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详细讲述了linux设备驱动程序的开发,想学习linux下设备驱动程序开发工作的人员可以参考。文件清单列出如下: linuxdriver_code_tool |-- 03 | `-- 2.6内核升级工具 | |-- device-mapper-1.00.19-2.i386.rpm | |-- lvm2-2.00.25-1.01.i386.rpm | |-- mkinitrd- | |-- module-init-tools-3.2.2.tar.bz2 | `-- modutils-2.4.5-1.src.rpm |-- 04 | |-- 内核模块参数范例 | | `-- book.c | |-- 内核模块导出符号 | | `-- export_symb.c | `-- 最简单的内核模块 | `-- hello.c |-- 05 | `-- udev源代码 | `-- udev-114.tar.gz |-- 06 | |-- globalmem驱动 | | `-- globalmem.c | `-- 包含2个globalmem设备的驱动 | `-- globalmem_two.c |-- 07 | `-- 含并发控制的globalmem驱动 | `-- globalmem_lock.c |-- 08 | |-- globalfifo驱动 | | `-- globalfifo.c | `-- poll应用程序范例 | `-- pollmonitor.c |-- 09 | |-- 异步通知应用程序范例 | | `-- asyncmonitor.c | `-- 支持异步通知的globalfifo | `-- globalfifo_async.c |-- 10 | |-- S3C2410实时钟驱动 | | `-- s3c2410-rtc.c | `-- 秒设备驱动与应用程序 | |-- second.c | `-- second_test.c |-- 11 | |-- DMA范例 | | |-- 3c505.c | | |-- 3c505.h | | `-- dma.h | `-- 静态映射范例 | `-- mach-smdk2440.c |-- 12 | |-- NVRAM驱动 | | `-- generic_nvram.c | |-- 触摸屏驱动 | | |-- 作为input设备 | | | |-- s3c2410_ts.c | | | `-- s3c2410_ts.h | | `-- 作为普通字符设备 | | `-- s3c2410-ts.c | |-- 看门狗驱动 | | `-- s3c2410_wdt.c | `-- 平台设备 | `-- devs.c |-- 13 | |-- IDE驱动 | | |-- ide-disk.c | | `-- ide-h8300.c | `-- RAMDISK驱动 | `-- rd.c |-- 14 | |-- S3C2410串口驱动 | | |-- regs-gpio.h | | |-- regs-serial.h | | `-- s3c2410.c | `-- 串口核心层 | |-- serial_core.c | `-- serial_core.h |-- 15 | |-- S3C2410 I2C主机驱动 | | |-- i2c-s3c2410.c | | |-- iic.h | | |-- regs-gpio.h | | `-- regs-iic.h | `-- SAA711x I2C设备驱动 | `-- saa711x.c |-- 16 | `-- CS8900以太网设备驱动 | |-- cs89x0.c | `-- cs89x0.h |-- 17 | |-- ALSA工具及库 | | |-- alsa-driver-1.0.15.tar.bz2 | | |-- alsa-firmware-1.0.15.tar.bz2 | | |-- alsa-lib-1.0.15.tar.bz2 | | |-- alsa-oss-1.0.15.tar.bz2 | | |-- alsa-tools-1.0.15.tar.bz2 | | |-- alsa-utils-1.0.13.tar.bz2 | | `-- pyalsa-1.0.15.tar.bz2 | |-- ALSA驱动范例 | | |-- sa11xx-uda1341.c | | `-- uda1341.h | |-- ALSA应用程序范例 | | |-- pcm.c | | `-- pcm_min.c | |-- OSS驱动范例 | | `-- s3c2410-uda1341.c | `-- OSS应用程序范例 | |-- mixer.c | `-- sound.c |-- 18 | |-- FRAMEBUFFER应用程序范例 | | `-- fb_display | | |-- fb_display.c | | |-- fb_display.h | | |-- Makefile | | |-- README | | `-- test.c | `-- S3C2410 LCD驱动 | |-- s3c2410fb.c | `-- s3c2410fb.h |-- 19 | |-- busybox源代码 | | `-- busybox-1.2.1.tar.bz2 | |-- MTD工具 | | `-- mtd-utils-1.0.0.tar.gz | |-- nand驱动范例 | | `-- s3c2410.c | |-- nor驱动范例 | | `-- s3c2410nor.c | `-- yaffs&yaffs2源代码 | |-- yaffs.tar.gz | `-- yaffs2.tar.gz |-- 20 | |-- USB串口驱动 | | |-- usb-serial.c | | `-- usb-serial.h | |-- USB工具 | | `-- usbview-1.0.tar.tar | |-- USB骨架程序 | | `-- usb-skeleton.c | |-- USB键盘驱动 | | |-- input.h | | |-- usb_input.h | | `-- usbkbd.c | `-- usb主机控制器驱动范例 | |-- ohci-s3c2410.c | `-- usb-control.h |-- 21 | |-- PCI骨架程序 | | `-- pci-skeleton.c | `-- PCI驱动范例 | `-- i810_audio.c `-- 22 |-- 范例代码 | |-- oops范例 | | |-- oops_example.asm | | `-- oops_example.c | `-- proc范例 | `-- sim_proc.c `-- 内核调试工具 |-- ddd-3.3.11.tar.gz |-- gdbmod-2.4.bz2 |-- kdb-v4.4-2.6.15-rc5-common-1.bz2 |-- kdb-v4.4-2.6.15-rc5-common-2.bz2 |-- kdb-v4.4-2.6.15-rc5-i386-1.bz2 `-- linux-
Update : 2010-11-29 Size : 23.92mb Publisher : zxx000

Linux custom kernel 2.6.31
Update : 2012-02-24 Size : 74.69mb Publisher :

linux下用来播放mp3的插件-used the plug-in MP3 player
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 92kb Publisher : 无法激活

Linux下最简单的tcp通讯,是个不错的例子,适合初学者快速入门,在linux rethat9调试通过!-Linux simple tcp communications, is a good example for beginners Quick Start in linux rethat9 debugging through!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13kb Publisher :

linux下面的一个开源的多媒体中间件,与directfb之类的类似-linux following a multimedia middleware revenue, and like directfb similar
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.67mb Publisher : 全不知

这是一个自动生成MAKEFILE的工具。在LINUX工程项目里是很好的帮手。希望对大家有点帮助。-This is an automatically generated MAKEFILE tool. LINUX projects in Lane is a good helper. We hope to help a bit.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 433kb Publisher : wcg

busybox-1.2.0的源码包,busybox是在构建嵌入式linux环境的时候经常用到的工具-busybox- 1.2.0 source code package, busybox is in the building embedded Linux environment in the frequently used tools
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.59mb Publisher : 孟钢

linux上播放midi音乐,但是要一些设置.可网上查找. 软件名称: TiMidity++-2.13.0.tar-linux to play midi music, but a number of settings. can find online. Software name: TiMidity++-2.13.0.tar
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 984kb Publisher : fff

linux cvs软件源码,著名的软件版本控制工具,可方便的进行代码管理-linux cvs source software, the famous software version control tool to facilitate the conduct of code management
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.52mb Publisher : linket

Simple DirectMedia Layer库,简称 SDL,是为数不多的商业游戏开发公司使用的免费软件库之一。它提供跨平台的二维帧缓冲区图形和音频服务,它支持 Linux、Win32 和 BeOS。也不同程度地支持其它平台,包括 Solaris、IRIX、FreeBSD 和 MacOS。除了大量的服务,包括线程、独立于字节存储次序的宏和 CD 音频,SDL 还提供了一个简单的 API,它允许您尽可能接近本机硬件。使用 SDL 有三重优点:稳定、简单和灵活。-Simple DirectMedia Layer library, or SDL, is one of the few commercial game development company uses one of the free software library. It provides two-dimensional cross-platform graphics frame buffer and audio services, it supports Linux, Win32 and BeOS. To varying degrees, also support other platforms, including Solaris, IRIX, FreeBSD and MacOS. Apart from a large number of services, including threads, independent of the byte storage order of the macro and CD audio, SDL also provides a simple API, it allows you as close as possible to the local hardware. The use of SDL has three advantages: stable, simple and flexible.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 567kb Publisher : litao

Linux内核TCP/IP网络栈实现源代码分析(1.2.13)-linux network stack kernel source analysis[1.2.13]
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.44mb Publisher : wencao

媒体库中间层,可以更容易开发媒体软件,如游戏等,这库在LINUX下GNU编程下使用-The Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL for short) is a cross-platfrom library designed to make it easy to write multi-media software, such as games and emulators. This library is distributed under the terms of the Linux GNU
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.22mb Publisher : 工人

sdl开发库,用于视频,音频,游戏开发的中间库,是开源的,可用于windows,linux.-sdl development library
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 607kb Publisher : jackyfoo

java的一个开源的日志系统,用户可以再自己的程序中随心所欲的利用该系统进行日志输出-Linux C++-based Internet network, reptiles, according to a user network can achieve high-speed efficiency of the crawl
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 350kb Publisher : lijianfei

linux环境下很多视屏软件编译都要用到的,功能相当强大-linux environment a lot of screen should be used to compile software, very powerful function
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.2mb Publisher : 苏清波

sja1000的PCI CAN通讯驱动适用于linux2.6内核-PCI CAN driver for Sja1000 in linux 2.6
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 210kb Publisher : aron

该源码包括了ARM+LINUX视频开发的所有源码spca5xx-20070402.rar gspcav1-20071214.tar.gz SDL-1.2.13.tar.gz servfox.tar.gz spacview-20061208.tar.gz 摄像头(WebCam)在Linux操作系统中的驱动方法.doc-The source code includes the ARM+ LINUX video development in all its source spca5xx-20070402.rar gspcav1-20071214.tar.gz SDL-1.2.13.tar.gz servfox.tar.gz spacview-20061208.tar. gz camera (WebCam) in the Linux operating system-driven approach. doc
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.8mb Publisher : 孙红勇

Linux1.2.13的内核源代码,值得一看。-Linux1.2.13 kernel source code, worth a visit.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.25mb Publisher : zhangzhenwei

busybox1.13.3源码 busybox用于制作嵌入式linux命令-busybox1.13.3 source for the production of embedded linux command busybox
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.92mb Publisher : xupeng

Linux和Mac下CCID驱动1.4.13版本-CCID driver for Linux and Driver 1.4.13 version.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 712kb Publisher : skybird
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