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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 55.6kb Publisher : linshan

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Gimpel Software. Reference Manual for PC-lint/FlexeLint. July,2001
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.74mb Publisher : zmuying

PC-Lint是一个历史悠久,功能异常强劲的静态代码检测工具。它的使用历史可以追溯到计算机编程的远古时代(30多年以前)。经过这么多年的发展,它不但能够监测出许多语法逻辑上的隐患,而且也能够有效地帮你提出许多程序在空间利用、运行效率上的改进点,在很多专业级的软件公司,比如Microsoft, PC-Lint检查无错误无警告是代码首先要过的第一关,我个人觉得,对于小公司和个人开发而言,PC-Lint也非常重要,因为基于开发成本考虑,小公司和个人往往不能拿出很多很全面的测试,这时候,PC-Lint的强劲功能可以很好地提高软件的质量。--PC-Lint is an old and very powerful static code checking tool. After more than 30 years development, it could not only detect potential bugs in the codes, but also help improving the space usage of your programs. In some big software companies, like Microsoft, the first requirement of the code is to pass PC-Lint. For small companies or personal developers, PC-Lint could also be very helpful.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 44.45kb Publisher : 林金明

PC-Lint是一种静态代码检测工具,可以说,PC-LINT是一种更加严格的编译器,不仅可以象普通编译器那样检查出一般的语法错误,还可以检查出那些虽然完全合乎语法要求,但很可能是潜在的、不易发现的错误。--PC-Lint is a static code checking tool. In other words, PC-Lint is a more powerful compiler. It could detect normal syntax errors like normal compilers, and it also could find some potential and difficult to find errors, though they are correct in syntax.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 8.82mb Publisher : 林金明

Update : 2012-03-17 Size : 2.25mb Publisher : hjshhyy

PC-Lint是一个历史悠久,功能异常强劲的静态代码检测工具。它的使用历史可以追溯到计算机编程的远古时代(30多年以前)。经过这么多年的发展,它不但能够监测出许多语法逻辑上的隐患,而且也能够有效地帮你提出许多程序在空间利用、运行效率上的改进点,在很多专业级的软件公司,比如Microsoft, PC-Lint检查无错误无警告是代码首先要过的第一关,我个人觉得,对于小公司和个人开发而言,PC-Lint也非常重要,因为基于开发成本考虑,小公司和个人往往不能拿出很多很全面的测试,这时候,PC-Lint的强劲功能可以很好地提高软件的质量。--PC-Lint is an old and very powerful static code checking tool. After more than 30 years development, it could not only detect potential bugs in the codes, but also help improving the space usage of your programs. In some big software companies, like Microsoft, the first requirement of the code is to pass PC-Lint. For small companies or personal developers, PC-Lint could also be very helpful.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 44kb Publisher : 林金明

PC-Lint是一种静态代码检测工具,可以说,PC-LINT是一种更加严格的编译器,不仅可以象普通编译器那样检查出一般的语法错误,还可以检查出那些虽然完全合乎语法要求,但很可能是潜在的、不易发现的错误。--PC-Lint is a static code checking tool. In other words, PC-Lint is a more powerful compiler. It could detect normal syntax errors like normal compilers, and it also could find some potential and difficult to find errors, though they are correct in syntax.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.82mb Publisher : 林金明

DL : 0
这个是大数的加法运算的程序,以数组为大数的承载来构成大数-this is the addition of large numbers of Operational procedures for the array of large numbers of carrying large numbers to form
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : car

DL : 0
PC-LINT的配置文件,其实主要是删除了一些无用的警告,避免了使用的麻烦。-PC-Lint configuration file, is actually deleted some useless warned to avoid the use of trouble.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10kb Publisher : 不知道

PC-Lint Configuration File for CARM Compiler This ZIP contains the latest PC-Lint .LNT configuration file for CARM Compiler and LPC2148 USBHID SOURCE -PC-Lint Configuration File for Maser Compi ler This ZIP contains the latest PC-Lint. LNT co nfiguration file for Maser Compiler and LPC2148 USBHID SOURCE
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 107kb Publisher : 徐勇

讲述了软件测试度量技术与代码静态检测技术,讲授了当前条件下可以利用的工具(logiscope与pc-lint)来帮助完成一系列的测试工作的原理,并带有应用实例.-on the software testing measurement and static code detection technology, taught under the current conditions can be used as a tool (logiscope with pc- lint) to help complete a series of tests of principle, and with application examples.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.02mb Publisher : 张子祥

为PC-lint for C/C++ (NT) Ver. 7.50v版本配置参数的详细解释及用法举例。-For PC-lint for C/C++ (NT) Ver. 7.50v version of configuration parameters of a detailed explanation and usage example.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 44kb Publisher : youfile

DL : 0
Gimpel Software. Reference Manual for PC-lint/FlexeLint. July,2001-err
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.74mb Publisher : zmuying

LintTool是一款c++静态检查工具,集成了pc-lint,方便的界面操作。-LintTool is a c++ Static checking tools, integrated pc-lint, convenient operation interface.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 557kb Publisher : 车来泡

DL : 0
PC LINT规则文件,是一个级别较高的规则。并且对一些用途较小的规则做了删减,以优化检查效率-PC LINT rules documents, is a high-level rules. And for some purposes the rules have done a smaller cut in order to optimize the efficiency of inspection
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : pubibuo

pclint 8.00x。C/C++软件代码静态分析工具PC-Lint的最新版8.00x,内涵PC-Lint集成到VC++6.0和SourceInsight的方法和步骤。强烈推荐大家使用。-pclint 8.00x. C/C++ software code static analysis tool for PC-Lint the latest version of 8.00x, the connotation of PC-Lint integrated into VC++6.0 and the methods and steps SourceInsight. Strongly recommend that you use.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.01mb Publisher : 王网

DL : 0
pclint 静态测试工具 使用文档 pclint 静态测试工具 使用文档-pclint tutor pclint tutor pclint tutor pclint tutor pclint tutor
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.73mb Publisher : Crsay

PC-Lint是C/C++软件代码静态分析工具,你可以把它看作是一种更加严格的编译器.-PC-Lint is a C/C++ software code static analysis tool, you can put it as a more strict compiler.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.01mb Publisher : 杨晓观

DL : 0
pclint源码检查工具。能用于代码的检查。-pclint source code inspection tools. Can be used to check the code.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.83mb Publisher : vikei

pc lint C语言静态检测工具。非常实用的静态检测工具。可以检查MISRA规范等。-pc lint C language static detection tools. Very useful tool for static testing. Can check the MISRA norms.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.06mb Publisher : Ziberg
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