tx As Single Ty As Single Bch As Graphic Color As Long End Type 画图:直线,圆跟矩形都用Line方法来实现,封装在Public Sub-drawing tools c R L G NONE End Enum Dim graph As Graphic Private Type Lnode 'definition of a node to preserve each type of graphical information Sx As Sy As Single Single Single Tx As Ty As Single Bch As Long As Graphic Color End Type Painting : linear , round rectangle with both methods to achieve Line, the Public Sub Packaging
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: 魏衍斌 | Hits:


Description: 本程序将Head表示成指向数据类型为结构体LNode的指针变量,首先给出了单链表的定义,然后给出了单链表中函数原型的实现部分。-Head said this process will point to the data type for the structure of the pointer variable LNode, first of all, given the definition of a single list, and then given a single list in the function of the realization of a prototype part.
Platform: | Size: 358400 | Author: wang | Hits:

[Windows DevelopLNode

Description: 1、 随机产生或键盘输入一组元素,建立一个带头结点的单向链表(无序)。 2、 遍历单向链表。 3、 把单向链表中元素逆置(不允许申请新的结点空间)。 4、 在单向链表中删除所有的偶数元素结点。 5、 编写在非递减有序链表中插入一个元素使链表元素仍有序的函数,并利用该函数建立一个非递减有序单向链表。 6、 利用算法5建立两个非递减有序单向链表,然后合并成一个非递增链表。 7、 利用算法5建立两个非递减有序单向链表,然后合并成一个非递减链表。 8、 利用算法1建立的链表,实现将其分解成两个链表,其中一个全部为奇数,令一个全部为偶数(尽量利用已知的存储空间). 9、 利用单向链表实现一元多项式的存储并实现两个多项式相加并输出结果。 10、 在主函数中设计一个简单的菜单,分别调试上述算法。 -visual c
Platform: | Size: 300032 | Author: 黎殇 | Hits:


Description: 链表的各种操作集合,数据结构的基本操作,包括增删改添等-List a collection of various operations, the basic operation of the data structure, including additions and deletions and other changes Tim
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 苏庆贺 | Hits:

[Data structs123

Description: 单链表的删除插入输入输出清空多值插入和删除。-delete of the lnode
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: jump | Hits:


Description: typedef int ElemType: stuct LNode{ ElemType data LNode*next }
Platform: | Size: 48128 | Author: tayirjan | Hits:

[Data structsLnode

Description: 本程序是学习数据结构的基础程序,主要有线性链表,栈,多为数组。-This program is to learn basic programming data structures, mainly linear linked lists, stacks, and more for the array.
Platform: | Size: 156672 | Author: 袁风帆 | Hits:


Description: 本子程序包含5个子程序,其主要功能是: (1) 子程序CXCY(E,L,IE,JE)的功能 用于计算各单元的杆件的长度及在结构坐标系中的倾角α的三角函数cosα、sinα。 (2) 子程序ELEA(E,L,IE,JE,A)的功能 用于计算结构坐标系下各单元刚度矩阵中的刚度系数。 (3) 子程序TOTAL(E,LNODE,KE,KZ)的功能 用于形成半带宽的结构原始刚度矩阵。 (4) 子程序FIFX(NP,FXI,FXJ,FYI,FYJ,MMI,MMJ,WL,IE,JE)的功能 它是用来计算各单元的等效节点荷载。 (5) 子程序STIFF(E,KE)的功能 -Book program consists of five sub-programs, and its main functions are: (1) subroutine CXCY (E, L, IE, JE) function The unit used to calculate the length of the bar and in the structure coordinates of the angle α of the trigonometric functions cosα, sinα. (2) subroutine ELEA (E, L, IE, JE, A) function Coordinate system used to calculate the structure of the element stiffness matrix stiffness. (3) subroutine TOTAL (E, LNODE, KE, KZ) function Used to form the structure of semi-bandwidth of the original stiffness matrix. (4) subroutine FIFX (NP, FXI, FXJ, FYI, FYJ, MMI, MMJ, WL, IE, JE) function It is used to calculate the equivalent nodal load of each unit. (5) subroutine STIFF (E, KE) function
Platform: | Size: 33792 | Author: 安zhaoqing | Hits:


Description: 可实现 数据结构中的链结构,具有逆序功能-Data structures can be achieved in the chain structure, a reverse function
Platform: | Size: 155648 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 指针是一个地址,他自己也是有一个地址。一级指针(带一个*号)表示一级地址,他自身地址为二级地址。二级指针(带两个*号)表示二级地址,他自身地址为三级地址。- The pointer is an address, and he himself also has an address. A pointer (with a* number), said the first level address, his own address for the two level address. Two level pointer (with two* number), said the two address, his own address for the three level address.
Platform: | Size: 181248 | Author: 靳以2002 | Hits:

[Windows Develop数据结构课程设计报告(大整数的运算)

Description: 1、设计一个实现长整数进行四则运算的程序,长整数长度在二十位以上,有正负数的区别。 2、输入每四位一组,组间用逗号隔开,长整数位数没有上限,以分号结束长整型数据的输入。用lnode结点数据结构存储数据。每一个数据有一个头结点,它的data域用来放数据的正负数。其余结点的数都为正整数。 3、程序包含数据的输入,判断,运算,输出和主函数。 4、具体程序执行的命令包括: 输入函数:inputa();inputb();//的输入并建立双向循环链表 判断函数:compare();//比较数据的大小 运算函数:unsigndeadd();//无符号的加法 unsigndesub();//无符号的减法 add();sub();mul();div();//加减乘除四则运算 输出函数:divput();//除法结果的输出函数 putoutc();//其余结果的输出函数 主函数:main();(. A program is designed to carry out four operations with long integers. The length of the long integer is above twenty bits, and there is a difference between positive negative numbers.)
Platform: | Size: 41984 | Author: zhangzl1112 | Hits:

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