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Description: LmNet PF 神经网络预测平台是公司基于最优神经网络算法(Levenberg-Marquardt动量项法)开发的通用预测平台工具。它是针对用户进行预测需要,快速构建神经网络应用的通用预测平台,它能解决包括销售量预测、销售价格预测、成本预测、市场潜力预测、新产品价格预测等方面的预测分析。功能包括:新建、修改网络模型;网络训练;网络仿真;误差分析;专家样本数据自动生成;节点配置;数据归一化处理;网络参数初始化设置等。~..~ -Neural Network Prediction LmNet PF platform is based on the optimal neural network algorithm (Levenberg-Marquardt momentum of Law) predict the development of common tools platform. It is for users to predict the need for rapid construction of the universal application of neural network forecasting platform, it can solve, including sales forecasts, sales price forecasts, cost projections, the forecast market potential of new products, price forecasts for the areas of predictive analysis. Features include: new, modify the network model network training network simulation error analysis experts automatically generate sample data node configuration data normalization network settings such as initialization parameters. ~ .. ~
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