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MFC扩展界面库,包含CJ60Lib头文件,lib文件和示例代码-MFC extension of the interface library, CJ60Lib header file contains, lib files and sample code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 60kb Publisher : sunyang

DL : 0
MSDN的mfc类库中文版,比查阅英文版方便的多,很有帮助-MSDN Library mfc of the Chinese version of English than convenient access to many helpful
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.96mb Publisher : 杨一

小结 环境是:window XP VS2005 主要技术:MFC 题目: 这是一个让你选择找出指定文件类型,让后把文件名输入到一个指定文件中。 比如你要找D盘中 以.txt文件类型的文件,然后就把它们的名字输入到output.txt文件中。 [BBsee]《锵锵三人行》2008-05-12.也说藏传佛教.rmvb 这样的文件名太长,所以在window上显示不完。 这样你可以方便查阅在一个目录下的文件。 如果有什么问题与意见可以与我联系 -Summary of the environment are: window XP VS2005 major technical: MFC Title: This is a let you choose to find the specified file type, so that after the file name entered into a specified file. For example, you are looking to D intraday. Txt file type of file, and then put their names entered into the output.txt file. [BBsee] Qiang Qiang Three 2008-05-12. Also said that Tibetan Buddhism. Rmvb this file name is too long, so could not finish in the window display. So that you can easily access a directory in the document. If you have any questions and comments can contact me
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.25mb Publisher : ds

2008北京奥运会志愿者管理系统,MFC界面-2008 Beijing Olympic Games Volunteer Management System, MFC interface
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11.87mb Publisher : 陈卫征

Learning OPENCV 是2008年最新的opencv学习教程 非常实用的教程-Learning OPENCV is the latest in 2008 learning opencv tutorial very useful tutorial
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10.26mb Publisher : Roger

2008/11/15号最新版本,以封装类形式提供TCP IOCP功能,改进先前版本的不足,以及BUG,增加UDP IOCP功能,增加了互斥访问的代码量,提高了运行稳定性;提供MFC扩展DLL(带lib和.h文件) -2008/11/15 its latest version in order to package category provided in the form of TCP IOCP functions, improve the shortcomings of previous versions, as well as the BUG, an increase UDP IOCP functions, an increase of mutually exclusive access code, improving the running stability provide MFC extension of DLL (with lib and. h files)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19kb Publisher : 王成

【软件名称】 支持多线程断点续传的文件传输(FTP)程序(含服务端和客户端、支持蓝牙(Bluetooth)传输) 【版 本】 1.0.0 【操作系统】 Windows 桌面系列、Windows Mobile 【作 者】 谢红伟 · chrys · · 【软件说明】 可用来在计算机与计算机之间传输文件,还可用来在智能手机之间通过蓝牙、无线网络、数据线传输文件,支持多线程和断点续传,代码已经封装成一个dll库,可以作为服务器来使用,也可以当作客户端来使用,服务端支持蓝牙(Bluetooth)接入,并提供详细的测试程序,代码勿须任何修改用VS2005或VS2008编译一下即可拿到Windows Mobile中手机中使用。 你可以任意修改复制本代码,但请保留这段文字不要修改。 希望我能为中国的软件行业尽一份薄力! 【开发日期】 2008-08-16 13:02:34-err
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 518kb Publisher : 谢红伟

【软件名称】 无须SMTP服务器中转直接将E-Mail电子邮件发送到对方邮箱 【版 本】 1.0.0 【操作系统】 Windows 桌面系列 【作 者】 谢红伟 · chrys · · 【软件说明】 大家一定熟悉Foxmail中的“特快专递”,它能直接将邮件发送到对方的邮件服务器中,而不需要经过SMTP服务器中转,本代码将向你剖析“特快专递”发送电子邮件的方法。代码中提供了网卡信息获取类,可以获取本机IP地址、子网掩码、DNS、Wins、网卡MAC地址等相关信息;还提供了SMTP协议解析类,该类实现了SMTP客户端功能的实现类,实现电子邮件收发;Base64编码实现了字符编码的方法。 你可以任意修改复制本代码,但请保留这段文字不要修改。 希望我能为中国的软件行业尽一份薄力! 【开发日期】 2008-11-23 3:54 -err
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 178kb Publisher : 谢红伟

在visaul studio 2008的MFC框架下,使用winpcap开发的局域网数据包捕获工具,能够捕获ip,tcp.udp数据包并解析数据所内容。还可以发送用户自定义的ARP数据包。-Visaul studio 2008 in the MFC framework, the development of local area network using WinPcap packet capture tool that can capture ip, tcp.udp packet and content analytic data. Can also send user-defined ARP packets.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 46kb Publisher : yuc

DL : 0
此文件是加油站管理系统的界面,开发环境是 visual studio 2008 MFC-this is the gas station administration system
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9.33mb Publisher : 静尤

用MFC做的播放器,各种功能都有实现,是学校的一个实训项目-MFC to do with the players, a variety of function implementation is a Training School project
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 16.9mb Publisher : 陈荣

本书系编程语言先驱者Ivor Horton的经典之作,是学习C++编程最畅销的图书品种之一,不仅涵盖了Visual C++ .NET编程知识,还全面介绍了标准C++语言和.NET C++/CLI。本书延续了Ivor Horton讲解编程语言的独特方法,从中读者可心学会Visual C++ 2008的基础知识,并全面掌握在MFC和Windows Forms中访问数据源的技术。 -Department of the programming language of the book pioneer Ivor Horton' s classic, are studying C++ programming best-selling books, one species, not only covers the Visual C++. NET programming knowledge, but also a comprehensive introduction to the standard C++ language and. NET C++/CLI. The book continues on the Ivor Horton' s unique approach to programming language, from which readers Kexin Institute of Visual C++ 2008 the basic knowledge and comprehensive in the hands of the MFC and Windows Forms to access the data source technology.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9.28mb Publisher : 钟敏亮

BCGSoft BCGControlBar Professional Full Source v10.0 零售版(Retail) BCGControlBar ("Business Components Gallery ControlBar") 是一个C++扩展库,可以用来创建类似Office 2000/XP和Visual Studio.NET的应用程序,可以实现完全定制功能(定制工具栏,菜单,键盘等等)。BCGControlBar库包含了超过100个C++扩展库文件,能够帮助用户将这些功能轻松地融合到程序中,节省宝贵的开发和测试时间。 MFC扩展库。允许你合并高级编辑控制到任意一个基于MFC(Microsoft Foundation Class, MS-Visual C++的类库)的应用程序。提供语法高亮、色块、压缩节点、智判技术(IntelliSense)、记号、符号支持、超链接支持等多种高级编辑功能。 -BCGSoft is proud to announce that the next generation of BCGControlBar Pro- version 10.3 is available now! The product is suitable for Visual C++ 6.0, Visual Studio.NET 2002/2003 and Visual Studio 2005/2008 and includes a lot of new features and enhancements.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19.4mb Publisher : 张利

windows mobile下tapi实现监视电话线路的程序。vs2008下创建,并在windows mobile 6.1下通过测试。-TAPI Programming on Windows Mobile August 16, 2008, 8:03 pm Download the source code TAPI stands for Telephony Application Programming Interface. TAPI is the Microsoft implementation of CTI (Computer Telephony Interface). TAPI provides a common interface to communicate and control a telephony device. TAPI simplifies the telephony programming since the programmer does not require detailed information about the hardware he/she is using. Windows Mobile 5 support TAPI version 2.0. The version 2.0 brings telephony support to any Windows CE applications. The TAPI.DLL file exposes all the TAPI functions. The header file TAPI.H contains the all the function definitions, typedefs,#defines, etc… The application links to COREDLL.DLL file which redirects the calls to TAPI.DLL. The TAPI.DLL uses the TAPI Service Provider DLLs to communicate with the hardware. The TAPI Service Provider (TSP) is the driver for the hardware. Microsoft supplies default Unimodem TSP. The Unimodem TSP supports
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 25kb Publisher : 龙田

全书从实用的角度出发,通过实例精讲的形式,详细介绍了VC++ 2008各种热门专题应用程序开发的方法与技巧。全书分6篇共25章,第1篇为VC++ 2008基础知识,简要介绍了C++编程基础、MFC编程基础及VC.NET平台与Windows编程;第2篇至第6篇为VC2008专题应用程序开发实例,通过23个专题实例,详细深入地介绍了VC2008各种领域的应用开发技术和技巧,具体包括数据库应用开发实例、网络与串口通信开发实例、多媒体应用开发实例和数字图像处理实例及游戏编程开发实例。-Book from a practical point of view, through the example of the form精讲details of VC++ 2008 feature a variety of popular application development methods and techniques. Book a total of 25 sub-chapter 6, section 1 for VC++ 2008 the basis of knowledge, a brief introduction of the C++ Programming, MFC Programming VC.NET base and platform and Windows programming the first two to six applications for the VC2008 topic Examples of program development, through the examples of 23 themes, detailed and in-depth introduction to the field of VC2008 range of application development technologies and techniques, including specific examples of database application development, network development and examples of serial communication, multimedia application development examples and examples of digital image processing Programming examples and games.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 53.94mb Publisher : doudou

DL : 0
visual c++ 2008入门经典,pdf-beginning to visual c++ 2008, pdf
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.77mb Publisher : 千里雪

Extending Visual Studio 2008 MFC Property Grid with new property type, like datetime picker
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 71kb Publisher : Gogu Melcu

QT4.6在 VisualStudio 2008上进行的串口功能开发,实现了串口的一部分功能。-QT4.6 in VisualStudio 2008 on the serial port function in development and the serial part of the function.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 41kb Publisher : John

正题名: MFC编程技巧与范例详解 作者: 曾凡锋, 苗雨编著 出版发行: 清华大学出版社/2008 ISBN: 978-7-302-18538-3,978-7-89474-172-1 价格: CNY45.00 (含光盘) 索书号: TP312C/1396 中图分类号: TP312C 丛编: 名师讲堂 主题: C语言-Is Title: MFC programming techniques and examples of Detailed: Cengfan Feng, Miao Yu Publisher Publisher: Tsinghua University Press/2008 ISBN: 978-7-302-18538-3,978-7-89474-172-1 prices : CNY45.00 (including CD-ROM) Call: TP312C/1396 Key words: TP312C Corpus: teacher lecture topic: C language
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.34mb Publisher : wang

VS2008 MFC feature pack是 Microsoft为了MFC扩展的一组免费界面库,但安装完后其中的sample无法找到,因此在这提供所有sample code给大家(Missing Sample projects bundle of VS2008 MFC feature pack)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 46.21mb Publisher : littlejohnny
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