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检测语音信号的共振峰 % gender = gender_detector(X,Fs) % % This function will use a pitch detection algorithm to decide if the speaker is MALE(0) or FEMALE (1). % It is designed to work with short speech samples (up to or greater than 50 ms). The function returns a % 0 if X contains male speech and a 1 if it contains female speech. -the resonance peak gender_detector% gender = (X, Fs)%% This function will use a detection a pitch lgorithm to decide if the speaker is abbreviation (0) or F EMALE (1). % It is designed to work with short spe ech samples (up to or greater than 50 ms). The fun ction returns a 0% if X contains a male speech and if it contains a female speech.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 16kb Publisher : lixiao

本工具箱利用lpc方法可以准确的提取出共振峰频率,并且解决了共振峰检测时滤波器阶数对所有说话人都一样的问题。本工具箱由美国卡内基梅隆大学一位教授编写,因此所有解释均为英文原版。-The toolbox to use LPC method can extract accurate formant frequency, and the resolution of formant filter order testing of all the speaker are the same problems. The toolbox by the United States a professor at Carnegie Mellon University to prepare, so all the explanations are the original English edition.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 43kb Publisher : yanjingyu

LPC测共振峰参数 适合初学者 希望对大家有用-LPC formant parameters measured for beginners hope everyone useful
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 姜莹

语音信号的线性预测编码分析,生成语音信号的波形图,共振峰-The linear predictive coding speech signal analysis, speech signal waveform is generated, formant
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : nfdigfg

采用线性预测的方法来实现语音信号的共振峰估计。-Speech formant estimation by LPC Method
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 天生我材

Formant_tracker based on LPC Analysis format:[formants]=formant_tracker(input,dimension,step,window_size,p,threshold)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : tttzhang97

第9章共振峰的估算方法259 9.1预加重和端点检测259 9.1.1预加重259 9.1.2端点检测260 9.2倒谱法对共振峰的估算260 9.2.1倒谱法共振峰估算的原理260 9.2.2倒谱法共振峰估算的MATLAB程序261 9.3LPC法对共振峰的估算262 9.3.1LPC法共振峰估算的原理262 9.3.2LPC内插法共振峰的估算263 9.3.3LPC求根法共振峰的估算266 9.4连续语音LPC法共振峰的检测268 9.4.1简单LPC共振峰检测268 9.4.2改进的LPC共振峰检测270 9.5基于HilbertHuang变换(HHT)的共振峰检测274 9.5.1希尔伯特变换275 9.5.2语音信号的另一种模型——AMFM模型278 9.5.3对AMFM模型的分析279 9.5.4语音信号共振峰特征参数提取的HHT方法279 9.5.5基于HilbertHuang变换的共振峰检测步骤和MATLAB程序280-Estimation Chapter 9 259 9.1 formant pre-emphasis and pre-emphasis endpoint detection 259 259 9.1.1 9.1.2 9.2 endpoint detection principle cepstrum estimate 260 to 260 9.2.1 formant formant estimation cepstrum 260 9.2.2 cepstrum estimate estimate estimate formant MATLAB program 261 9.3LPC method formant 262 9.3.1LPC law principle of formant estimation interpolation within 262 9.3.2LPC formants 263 9.3.3LPC Root Law resonance estimate peak 266 9.4 Continuous Speech LPC formant detection method is simple LPC formant 268 9.4.1 268 9.4.2 Improved detection LPC 270 9.5 formant detection based HilbertHuang transform (HHT) 274 9.5.1 formant detection Hill Another model 275 9.5.2 Hilbert transform voice signals- AMFM model 278 9.5.3 Analysis of the AMFM model HHT Method 279 9.5.4 formant speech signal feature extraction based HilbertHuang transform 279 9.5.5 Resonance peak detection step and MATLAB program 280
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10kb Publisher : 孟稳

LPC提取共振峰,由matlab平台实现,是一种提取共振峰信息的有效方法.-from Matlab platform is a resonance peak extraction of information in an effective manner.-LPC formant extraction, implemented by the matlab platform is an effective method to extract formant information.-From Matlab platform is a resonance peak extraction of information in an effective manner.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 聂勇

DL : 0
matlab声学特性处理;绘制元音立体图;计算LPC谱;提取共振峰。-matlab acoustic characteristics of treatment draw vowel perspective view calculated LPC spectrum extract formant.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 17kb Publisher : 胡亚铭

利用倒谱和线性预测编码的方法准确估计共振峰频率。-Discusses the accurate measurement of formant frequencies using Cesptral and LPC method. Each algorithm was implemented with Matlab and was applied in the aim to uate the precision of both designed techniques.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 173kb Publisher : Allen
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