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MFC程序中显示JPG或GIF图像文件示例,能方便的运用到自己的程序中。-MFC process shows JPG or GIF image files example, can facilitate the use of its own procedures.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 368kb Publisher : 摩尔

在MFC程序中显示JPG-GIF图像,方法简单实用.经过验证.-in MFC process shows JPG-GIF images, simple and practical method. Validated.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 299kb Publisher : 吴名

DL : 0
目前在网上有一个CPictureEx类,用于加载GIF动画,不过该类是mfc封装类,对于不使用mfc的c++程序员来讲,不能使用。为了让该类能够让更多的人方便的使用,使其不再被局限于MFC,本人花时间改造了一下这个类,改造后,该类可以应用于任何MFC、 WTL/ATL及其它WINDOWS API编程。   由于原来的CPictureEx是继承于CStatic类,本人改造后,在CPictureEx中直接封装了一个窗口句柄HWND。   假设您在一个弹出式Dialog对话框中加载gif动画,您要做的就是在对话框中放一个控件,可以是BUTTON、STATIC等等。假设您加的这个控件的ID是IDC_FLASH,您的对话框窗口句柄是hDlg,则要使用CPictureEx,将非常简单。详情参见源代码。-present on the Internet which is a CPictureEx category for loading GIF animation, But such is mfc Packaging category for the non-use of the c mfc speaking programmers, which can not be used. To allow such to allow more people to use, it will not be confined to the MFC. I spend time on this transformation of the type that after transformation, and these can be applied to any MFC. WTL/ATL and other Windows API programming. As the original CPictureEx inherited from CStatic category, I transform, In CPictureEx directly Packaging a window handle HWND. Suppose you in a pop-up dialog box loaded Dialog gif animation You need to be done is up in a dialog box controls can be BUTTON, STATIC, and so on. Suppose you added in the control ID is IDC_FLASH, your dialog window handle is hDlg, CPictureEx w
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 357kb Publisher : 王易

前在网上有一个CPictureEx类,用于加载GIF动画,不过该类是mfc封装类,对于不使用mfc的c++程序员来讲,不能使用。为了让该类能够让更多的人方便的使用,使其不再被局限于MFC,花时间改造了一下这个类,改造,该类可以应用于任何MFC、 WTL/ATL及其它INDOWS API编程。由于原来的CPictureEx是继承于CStatic类,改造后,在CPictureEx中直接封装了一个窗口句柄HWND。假设您在一个弹出式Dialog对话框中加载gif动画,您要做的就是在对话框中放一个控件,可以是BUTTON、STATIC等等。假设您加的这个控件的ID是IDC_FLASH,您的对话框窗口句柄是hDlg,则要使用CPictureEx,将非常简单。详情参见源代码。-ago on the Internet which is a CPictureEx category for loading GIF animation, But such is mfc Packaging category for the non-use of the c mfc speaking programmers, which can not be used. To allow such to allow more people to use, it will not be confined to the MFC. renovation of time spent on this category, transformation and can be applied to any such MFC, WTL/ATL and other INDOWS API programming. As the original CPictureEx inherited from CStatic category that after transformation, In CPictureEx directly Packaging a window handle HWND. Suppose you in a pop-up dialog box loaded Dialog gif animation You need to be done is up in a dialog box controls can be BUTTON, STATIC, and so on. Suppose you added in the control ID is IDC_FLASH, your dialog window handle is hDlg, CPictureEx would use,
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 357kb Publisher : 陈真

在VC,MFC中显示图像,如GIF,JPEG等格式-in VC, MFC showed images such as GIF, JPEG format, etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 21kb Publisher : Khy

Gif再MFC中的显示 -Gif again MFC display Gif further indication of MFC MFC Gif further indication Gif MFC further indication
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 25kb Publisher : pada

在MFC程序中显示JPG/GIF图像如果你是一个使用VB编程的程序员,要在程序中显示JPG或者GIF图像简直易如反掌,将图像控件拖到Form中,分分钟即可搞掂。但是C++程序员要显示同样的图形却没 -in MFC process shows JPG/GIF image if you are using a VB programmers. in the proceedings to show JPG or GIF images just as easy to wait until Form Image Control,- minutes fixed up. But C programmers to show the same no graphics
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : richard

DL : 0
MFC IIS防盗链 开发环境 vc++ 7.0(MFC) / windows 2003 sp1 / iis6.1 主要功能: 1 防盗链 2 限制文件下载线程数 3 限制文件下载速度 使用方法: 1 打开Internet 信息服务(IIS)管理器/本地计算机/网站/默认网站/属性/ISAPI筛选器/添加 2 名称随便 文件 选择你解压缩下来的relink.dll 3 重启IIS 4 打开ReLink.ini 具体参数: [settings] url= 允许外部链接的网站地址 以"|"号分开 如"|" extension=gif|jpg|png|psd|bmp|swf|midi|wav|mp3|wma|avi|mpg|wmv|asf|rm|rmvb|zip|rar 需要过滤 监测的文件类型 以"|"号分开 speed=50 文件下载速度 单位"K" 需知 因为网络环境的不同 没那么准确 thread=2 单文件下载最大线程-MFC IIS defense Daolian vc Development Environment 7.0 (MFC)/windows 2003's p1/iis6.1 main functions : a defense Daolian two restrictions download threads number three download speed limit use : an open Internet Information Services (IIS) Management/local computer/website/Default Web/Attribute/ISAPI Filter/add two names casually paper of your choice extract from the three heavy relink.dll Kai IIS 4 Open ReLink.ini specific parameters : [settings] url = allow external link to the website address of the "|", as separate "xfrog. cn | "extension = gif | jpg | png | psd | bm p | swf | midi | wav | mp3 | wma | avi | mpg | wmv | asf | r m | RealNetworks | zip | rar need to filter monitoring the file type "|" = 50 separate speed File Downl
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12kb Publisher : 莫飞

在MFC程序中显示JPGGIF图像 直接解压本件,在VC++内编译就可运行-in MFC process images showed JPGGIF directly extracting the pieces, the VC within the compiler can run
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.13mb Publisher : 何志斌

MFC窗口风格浏览器,而且不用重新编译 CWnd::CreateEx()实现的组合风格, CWnd::ModifyStyle和ExStyle实现的增加和删除功能-MFC style browser window, and do not recompile CWnd : : CreateEx (), a combination of style, CWnd : : ModifyStyle ExStyle and achieve growth and delete functions
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 148kb Publisher : 张海玉

使用MFC,支持载入bmp,jpg,gif多种格式的图像,并显示。-use MFC, supported the inclusion of bmp, jpg, gif format for a variety of images, and display.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.86mb Publisher : zth

This article describes a MFC Control that makes it possible to display any Picture in a standard Image format (like bmp, gif, jpeg, etc...) on a Dialog.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 蓝米

mfc程序中显示jpg和gif图像!!!!希望有帮助-mfc program to display jpg and gif image! ! ! ! Hope that helps
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 290kb Publisher :

代码是基于MFC框架设计的,实现了对BMP、PCX、TGA、JPEG、GIF图像格式的图片进行读、写、显示等基本功能和各种图片格式的转换功能以及一些变换算法,实现了图像的放大、缩小、旋转及百叶窗、马赛克等显示特效-Code is based on the MFC framework designed to achieve a BMP, PCX, TGA, JPEG, GIF image format, picture reading, writing, show the basic features and various picture format conversion as well as some transform algorithm, the realization of the image enlarge, narrow, rotating and shutters, mosaic effects, such as display
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.71mb Publisher : tong

MFC只提供了BMP位图的载入,我给大家提供一个包含JPG GIF TIF PNG 格式图片载入的类库-MFC provides only BMP bitmap loading, let us provide an included JPG GIF TIF PNG format image loading library
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 91kb Publisher : 杨永龙

自制 拼图游戏 mfc程序 9格子拼图 可打开外部图片进行游戏 支持bmp,jpg,gif格式 记录最近打开的问件 上方有菜单-Mfc procedures homemade jigsaw puzzle 9 lattice can open the game in support of the external picture bmp, jpg, gif format records recently asked to open the top of the menu items
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 815kb Publisher : wxf

可加载和播放gif的mfc类,使用简单,只需要放入工程即可-Gif class for MFC
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 94kb Publisher : allen

播放GIF动画的插件,含有源码。用的是MFC实现的,适用于MFC的程序。-The source code for play GIF picture.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 594kb Publisher : 445363200

mfc显示gif图片的方法,封装类,可以在model dialog中显示gif动画-mfc gif image display method, package type, can be displayed in the model dialog animated gif
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 276kb Publisher : everettjf

VS2010 MFC使用PictureEx类显示Gif(VS2010 MFC use PictureEx class show Gif on dialog)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 339kb Publisher : Turbo90
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