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车牌识别系统图像处理函数,包括二值化,边缘检测和定位算法-License Plate Recognition system of image processing functions, including binarization, edge detection and localization algorithm
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7kb Publisher : wyl

OPNET 14.5.A.PL1的安装,包括下载地址,详细的安装步骤,以及破解,提供60个license。-OPNET 14.5.A.PL1 installing, have 60 license
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 202kb Publisher : king

VC++编程,实现车牌定位与识别系统,只是个小程序-VC++ programming, location and license plate recognition system, only a small program
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1016kb Publisher : 张飞

这是一个车牌定位识别的源代码,在文字识别,车牌定位等领域中广泛应用,很好用。-This is a license plate localization recognition of source code, in character recognition and license plate location in the fields such as wide application, it is to use.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher :

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本书系统地介绍了图像处理与识别的基本原理、典型方法和实用技术。全书共分12章,第1章-第6章是图像处理与识别的基础内容,包括图像科学综述、MATLAB语言图像编程、图像增强、图像分割、图像特征提取和图像识别;第7章-第10章是图像处理与识别的工程实例,涵盖了医学图像处理、文字识别和自导引小车路径识别等应用实例,并结合理论算法,提供了大量MATLAB代码程序,以帮助读者掌握如何使用MATLAB语言快速进行算法的仿真、调试和估计等方法。第11章-第12章,是两个综合性较强的实例,分别足Visual C++实现的基于神经网络的文字识别系统和车牌定位系统。 本书附带的光盆给出了各个章节列举的实例的源代码,同时赠送了28个常用数字图像处理算法的Visual C++代码实现。光盘在下一次的上载中给出。 -This book introduces image processing and recognition, the basic principle of typical methods and practical technology. The book is divided into 12 chapters, chapter 1-chapter 6 is the basis of image processing and identify content, including image science, summary and MATLAB language image programming, image enhancement, image segmentation, image feature extraction and image recognition Chapter 7-chapter 10 is the image processing and identification of the engineering example, covers the medical image processing, and character recognition and the guidance car path recognition application examples, and combine theory algorithm to provide large amounts of MATLAB code to help the reader master how to use MATLAB language of rapid algorithm simulation, commissioning and estimate method. Chapter 11-chapter 12, is two more integrated example, full Visual C++ respectively the realization of the character recognition based on neural network system and license plate localization system. This b
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.18mb Publisher : 张丽玲

Malaysian Vehicle License Plate Localization and Recognition System paper
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.88mb Publisher : avee

基于MATLAB的车牌识别,主要包括车牌定位、字符分割和字符识别三个核心模块。从预处理、边缘检测、车牌定位、字符分割、字符识别五个方面实现车牌识别-License plate recognition based on MATLAB, including license plate localization, character segmentation and character recognition three core modules. From the pretreatment, edge detection, license plate localization, character segmentation, character recognition five license plate recognition
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 258kb Publisher : 邝圣茜

车辆自动识别(AVI)是智能交通系统中的一项重要技术。汽车牌照识别是实现车辆自动识别的一种重要的技术手段。而从包含汽车牌照的图像中准确、快速地分割出牌照区域是实现车牌自动识别的一个关键步骤。 本文主要研究了汽车牌照识别中车牌定位问题。车牌定位分为两步进行,首先对车牌进行初定位,对初定位后的车牌图像进行二值化、几何矫正,然后再精确定位车牌区域。同时,在matlab环境下仿真了汽车牌照识别,仿真结果表明,本文算法能很好的识别汽车牌照。 -the Vehicle automatic identification (AVI) is the intelligent transportation system is an important technology. Car licence plate recognition is to realize the automatic recognition of vehicle is a kind of important technical means. And the car licence contains accurately and rapidly in image segment the licence area is realizing automatic license plate recognition is a key step. This paper mainly studies the car license plate location in the licence plate recognition. License plate localization is divided into two steps of vehicle license plate, first to early, early after positioning the license plate location binary image, geometric correction, then accurate positioning license plate area. Meanwhile, in matlab simulation the car licence plate recognition, the simulation results show that the algorithm can very good recognition car licence.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.49mb Publisher : wfyan
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