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Description: 3GPP推荐的SCM信道模型的MATLAB源码,实现了LOS场景和NLOS场景,以及极化天线情况下的仿真。-the simulation of SCM channel model suggested by 3GPP completed the environment of LOS and NLOS including the polarize antenna.
Platform: | Size: 66560 | Author: 展望 | Hits:


Description: this code can simulate the channel model for IEEE 802.15.3c.-802.15.3c channel model including LOS and NLOS model
Platform: | Size: 4776960 | Author: Yin-Chih Lu | Hits:


Description: generates a fading signal where a direct (LOS) component is present Rician channel
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: bsk | Hits:

[source in ebookMulti-Channel-model

Description: 多个信道模型仿真模型MATLAB源码,包括自由空间路径损耗函数、Okumura-Hata模型、COST231-WI视距模型、COST231-WI非视距模型、Rayleigh信道及COST-231 Hata模型等。-Multiple chanel model simulation with MATLAB code, include wireless_free_space_attenuation model, Okumura-Hata model, COST231-WI LOS model, COST231-WI NLOS model, Rayleigh model, etc al.
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: 王秋才 | Hits:


Description: MATLAB Codes for Calculate the line of sight Channel Gain-MATLAB Codes for Calculate the line of sight Channel Gain
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: emad | Hits:


Description: With rician channel model, both Line of Sight (LOS) and non Line of Sight(NLOS) components are simulated between transmitter and receiver. MATLAB provides built in function by name ricianchan as explained below along with rician matlab code-With rician channel model, both Line of Sight (LOS) and non Line of Sight(NLOS) components are simulated between transmitter and receiver. MATLAB provides built in function by name ricianchan as explained below along with rician matlab code
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: manyam srikanth | Hits:


Description: This is a Matlab code for Multiple In Multiple Out Channel Simulation in LOS and Diffuse communcation
Platform: | Size: 215040 | Author: musa | Hits:

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