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% Matlab implementation of SPIHT (without Arithmatic coding stage)
% By Jing Tian,

fprintf('-----------   Welcome to SPIHT Matlab Demo!   ----------------\n');

fprintf('-----------   Load Image   ----------------\n');
infilename = 'lena512.bmp';
outfilename = 'lena512_reconstruct.bmp';

Orig_I = double(imread(infilename));

rate = 1;

OrigSize = size(Orig_I, 1);
max_bits = floor(rate * OrigSize^2);
OutSize = OrigSize;
image_spiht = zeros(size(Orig_I));
[nRow, nColumn] = size(Orig_I);

fprintf('-----------   Wavelet Decomposition   ----------------\n');
n = size(Orig_I,1);
n_log = log2(n);
level = n_log;
% wavelet decomposition level can be defined by users manually.
type = 'bior4.4';
[Lo_D,Hi_D,Lo_R,Hi_R] = wfilters(type);

[I_W, S] = func_DWT(Orig_I, level, Lo_D, Hi_D);


fprintf('-----------   Encoding   ----------------\n');
img_enc = func_SPIHT_Enc(I_W, max_bits, nRow*nColumn, level);  

fprintf('-----------   Decoding   ----------------\n');
img_dec = func_SPIHT_Dec(img_enc);

fprintf('-----------   Wavelet Reconstruction   ----------------\n');
img_spiht = func_InvDWT(img_dec, S, Lo_R, Hi_R, level);

fprintf('-----------   PSNR analysis   ----------------\n');

imwrite(img_spiht, gray(256), outfilename, 'bmp');

Q = 255;
MSE = sum(sum((img_spiht-Orig_I).^2))/nRow / nColumn;
fprintf('The psnr performance is %.2f dB\n', 10*log10(Q*Q/MSE));

Update : 2008-07-07 Size : 227.42kb Publisher : jasonchang


Update : 2009-01-08 Size : 2.78mb Publisher : xiaofan308

IS-95 Simulation (Edited Version - Easy to Learn IS-95) By Rustam Efendi, Microwave Laboratory, STTTelkom Bandung, Indonesia Original Version by Gennady Zilberman, Ben-Gurion University (Thx Sir) Link Rate = 9600 KBps, Packet length = 20 msec
Update : 2010-05-29 Size : 4.57kb Publisher : zw2zab

在“浅析VC与Matlab联合编程(一)”中简单介绍了VC与matcom的接口编程,实现了VC调用matcom的一个基本功能,要真正熟练使用接口编程,还要对函数调用有一定了解。本文通过一个实例,较详细的介绍如何在VC中调用matcom编译后的函数。-The port program of VC and matcom is simplely introduced in the book-brief analysis of VC and Matlab combination program (part one), a basic function by using VC calling matcom can be achieved. But if you want to truly master the port program you must have some comprehension of the calling of function.That how to call the function after matcom compilation is related in detail by an example in this paper.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 103kb Publisher : huwu

matlab具有强大的函数库,VC具有高效率的优点。通过com接口将VC和matlab进行连接,本程序实现了VC调用matlab中的magic函数。-Matlab has powerful functions, VC with high efficiency advantages. Com interface through VC and Matlab connect, the program of VC call Matlab function of magic.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 96kb Publisher : lionheart

DL : 0
《精通MATLAB7.0混合编程》系统地介绍MATLAB 7.0的混合编程方法和技巧。全书共分为13章。第1章和第2章介绍MATLAB的基础知识,第3章简要介绍MATLAB混合编程,第4章至第9章分别介绍几种典型的混合编程方法,包括C-MEX、MATLAB引擎、MAT数据文件共享、Mideva、Matrix和Add-in。第10章、第11章介绍MATLAB与Delphi和Excel的混合编程。第12章介绍MATLAB COM Builder,第13章以图像处理为例介绍了一个综合应用实例。 本书按混合编程的具体方法进行逻辑编排,自始至终用实例描述,每章着重阐述各种混合编程方法的实质和要点,同时穿插了作者多年使用MATLAB的经验和体会。本书既适合初学者自学,也适用于高级MATLAB用户,可作为高等数学、计算机、电子工程、数值分析、信息工程等课程的教学参考书,也可供上述领域的科研工作者参考。 这里是本书所有源码压缩包,内容详尽、实例丰富,包含MATLAB实例的源文件、函数/命令和注解以及程序实例。 -"proficient MATLAB7 mixed programming" system introduced in MATLAB 7.0 Mixed Programming methods and techniques. The book is divided into 13 chapters. Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 on the basis of knowledge MATLAB, Chapter 3 briefed Matlab. Chapter 4-Chapter 9, respectively introduced several typical mixed programming, including C-MEX, MATLAB engine, MAT data file sharing, Mideva, Matrix and the Add-in. Chapter 10, Chapter 11 and Delphi on MATLAB and Excel hybrid programming. Chapter 12 on MATLAB COM Builder, chapter 13 for image processing as an example of a composite application. The book by the mixed programming methods for the specific logic layout description throughout example, Each chapter focuses on a combination of programming and real elements, while full of the author's
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.54mb Publisher : yixiao

《MATLAB 6.5辅助图像处理》 本书是基于MATLAB 6.5的图像处理工具箱v3.2 (Image Processing Toolbox)编写的,较全面系统地介绍了图像处理工具箱v3.2函数在有噪和退化图像的恢复、图形绘制、图像几何变换、图像增强、二值分析、小波分析和分形几何用于图像处理,以及图形用户界面设计等方面的工程实际应用。全书侧重于图像处理工具箱在工程中的具体应用,通过具体的分析和详细的实例,读者不仅可以对MATLAB图像处理工具箱函数的强大功能有一个深刻了解,更能学会正确运用它快速解决实际问题的方法,从而提高分析问题和解决问题的能力。飞思在线“下载专区”提供书中范例源代码。 本书内容全面新颖、针对性强,理论与实际紧密结合,可供从事图像处理相关工作的教师、高年级本科生、研究生和广大科研人员参考。 -"MATLAB 6.5 support image processing," the book is based on MATLAB 6.5 of Image Processing Toolbox v3.2 (Image Processing Toolbox) Prepare, a more comprehensive system to introduce the Image Processing Toolbox v3.2 function in a noisy and the restoration of degraded images, graphics rendering, Image geometry transform, image enhancement, value analysis, wavelet analysis and fractal geometry for image processing, and the graphical user interface design, so the practical application of engineering. The book focused on Image Processing Toolbox works in the concrete application, through specific and detailed analysis of the examples, readers can not only on MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox function of the powerful have a deep understanding, better learn how to correctly apply it quick
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 45kb Publisher : xinxin

基于COM的VC与Matlab的混合编程技术-COM-based Visual C++ and Matlab mixed programming technology
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 106kb Publisher : 巍巍

利用VC++和Matlab的COM BUILDER生成的COM组件,实现Matlab和VC++的联合编程,随机画图。-VC and Matlab COM BUILDER generated COM, Matlab and VC realization of joint programming, random drawing.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 54kb Publisher : zhangkun

MATLAB和Visual C++-COM混合编程-MATLAB and Visual C++-COM Hybrid Programming
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : 冯杰

DL : 1
matlab环境下的多路串口数据实时绘图显示,GUI界面。-matlab environment in real-time multi-channel serial data graphics, GUI interface.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 82kb Publisher : xiaxianfeng

matlab+com接口编程 这里 以 Matlab擅长的矩阵运算为例来说明基于COM的VC与Matlab接口实现方法。-matlab+ com interface to Matlab programming here at the matrix calculation as an example to illustrate the VC based on the COM interface methods and Matlab.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 132kb Publisher : 马嗣仁

 VC + + 与MATLAB 混合编程,可以将VC 优秀的可视化编程能力和MATLAB 强大的计算能力结合起来。 分析了C 语言与MATLAB7. x 在接口的特点,详细介绍了VC + + 6. 0 与MATLAB7. x 混合编程的三种方法: MATLAB 引擎、MATLAB 编译器和MATLAB COM 编译器-VC++ Mixed with MATLAB programming, can be excellent VC Visualization MATLAB programming capacity and computing power together. Analysis of the C language and MATLAB7. X in the interface characteristics described in detail VC++ 6. 0 and MATLAB7. X mixed programming in three ways: MATLAB engine, MATLAB Compiler and MATLAB COM compiler
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 272kb Publisher : 胡辉

DL : 0
MATLAB命令汇总~便于查询~十分有用-MATLAB command summary ~ ~ very useful to facilitate inquiries ~~~~~~~~~
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19kb Publisher : sky

DL : 0
串口通信内容的详细过程,matlab的应用-serial communication !!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : fjp119

 VC + + 与MATLAB 混合编程,可以将VC 优秀的可视化编程能力和MATLAB 强大的计算能力结合起来。 分析了C 语言与MATLAB7. x 在接口的特点,详细介绍了VC + + 6. 0 与MATLAB7. x 混合编程的三种方法: MATLAB 引擎、MATLAB 编译器和MATLAB COM 编译器。比较分析了各种方法的适用范围,介绍了发布混编程序的方法。- Wit h t he combination of VC++ and MA TLAB , t he p ower of VC++ in inte rf ace p rogramming and t he p owe r of MA TLAB in comp uting are well combined. The interf ace cha racte ristic MA TLAB 7. x wit h C is analyzed. Three ways of combination p rogramming f or MA TLAB 7. x and VC++ 6. 0 a re int roduced in detail : wit h MA TLAB engine , wit h MA TLAB Compiler and wit h MA TLAB Builde r f or COM. The p rope r context of dif f e rent ways is int roduced and com2 p a red. The ways of releasing t he combination p rogram is int roduced
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 271kb Publisher : wang han

它能够把MATLAB的应用程序直接转变成Windows COM组件。MATLAB COM BUILDER给用户提供了另外一种代码重用以及程序发布的方式,它使得MATLAB应用程序更加容易发布和配置。-It is able to MATLAB application directly into a Windows COM components. MATLAB COM BUILDER provides the user with another code reuse, and procedures issued by way, it makes it easier to publish MATLAB applications and configuration.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 83kb Publisher : 张朝辉

VC调用matlab神经网络工具箱的实例,但是只能预测,不能新建网络和训练网络。使用的是com方式-VC++ MATLAB ANN
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.18mb Publisher : 李名

Mathworks公司在Matlab6.5中推出了将Matlab中的.m函数编译为COM组件的工具COM Builder,使用这个工具可以方便的制作出想要的COM组件,以供其它支持COM的编程语言调用,实现Matlab和其他编程语言的整合。-The Mathworks launched in Matlab6.5 m function compiled in Matlab COM component tools COM Builder, use this tool can easily produce desired COM components for other programming language that supports COM call to achieve the integration of Matlab and other programming languages.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 305kb Publisher : 文人

实现了matlab COM接口与OPENDSS的交互,可以在matlab中编程对PENDSS内的程序进行更改。以 IEEE-13节点系统潮流计算作为opendss与matlab交互编程的标准示例,帮助学习者更快的掌握opendss与matlab的交互。(OpenDSS utilized for a distribution system power flow using Matlab COM Interfacing)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 939kb Publisher : kongmang
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