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如果要编写模块化的软件,就要对对动态链接库(DLL)有一定的了解,本人这段时间在修改以前的软件时,决定把重复用的类和对话框做到DLL中,下面就从一个简单的例子讲起,如何实现MFC扩展DLL中导出类和对话框。-If you want to make you software module, you should make sense of DLL. Modifying my previous software these days, I decide to make the classes and dialogs in common use into DLLs. Now we begin with a simple example, to explain how to export classes an dialogs from MFC extended DLL.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 19.73kb Publisher : 杨杰

我想利用本月的专栏描述一个有趣的应用程序,这个程序是用本期我的一篇文章:“使用 ManWrap 库在本机 C++ 代码中调用.NET”所讨论的 RegexWrap 库生成的。RegexForm 是一个基于正则表达式的MFC窗体有效性验证系统。为了实现这个程序,我首先实现了 RegexWrap。但因为许多细节与正则表达式本身无关,所以感觉在这里描述 RegexForm 更好些。-I would like to use this month's column describes an interesting application procedures, which is a period of my article : "The use of ManWrap Library in the C code for a call.NET "are discussing the formation RegexWrap library. RegexForm is a regular expression is based on the MFC Form Validation System. To achieve this procedure, I realized RegexWrap. But because many details with the expression itself is not, so the feeling here describe RegexForm better.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 201.55kb Publisher : 如月

Update : 2010-11-04 Size : 396.77kb Publisher : hzchen

小学生成绩管理系统(一篇比较简单的论文)我的初稿 题目:小学生成绩管理系统 仅供参考,本人的论文初稿已经比他复杂好几倍了。当然,毕业答辩之前不会贴出来的,嘿嘿 姓名:陈抒 摘要: 小学生成绩管理系统是典型的信息管理系统(MIS),其开发主要内容包括后台数据库的建立和维护 以及前端应用程序的开发两块。对于前者主要要求数据一致性和完整性、数据安全性。而对于后 者则要求应用程序功能完备,易使用。 我将使用ACCESS数据库管理系统创建后台数据库,将在Visual C++6.0编译环境下使用MFC类库中 的ODBC方面的类来创建数据库的前段应用程序,使应用程序能够做到快速安全的维护数据库,并 且提供简单明了的使用界面,满足不同用户的需求。 关键词:ODBC 添加 查找 删除 修改 学籍 成绩 -primary performance management system (a relatively simple thesis) my first draft topics : primary performance management system for reference purposes only, I have the first draft of a paper than the complex several times. Of course, the graduates will not reply before affixed out, laughter Name : Chen Shu Abstract : The primary performance management system is typical of the Information Management System (MIS), its main contents include the development of database background to the establishment and maintenance, and front-end application development 2. Former major requirement for consistency and data integrity, data security. For the latter demanding applications complete functions and easy to use. I will use the ACCESS database management system to create the background database, the V
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 29kb Publisher : s

一个基于MFC对话框结构的Mail发送客户端程序,该Mail客户端可以发送附件,支持SMTP服务器身份验证,BASE64编码。该程序用MFC的CSocket类开发,作者自己写了一个CSMTP类来进行各种处理。注意,应用的实现部分在一个DLL中处理。(感谢我的朋友jplou)-an MFC dialog based on the structure of the Mail this client, the Mail client can send attachments, support SMTP authentication server, BASE64 encoding. The procedure used MFC CSocket category development, the author himself was a CSMTP to various types of processing. Note that some applications to achieve in a DLL address. (Thanks to my friend jplou)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 107kb Publisher : 乐浩军

计算MDI子窗口数,仅显示文件夹的打开对话框 < 窗口管理 > 1、我正在写一个 MFC 的多文档(MDI)应用。在父窗口中,我如何检查所有的MDI子窗口是否都已经关闭?如果都关闭了,那么我想在我的主窗口激活一个窗格。 2、我正在用 Visual Studio .NET 和 MFC 做一个程序。在我的程序里,用户要选择一个文件夹,并在其中拷贝文件。我可以调用 OpenFileDialog 让用户选择某个文件,但如何让打开对话框只显示文件夹呢?我见过好多安装程序给出的对话框里只显示文件夹,但我好像找不到这样的标志。-calculated MDI window for a few, only showed the folder open dialog lt; Window management gt; One, I was writing a Multiple Document MFC (MDI) applications. The father of the window, how can I check all the MDI window whether son have closure? If the closure of all, I think in my main window activated a pane. 2, I was with Visual Studio.NET and MFC do a procedure. In my programs, and users have to choose a folder, and copies of documents in which. I can call OpenFileDialog to allow users to select a file, but how to open the box only shows that folder? I have seen a lot of the installation process is limited to only the dialog box shown folder, but I do not like the signs.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 155kb Publisher : 东方旭

我想利用本月的专栏描述一个有趣的应用程序,这个程序是用本期我的一篇文章:“使用 ManWrap 库在本机 C++ 代码中调用.NET”所讨论的 RegexWrap 库生成的。RegexForm 是一个基于正则表达式的MFC窗体有效性验证系统。为了实现这个程序,我首先实现了 RegexWrap。但因为许多细节与正则表达式本身无关,所以感觉在这里描述 RegexForm 更好些。-I would like to use this month's column describes an interesting application procedures, which is a period of my article : "The use of ManWrap Library in the C code for a call.NET "are discussing the formation RegexWrap library. RegexForm is a regular expression is based on the MFC Form Validation System. To achieve this procedure, I realized RegexWrap. But because many details with the expression itself is not, so the feeling here describe RegexForm better.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 201kb Publisher : 如月

如果要编写模块化的软件,就要对对动态链接库(DLL)有一定的了解,本人这段时间在修改以前的软件时,决定把重复用的类和对话框做到DLL中,下面就从一个简单的例子讲起,如何实现MFC扩展DLL中导出类和对话框。-If you want to make you software module, you should make sense of DLL. Modifying my previous software these days, I decide to make the classes and dialogs in common use into DLLs. Now we begin with a simple example, to explain how to export classes an dialogs from MFC extended DLL.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19kb Publisher :

这次作的课题是MP3媒体播放器软件,它是在MFC的集成环境下开发的播放软件,它要提供给用户一种娱乐的媒体工具,使用户更好的了解及使用这种工具。所以,本学期在MFC的课程设计中,来完成我的工作-this issue is for the MP3 media player software, It is the MFC integrated development environment player software, it will be available to users in an entertainment media tools, to enable users to better understand and use such tools. Therefore, the MFC semester in the curriculum design, to complete my work
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 84kb Publisher : 玉华

Coming from an MFC background, I thought it was about time I embarked upon a new technological journey and learned how to develop fancy .NET applications, and impress everyone with my new found knowledge in C#. I ve since made a great deal of progress on the trendy new platform, from learning about the internals of the CLR to the C# language syntax.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 53kb Publisher : lvwentao

上面是我在学习MFC和ATL程序设计实现COM时所编写的程序,希望对大家有帮助.-above my learning MFC and ATL COM Design procedures prepared by the procedures, we want to help.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 86kb Publisher : 孙文

DL : 0
我个人在学习vc/mfc编程的时候就遇到过很多的问题,感觉不知道该怎么办,这里有一本关于mfc faq的书,解释了一些关于这方面的问题,希望对你有用。-my personal learning vc/mfc programming when it encountered many problems. the feeling did not know how do here is a faq on mfc book, the interpretation of certain aspects of this in the hope that useful to you.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 210kb Publisher : laojiang

这是我的图形学的3D大作业,使用MFC的图形界面,使用了局部光照模型,透视投影等。-This is my big 3D graphics operations, the use of MFC graphical interface, the use of the partial illumination model, such perspective projection.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 662kb Publisher : rruyi

我的人机界面课程设计作业,MFC中多个对话框的调用,多个实用的控件。-My man-machine interface operation curriculum design, MFC dialog box in a number of calls, a number of practical control.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.61mb Publisher : jia

DL : 0
MFC常见的控件使用方法,有详细的函数说明和注释。这是我一个暑假学习以来,使用MFC控件的一些心得技巧。这是老师让我写了,给年级的同学看看,顺便服务大家。-MFC controls the use of common methods, detailed descriptions and notes function. This is my summer has been learning to use MFC controls some experience skills. This is the teacher let me write to grade students take a look at the way we service.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 17kb Publisher : 潘洲旭

DL : 0
用MFC编写的基于WinSoket的TCP/IP的QQ式局域网通信程序。编写的代码部分都有中文注释,对刚开始接触MFC的学习者来说是很好的资源! -Prepared using MFC-based WinSoket the TCP/IP-LAN communication program QQ. They are all code written in Chinese Notes of the beginning of contact with learners MFC is a very good resource!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 60kb Publisher : 仙儿

用V C 6.0 MFC 编的播放程序 自己的源码-the player made with VC6.0 MFC my original codes
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 127kb Publisher : shen hui

DL : 0
关于MFC的一些资料,是PPT格式的,希望对一些朋友有帮助!-Some of the information on the MFC is to PPT format, some of my friends want to help!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.39mb Publisher : zhenliang

这是本人收集的OpenCv与VC结合的一些例子,包括了许多基本的图像变换,开发工具为VC++ 6.0。-This is my collection of OpenCv using VC with some examples, including many of the basic image transformation, development tool is the VC++ 6.0.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.14mb Publisher : 小眼

mfc之超级简单方便的计算器,可以直接用vs15以上的版本打开(MFC super simple and convenient calculator, you can directly use more than vs15 version open)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 45.49mb Publisher : caffrey
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