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[Graph programmakeseal

Description: 学习VC也没多久,将我做的这个小工具和大家分享一下。其主要功能就是可以自定义生成公章图形并保存为bmp图片,希望对大家有点用。具体实现的方法如下: 步骤一:生成对话框工程,并加入相应的控件,图片的显示使用Picture控件; 步骤二:定义生成图形所需要的参数; 步骤三:通过参数定义,生成对应的Bitmap,再在Picture控件中显示该位图,具体实 现参看源程序。 步骤四:将生成的Bitmap保存为位图文件。 -VC did not learn how long I will do this small tools and share with you. Its main function is to be generated from the definition graphics and seals for the preservation bmp picture, and I hope to use you a bit. The specific methods to achieve the following : Step 1 : Generation dialog, and add the corresponding controls, the pictures showed a picture control; Step 2 : definition graphics generated by the parameters; Step 3 : through the definition of parameters, generate the corresponding Bitmap, and the Picture Control showed the bitmap, See achieve specific source. Step 4 : Generation to preserve the Bitmap bitmap file.
Platform: | Size: 17684 | Author: 刘海 | Hits:

[Other resourceMakeSeal

Description: 关于图像制作的完整的源码,有文档,对初学者,很有帮助啊!
Platform: | Size: 18904 | Author: miao wang | Hits:


Description: 一个生成公章图片的简易工具
Platform: | Size: 25745 | Author: 刘怀泉 | Hits:

[Graph programmakeseal

Description: 学习VC也没多久,将我做的这个小工具和大家分享一下。其主要功能就是可以自定义生成公章图形并保存为bmp图片,希望对大家有点用。具体实现的方法如下: 步骤一:生成对话框工程,并加入相应的控件,图片的显示使用Picture控件; 步骤二:定义生成图形所需要的参数; 步骤三:通过参数定义,生成对应的Bitmap,再在Picture控件中显示该位图,具体实 现参看源程序。 步骤四:将生成的Bitmap保存为位图文件。 -VC did not learn how long I will do this small tools and share with you. Its main function is to be generated from the definition graphics and seals for the preservation bmp picture, and I hope to use you a bit. The specific methods to achieve the following : Step 1 : Generation dialog, and add the corresponding controls, the pictures showed a picture control; Step 2 : definition graphics generated by the parameters; Step 3 : through the definition of parameters, generate the corresponding Bitmap, and the Picture Control showed the bitmap, See achieve specific source. Step 4 : Generation to preserve the Bitmap bitmap file.
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: 刘海 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个实现电子签章的程序,在Visual C++6.0环境中编译通过,打开看看,一定会觉得很有意思:)-This is a realization of electronic signature procedure in the Visual C Compiler 6.0 environment through, open look, we will find it very interesting :)
Platform: | Size: 700416 | Author: xp | Hits:

[Special Effectstuz

Description: 1、可制作圆形、椭圆形、菱形、方形、三角形印章。 2、支持多种特效:翻转图形、透明处理、高斯模糊、亮度/对比度/饱和度/锐化/反相/海绵/陨化(磨砂)/浮雕等等。 3、可将制作好的印章保存至印章库。 4、支持1%-1000%比例缩放。 5、支持导出印章图片(透明图章使用GIF格式)。 6、支持预览/打印。-1, can be made round, oval, diamond, square, triangular seal. 2, supports a wide range of effects: flip graphics, transparent deal, Gaussian blur, brightness/contrast/Saturation/Sharpness/RP/sponge/meteorite of (Matte)/relief and so on. 3, can be saved to create a good seal of the Treasury seal. 4, in support of 1-1000 scaling. 5, support for export seal picture (stamp the use of transparent GIF format). 6, support for preview/print.
Platform: | Size: 1582080 | Author: 航宇 | Hits:

[Graph DrawingMakeSeal

Description: 关于图像制作的完整的源码,有文档,对初学者,很有帮助啊!-On the image produced by the complete source code, have documents, for beginners, helpful ah!
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: miao wang | Hits:


Description: 一个生成公章图片的简易工具-Generate a simple tool official images
Platform: | Size: 792576 | Author: 刘怀泉 | Hits:


Description: 制作一个印章,利用了双缓冲画图技术,最重要的是里面有帮助文档和参考的网页资料哦,相当全面,让你轻松上手。-To produce a seal, using a double buffer drawing technology, the most important thing is there to help documentation and reference information on the page Oh, very comprehensive and allows you to easily handcuffed.
Platform: | Size: 376832 | Author: 星海心翔 | Hits:


Description: 可以自定义生成公章图形并保存为bmp图片,希望对大家有点用。-Can customize the generation of official graphics and save it as bmp picture, in the hope that a bit with everyone.
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: 婷婷 | Hits:


Description: 本代码为 一个VC++环境下的公章绘制程序,应用到windows GDI的相关对象,还可以实现公章的保存-The code for a VC++ Environment official mapping procedures, applied to the relevant windows GDI objects, but also to achieve the preservation of official
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: 徐凯 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopYinZhang

Description: VC6开发的印章程序,仿照公司的印章,可以修改,很经典的-VC6 seal development process, modeled on the company s seal, can be amended, it is classic
Platform: | Size: 4323328 | Author: feng++ | Hits:


Description: 图章制作软件VC++ 图形图像操作源码,图章制作软件VC++ 图形图像操作源码-VC++ about picture
Platform: | Size: 2767872 | Author: | Hits:

[OS programMakeSeal

Description: 一个印章生产器源码,可以改变字和图标的大小等,功能-Generator source of a seal, you can change the size of words and icons, etc., function more
Platform: | Size: 773120 | Author: 任兵 | Hits:

[Other systemsMakeSeal

Description: 因为单位所有单据,且具有法律效力的文件,都必须加盖单位公章,但公章不能每人都有,所以研发此工具,可以自己电子公章-MAKE MEDAL
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: ANDFY | Hits:

[Windows DevelopMakeSeal

Description: 这是一个用gdi写的电子图章制作程序,对刚接触图形编程的朋友很有帮助,里面涉及一些图形的处理,颜色的处理-This is a gdi written with the production of the electronic stamp program to a friend helpful graphical programming, which involves a number of graphics processing, color processing, etc.
Platform: | Size: 50176 | Author: fqm | Hits:

[Windows DevelopMakeSeal

Description: 印章源码 C++源码 很简单但很实用,是初学者学习的一好例子 -======================================================================== MICROSOFT FOUNDATION CLASS LIBRARY : MakeSeal ======================================================================== AppWizard has created this MakeSeal application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your MakeSeal application. MakeSeal.dsp This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and is used to build a single project or subproject. Other users can share the project (.dsp) file, but they should export the makefiles locally. MakeSeal.h This is the main header file for the application. It includes other project specific headers (including Resource.h) and declares the CMakeSealApp application class. MakeSeal.cpp Thi
Platform: | Size: 2763776 | Author: pine | Hits:


Description: VC++实现的绘制图章程序 喜欢Windows编程的朋友可以下载-VC++ MakeSeal
Platform: | Size: 36864 | Author: 王文波 | Hits:


Description: 制作电子图章,能够完成电子图章的制作,自选颜色和字体,保存等功能,良好的人机交互界面-Creation of an electronic seal, to complete the production of electronic seal, optional colors and fonts, save functions, a good man-machine interface
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: monica | Hits:

[GUI DevelopMakeSeal

Description: MakeSeal印章,印章的绘制程序,还可以打印印章-MakeSeal seal, a stamp drawing program that can print stamp. . .
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: 程飞 | Hits:
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