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VC6.0环境下编译的简单MFC客户端/服务器程序,可以互发信息并能接收到。-VC6.0 environment MFC simple translation of the client / server program, Information can be made each other and will receive.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 63.83kb Publisher : tayecong

本文首先描述创建一个COM服务器的步骤和核心代码.然后说明客户程序关键代码。-This paper first describes the creation of a COM server steps and core code. It then describes the key client code.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 躺用

是一款基于mfc的c++聊天工具,分客户端和服务端。服务器可挂载多客户端,并支持用户的名称及密码管理,允许其进行在线消息发送,还有一款别致的aqua水波界面供选择。-was based on the c mfc chat tools, and client-server. Servers can mount multi-client, and supports user name and password management, allowing for online messaging, as well as a chic aqua wave interface available.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.03mb Publisher : lyx

一个小的客户机服务器程序(采用tcp) 该程序用VC++制作,运行时需要MFC库; server端只允许有一个; 程序支持40个Client端(测试是用了8个);-a small client-server process (using tcp) the procedures VC production, Runtime need MFC library; server-only allow one; supports 40 Client- (beta is spent 8);
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 73kb Publisher : zhangbb

1.套接字编程原理 1.1 Client/server通信模型 1.2 Windows Sockets规范 1.3 套接字 1.3.1 套接字定义 1.3.2分类 1.3.3 套接字的作用 1.3.4端口与地址 1.3.5 套接口属性 2.基本的Windows Sockets API编程 2.1常用函数 2.2 TCP实例 2.3 UDP实例 2.4 Socket 通信阻塞的解决方法 3.MFC下的Socket编程的类 3.1 CAsyncSocket类 3.2 CSocket类 3.3 Windows Sockets:带存档的套接字的工作方式 3.4 流式套接字通信的操作顺序 3.5 使用 CAsyncSocket 类 3.6 从套接字类派生 3.7 套接字通知 3.8 一个使用CSocket类的网络通信实例 3.8.1 服务器端应用程序设计(ServerDemo) 3.8.2 客户端应用程序设计(项目名称ClientDemo) 4.套接字的托管实现 4.1 System::Net::Sockets 命名空间 4.2 实例:一个新邮件检查器 -1. Socket Programming Principle 1.1 Client/server communications model Soc Windows 1.2 kets norms 1.3 Socket socket definition 1.3.1 1.3.3 1.3.2 classification socket role 1.3.4 1.3.5 addresses and port interface attributes two sets. Basic programming Windows Sockets API function commonly used 2.1 2.2 2.3 TCP example UDP Socket Communications examples 2.4 blocked three solutions. MFC Socket Programming under the category of Class 3.2 3.1 CAsyncSocket CSocke t Windows Sockets 3.3 categories : filing with the way socket 340 socket communication flow sequence of operation to use 3.5 CAsyncSo cket category 3.6 derived from the socket type 3.8 3.7 socket notice the use of a network of CSocket Communication Liaison example 3.8.1 server application design (ServerDemo) 3.8.2 client Application D
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 169kb Publisher : gong

VC6.0环境下编译的简单MFC客户端/服务器程序,可以互发信息并能接收到。-VC6.0 environment MFC simple translation of the client/server program, Information can be made each other and will receive.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 77kb Publisher : tayecong

The NDK is a set of classes that implements a client/server architecture. The NDK hides all the complexity of the connection, sending, and receiving of data over a network. You only have to deal with three classes: CNDKServer, CNDKClient, and CNDKMessage. With just a few methods to override, you obtain a complete robust client/server application. The NDK is based on the class CSocket from MFC, so you can run your application on a local network or on the Internet without any change. To easily understand the integration of the NDK in an application, you ll find at the end of this article a complete chat application.-The NDK is a set of classes that implements a client/server architecture. The NDK hides all the complexity of the connection, sending, and receiving of data over a network. You only ha 've to deal with three classes : CNDKServer. CNDKClient. and CNDKMessage. With just a few methods to over ride, you obtain a complete robust client/server app lication. The NDK is based on the class CSocket f rom MFC. so you can run your application on a local networ k or on the Internet without any change. To easil y understand the integration of the NDK in an app lication. you'll find at the end of this article a complete c hat application.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 36kb Publisher : alandal

基于MFC和WINSOCK的网络通信软件设计 一、 介绍计算机网络与网络通信的概念,然后阐述了基于客户机/服务器模式网络通信程序实现的关键技术Windows Socket,最后对通信程序进行设计和分析,给出了逻辑和流程图及部分关键程序。 二、 程序整体设计过程,主要介绍如何采用面向对象的方法进行分析和设计,以及在设计和实现过程中所采用的模式(Pattern) -Based on the MFC and WINSOCK network communication software design, computer network and introduce the concept of network communication, and then expounded on client/server model of network communication procedures realize the key technologies Windows Socket, the last of the communication program design and analysis, given the logic and flow chart and some of the key procedures. Second, the program overall design process, mainly how to introduce the object-oriented analysis and design methods, as well as in the design and realization of the process of the model (Pattern)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.07mb Publisher :

介绍了Internet网络编程中涉及到的TCP/IP协议、IP数据 报、TCP段、套接字等重要概念,并在此基础上论述了基于VC++的 MFC编写客户/服务 器程序的方法和一般过程。 -Introduction of the Internet network programming involved in TCP/IP protocol, IP datagram, TCP segment, sockets and other important concepts, and on this basis are discussed based on VC++ The MFC to prepare client/server procedures and the general process.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.1mb Publisher : dfsdf

“网络五子棋”程序。使用MFC和VC++6。0编写的2D游戏。(点对点的非C/S模式程序,即一个程序可做服务器又可做客户端)- Network Gobang procedure. The use of MFC and VC++ 6. 0 prepared 2D games. (Point-to-point non-C/S mode of procedure, that is, a program can do can make the client server)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 52kb Publisher : 余小剑

用MFC开发的一个聊天程序,包含服务器和客户端部分-Using MFC to develop a chat program, including server and client part
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.57mb Publisher : 艾祎

一个mfc编写的游戏大厅客户端,以及简单的扑克牌游戏,和一个基于overlapped io模型的服务器端程序-The preparation of a game hall mfc client, as well as a simple poker game, and a model of overlapped io-based server-side program
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 283kb Publisher : huangchen

局域网对时程序,使用VC/MFC编写,Server提供对时服务,Client是对时服务客户端-LAN of the time, the use of VC/MFC prepared, Server provides time service, Client is a client when the service
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 86kb Publisher : 马运罡

基 于 MFC 的 WinSock 客 户 端 程 序 设计-MFC-based client for WinSock Programming
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.82mb Publisher : 李雅

VC++6.0下网络SOCKET server client聊天程序,用MFC编写,是个很好的网络变成参考-VC++ 6.0 Network SOCKET server client chat program, using MFC preparation is a good network into a reference
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.22mb Publisher : duncan

simple example that illustrated client-server technology on MFC
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 233kb Publisher : jax

DL : 0
this a simple tcp chat program for client and server-this is a simple tcp chat program for client and server
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.54mb Publisher : musmar

mfc实现的socket服务端与客户端的双向通信小程序编程-mfc socket server to achieve the two-way communication with the client a small programming
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.67mb Publisher : 曹俊

Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 61.03mb Publisher : wxdgk

利用VS2013的MFC编写了一个简单的Server和Client,初学者可参考(A simple Server and Client is written by MFC of VS2013, which can be referenced by beginners.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 275kb Publisher : WISDIMDI
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