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Description: 基于声卡的测试系统,可以录音并且保存声音文件,可以把声音文件回放,可以离线和在线做波形和频谱-Test system based on the sound card, you can save recordings and sound files, sound files can be playback, you can make offline and online waveform and spectrum
Platform: | Size: 161792 | Author: 肖强 | Hits:


Description: 以PID 控制为例,讨论在计算机控制中实现参数自整定的一种智能控制方法。在传统 的PID 控制的参数自整定算法中引入人工智能理论,首先将人的控制经验表示成自整定算法主要规则。 从专家系统角度,描述了规则的产生式表示和计算机内的存储结构,控制知识库的建立及推理机制。-PID control as an example to discuss the computer-controlled to achieve self-tuning parameters of an intelligent control methods. In the traditional PID control parameters for self-tuning algorithm for the introduction of artificial intelligence theory, first of all, the control of human experience expressed as self-tuning algorithm for the primary rules. Expert system from the point of view, describes the rules and production, said computer storage structure, control the establishment of a knowledge base and reasoning mechanism.
Platform: | Size: 452608 | Author: 周炜 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringLabVIEW_motor_control

Description: 以LabVIEW 開發馬達控制系統之檢測平台,有用到ccd的控制,是一个很好的参考资料-The development of motor control to LabVIEW System Detected platform, useful to the ccd control, is a good reference
Platform: | Size: 392192 | Author: skytech | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopLABVIEW

Description: 多元线性回归分析是一种重要的数据处理方法, 借助图形化的虚拟仪器开发平台LabVIEW 可开发出集数据剔错、模 型构建、统计检验、区间估计与预测等功能为一体的多元线性回归的可视化数据处理系统。系统构建方法新颖和稳健, 通用 性和适应性强, 可方便地与数据采集整合使用, 又可单独应用, 具有广泛应用价值。文章对系统的构建与设计作了阐述, 给 出了主要的实现程序。-Abstr act:The multivariate linear regression analysis is an important data processing method. The visual data processing system of the multivariate linear regression has been developed by using graphic virtual instrument engineering workbench- LabVIEW, which collects the functions of inordinate data elimination, model constructing, statistic test, interval estimate and prediction. The constructing method of the system is new and sane, and its versatility and adaptability are good. The software can be integrated with the data acquisition conveniently, and can also be applied alone and it is of extensive application value. The article describes the construction and the design of the system and gives the main realizing program. Key words:LabVIEW, multivar iate linear r egr ession, data processing, system design
Platform: | Size: 1319936 | Author: 张平 | Hits:

[Com PortLabVIEW-based-serial-communications-with-the-PLC-t

Description: 介绍使用ADAM5000的通信协议实现LabVIEW与ADAM5510通信,从而完成上位机对ADAM5510 实时监控的系统 给出了用户自己开发基于LabVIEW的接口板及驱动程序的方法-on the use of LabVIEW with the communication protocol to achieve ADAM5510 communications, in order to complete the ADAM5510 PC real-time monitoring of the system given the user' s own interface based on LabVIEW driver board and the method
Platform: | Size: 339968 | Author: 李娜 | Hits:

[Program docLabVIEW-based-PC-and-PLC-to-achieve-the-real-time-

Description: 基于LabVIEW实现PC与PLC的实时监控#应用图形化编程语言LabVIEW,根据台湾永宏FATEK FBs系列可编程控制器通信协议,开发出FBsPLC与LabVIEW串口通信程序,并以LabVIEW为平台实现PC与PLC的实时监控系统 还介绍了LRC校验码的实现方法#- Application graphical programming language LabVIEW, according to Taiwan-Hong Yong FATEK FBs series programmable logic controller communication protocol developed FBsPLC serial communication program with LabVIEW and LabVIEW for PC platform with the PLC real-time monitoring system also described the realization of LRC method Check#
Platform: | Size: 532480 | Author: 李娜 | Hits:

[assembly languageLabVIEW

Description: LabVIEW制作的登陆系统,包括登陆窗口,用户名,和密码-LabVIEW produced landing system, including the landing window, the user name and password
Platform: | Size: 73728 | Author: 丽丽 | Hits:


Description: 基于LabVIEW的单片机温度测控系统设计-LabVIEW-based temperature measurement and control system of single-chip design
Platform: | Size: 150528 | Author: cheng yufei | Hits:

[Other systemsLabVIEW-basedsimulationoftheopenspacesystemdesignb

Description: 基于LabVIEW的空地导弹弹道仿真系统设计-LabVIEW-based simulation of the open space system design ballistic missile
Platform: | Size: 114688 | Author: cheng yufei | Hits:


Description: 这是《SYSTEM VIEW》这本书的所有例程的源代码。-This is the " SYSTEM VIEW" this book' s source code for all routines.
Platform: | Size: 165888 | Author: 胡应坤 | Hits:


Description: cisco telephony system
Platform: | Size: 187392 | Author: Yuttapon | Hits:

[Software Engineeringlabview

Description: 电能质量中谐波的测量方法。电能质量监测与分析系统的设计与实现。-Harmonic power quality measurement method. Power Quality Monitoring and Analysis System Design and Implementation.
Platform: | Size: 36864 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 本系统在传统空调控制的基础上增设短信远程控制所需的短信收发、处理、信息反馈等模块,对空调实现远程操作,并能通过短信向用户反馈室内温度、空调运行状态等各种信息-The traditional air-conditioning control system based on the addition of SMS messaging required for the remote control, processing, information feedback module, remote operation of the air-conditioning, and feedback to the user via SMS indoor temperature, air-conditioning running, and other information
Platform: | Size: 2077696 | Author: 方兴 | Hits:


Description: 本程序是基于Labview的数据采集系统,提供数据采集和数据存储的功能。-This procedure is based on the Labview data acquisition system that provides data collection and data storage functions.
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: 王言法 | Hits:


Description: 利用PXI 总线控制器以及IEEE􀀁 1394 接口的图像采集设备构建机器视觉系统, 应用 计算机视觉以及数字图像处理技术实现了墙地砖表面缺陷的自动检测及等级分类-The system of automatic gr ading and defect detection of tiles based on LabVIEW is studied, in w hich the techno lo gy of the computer visual and dig ital imag e pr ocessing ar e applied.
Platform: | Size: 442368 | Author: lantian | Hits:

[Com PortLabVIEW-UART-Temprature

Description: 利用Labview对串口进行读写控制,构成LabVIEW模拟温度采集系统,保证可用!-Using Labview to read and write to the serial port control, constitute the LabVIEW simulation temperature acquisition system, to ensure that available!
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: 小武 | Hits:

[DSP programLabVIEW-data-acquisition-system

Description: 基于LabVIEW的多通道数据采集系统的设计,江苏科技大学硕士毕业论文。全文分为2部分第一部分数据采集硬件的设计中,采用DSP 作为采集卡的CPU,利用USB 接口实现了采集卡与PC 机的通信,整个外围逻辑时序部分用CPLD 控制。第二部分数据管理与分析,作者利用LabVIEW 编写了基于Windows XP的上位机应用程序以及上位机与采集卡之间的通信程序;利用LabSQL 工具包建立了ACCESS 数据库,实现对采集到的数据的存储,并可以查询历史数据。同时系统可以生成报表以及可以对所需要的数据进行打印,并可以对得到的数据进行一些必要的分析,如加窗函数,逐点分析。本文版权归作者所有!下载后产生后果下载者个人负责-LabVIEW-based multi-channel data acquisition system, Jiangsu University of Science Thesis. Paper is divided into two parts the first part of data acquisition hardware design, acquisition card with DSP as CPU, USB interface using a capture card and PC-communication, the entire outer part of the logic timing control with the CPLD. The second part of the data management and analysis, the authors prepared using LabVIEW Windows XP-based PC applications and PC and the communication between the acquisition card program use LabSQL Kit ACCESS database was established to achieve the collected data storage and can query the historical data. At the same time the system can generate the required reports and data can be printed, and can get the necessary data analysis, such as windowing function, point by point analysis. 将中文译成英语 All copyright of the article! Consequences for those who download download individual responsibility
Platform: | Size: 784384 | Author: 吴小平 | Hits:


Description: 基于LabVIEW的USB 数据采集系统 -The USB-based data acquisition system LabVIEW
Platform: | Size: 265216 | Author: wu | Hits:

[USB developLabVIEW-system

Description: 介绍了一种基于usb2.0实现的labview高速数据采集系统,讨论了usb控制器EZ-USB FXZ CY7C68013的性能及传输方式。-Introduces a high-speed usb2.0 achieve labview data acquisition system, discuss the usb controller EZ-USB FXZ CY7C68013 performance and transmission.
Platform: | Size: 276480 | Author: zhangna | Hits:

[Program docLabview-system-module

Description: 用于Labview的程序架构,可适用于任何大中型程序的开发-labview system module
Platform: | Size: 45056 | Author: lobe | Hits:
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