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Description: 根据请求调页存储管理方式的相关原理,编程模拟实现一个请求调页存储管理系统,该系统的页面置换算法必须包括先进先出页面淘汰算法(FIFO)、最近最少使用LRU页面淘汰算法和最佳淘汰算法。同时系统可以随意设置当前分配给作业的物理块数。 系统运行时,任意输入一个页面访问序列,设定不同的页面置换算法和物理块数,输出其页面淘汰的情况,计算其缺页次数和页面置换次数。 系统结束后,要求比较同一个页面访问序列,在不同的页面置换算法和物理块数的情况下,其产生的缺页次数和页面置换次数,并分析其原因。 -Paging, on request of the related storage management principle, the realization of a programmable analog paging request storage management system, the system s page replacement algorithm must include the page-out algorithm FIFO (FIFO), least recently used LRU algorithm for page-out and the most Jia-out algorithm. At the same time, the current system settings can be allocated to the operation of the physical block number. Run-time system, a page arbitrarily input sequence set different page replacement algorithms and a number of physical blocks, the output of the circumstances out of its pages to calculate the number of missing pages and the number of page replacement. System after the request for comparison with the sequence of a page, the page in different physical block replacement algorithm and the number of cases, the resulting lack of page number and the number of page replacement, and to analyze its causes.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: yangyang | Hits:

[OS Developqiangqiutiaoye

Description: 根据请求调页存储管理方式的相关原理,编程模拟实现一个请求调页存储管理系统,该系统的页面置换算法必须包括先进先出页面淘汰算法(FIFO)、最近最少使用LRU页面淘汰算法和最佳淘汰算法。同时系统可以随意设置当前分配给作业的物理块数。 系统运行时,任意输入一个页面访问序列,设定不同的页面置换算法和物理块数,输出其页面淘汰的情况,计算其缺页次数和页面置换次数。 系统结束后,要求比较同一个页面访问序列,在不同的页面置换算法和物理块数的情况下,其产生的缺页次数和页面置换次数,并分析其原因 -Paging, on request of the related storage management principle, the realization of a programmable analog paging request storage management system, the system s page replacement algorithm must include the page-out algorithm FIFO (FIFO), least recently used LRU algorithm for page-out and the most Jia-out algorithm. At the same time, the current system settings can be allocated to the operation of the physical block number. Run-time system, a page arbitrarily input sequence set different page replacement algorithms and a number of physical blocks, the output of the circumstances out of its pages to calculate the number of missing pages and the number of page replacement. System after the request for comparison with the sequence of a page, the page in different physical block replacement algorithm and the number of cases, the resulting lack of page number and the number of page replacement, and analysis of its causes
Platform: | Size: 181248 | Author: hlhi | Hits:

[OS programVir_Mem

Description: 2.设计一个虚拟存储区和内存工作区,并使用下述算法计算访问命中率。 1) 最佳置换算法(Optimal) 2) 先进先出法(Fisrt In First Out) 3) 最近最久未使用(Least Recently Used) 4) 最不经常使用法(Least Frequently Used) 5) 最近未使用法(No Used Recently) 其中,命中率=1-页面失效次数/页地址流长度。 试对上述算法的性能加以较各:页面个数和命中率间的关系;同样情况下的命中率比较。 -2. To design a virtual memory storage area and work area, and access using the following algorithm to calculate the hit rate. 1) The best replacement algorithm (Optimal) 2) FIFO (Fisrt In First Out) 3) most recently from lack of use (Least Recently Used) 4) the least frequently used method (Least Frequently Used) 5) does not use a recently (No Used Recently) where hit rate = 1- invalid page number/page address stream length. Test the performance of the algorithms to be compared with each: the page number and the relationship between hit rate the same hit rate in case of comparison.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: zhongkeli | Hits:

[Data structs6

Description: 页面置换算法理解页面置换算法,实现先进先出(FIFO)置换算法和最久未使用(LRU)置换算法。给出任意的输入流,计算置换次数。-Page replacement algorithms understand page replacement algorithm, first in first out (FIFO) replacement algorithm and least-recently used (LRU) replacement algorithm. Any given input stream, calculate the number of replacement.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 瓜哥 | Hits:


Description: It is a basic program to demonstrate page replacement algorithms like FIFO(first in first out),LRU(least recently used)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: neal123 | Hits:

[OS programFIFO-and-LRU-algorithm

Description: 实现页面置换的先进先出算法(FIFO)和最近最久未使用算法(LRU)。很不错。-FIFO page replacement algorithms (FIFO) and least-recently-used algorithm (LRU). Very good.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 韩磊 | Hits:

[OS programnfu

Description: LRU老化算法 主要实现了一下三个算法模拟:FIFO算法,LRU算法,LFU算法 FIFO:先进先出页置换算法 LRU:最近最久未使用页置换算法 LFU:最不经常使用页置换算法 -The The LRU aging algorithm main achievement of the three algorithms simulation: FIFO algorithm, LRU algorithm, LFU algorithm FIFO: first-in, first-out page replacement algorithm the LRU: most-recently-used page replacement algorithm LFU: the least frequently used page replacement algorithm
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: 株株 | Hits:


Description: 几种页面置换算法如先进先出,最佳置换,最近最久未使用算法-Several page replacement algorithms such as FIFO, the optimal replacement, the least recently used algorithm
Platform: | Size: 293888 | Author: 小文 | Hits:

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