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Description: mfc(vc6.0) 和 vb6.0 调用gdi plus实现图片互相装换功能。-mfc (vc6.0) and VB6.0 realize picture gdi plus call each other for function loading.
Platform: | Size: 936960 | Author: 俞雄华 | Hits:

[File OperateStream

Description: MFC 图片的流输入,输出,VC6.0,-MFC picture stream input, output, VC6.0,
Platform: | Size: 33792 | Author: zhowuenze | Hits:


Description: 利用opencv1.0+VC6.0写的一个小程序,主要实现了: 1.打开jpg图片 2.图片上叠加文字信息 3.利用opencv把图片显示到一个Picture控件上 4.picture控件的重绘问题 5.图片合并-Using opencv1.0+ VC6.0 to write a small program, the main achievement of: 1. Open the jpg image 2. Picture superimposed text information 3. Using opencv the pictures show a Picture control 4.picture control redraw problem 5. Photo Merge
Platform: | Size: 4481024 | Author: nana | Hits:


Description: 在VC6.0中MFC实现图片的放大和缩小。-To achieve in the VC6.0 picture zoom in and out.
Platform: | Size: 200704 | Author: 李峰 | Hits:


Description: VC6.0 MFC下截取窗口特定部分并保存为bmp格式的类-This code is used for cuting the screen to save the bmp picture
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: fanky | Hits:

[Static controldraw-line

Description: 本代码实现在picture控件中心画两条交叉的红色十字线。本代码是在vc6.0下开发的MFC程序。-The code in the picture control center of the red cross painted two intersecting lines. The code is under development in the MFC vc6.0.
Platform: | Size: 1862656 | Author: bruce_xia | Hits:

[Picture Viewerspecial-effects-to-show-pictures

Description: VC6.0平台上,用特效来显示图片的MFC程序源码。-Use special effects to show a picture
Platform: | Size: 179200 | Author: anson | Hits:

[Picture Viewershow_pic

Description: VC6.0,MFC配合OPENCV1.0打开显示一幅图片 。简单的Opencv测试程序,修改后可用于显示摄像头图像-VC6.0, MFC displays a picture with OPENCV1.0 open . Simple Opencv testing procedures, can be used to modify the camera image display
Platform: | Size: 2324480 | Author: 刘磊 | Hits:


Description: VC6.0 MFC 基于对话框应用程序的开发,对话框背景图片的加载-VC6.0 MFC ,dialog s background picture
Platform: | Size: 2154496 | Author: tanchunguang | Hits:


Description: 使用VC6.0的MFC和OpenCV检测任何格式的图片中的园,并且标记出来-Use VC6.0 the MFC and OpenCV detect any picture format in the garden, and marked
Platform: | Size: 2674688 | Author: bangbang | Hits:

[Windows DevelopGdiplusTest01

Description: 修改图片的亮度和对比度显示,基于VC6.0(Modify Picture color ANd brightness ,VC 6.0)
Platform: | Size: 5602304 | Author: 下一秒。。 | Hits:

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