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SkinsSys is a picture-based skin system written in Visual C++/MFC and based on FriendSoft s SkinForm. 用SkinSys Ver 1.0创建皮肤 SkinsSys是一个Visual C++/MFC并且基于 FriendSoft的SkinForm的基于图片的皮肤系统 来源: 类别: Development Status: 4 - Beta Environment: Win32 (MS Windows) Intended Audience: Developers, End Users/Desktop License: GNU General Public License (GPL) Operating System: Windows 95/98/2000 Programming Language: C Topic: Software Development
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 312.13kb Publisher :

《工具条和状态条》 自从作为Windows 95的通用控件出现以来,工具条和状态条就变成了很普遍的事物。由于MFC支持浮动的工具条从而使它们更受欢迎。随着通用控件的更新,Rebars(最初被称为Coollbar)使得工具条有了另一种展示方式。在第三部分,我将介绍WTL对这些控制条的支持和如何在你的程序中使用它们。-"tool of the state and of" Since Windows 95 as a common control there, tools of the state and becomes a very common thing. As MFC floating support of the tools which make them more popular. With GM controls update Rebars (initially called Coollbar) of the tools have made another mode of display. In the third part, I will introduce the WTL for control of the support and how the process you use them.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 30.02kb Publisher : wwwwppp

A collection of freeware MFC classes to encapsulate the Windows 95/98 performance counters. 一个封装95/98计数器的类(10KB)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 9.21kb Publisher : 张祥

Win32++ provides a framework for developing applications using the Win32 API directly. It supports all MS operating systems that run the Win32 API, from Windows 95 through to Windows XP and Vista. This framework is designed to produce programs with a similar look and feel to those created using MFC. It can develop applications based on simple windows, dialogs, frames and MDI frames. The frames produced by Win32++ have the following features: • Rebar control (to contain the Menubar and Toolbar) • Menubar • Toolbar • Status bar • Tool tips
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 737.43kb Publisher : 含羞草

Windows标准控件由Windows操作系统提供,在Windows 95中还提供了一些新增的控件。所有这些控件对象都是可编程的,我们可以使用Visual C++提供的对话框编辑器把它们添加到对话框中。Microsoft基础类库(MFC)提供了封装这些控件的类.
Update : 2011-01-13 Size : 292.31kb Publisher : sthenry

《工具条和状态条》 自从作为Windows 95的通用控件出现以来,工具条和状态条就变成了很普遍的事物。由于MFC支持浮动的工具条从而使它们更受欢迎。随着通用控件的更新,Rebars(最初被称为Coollbar)使得工具条有了另一种展示方式。在第三部分,我将介绍WTL对这些控制条的支持和如何在你的程序中使用它们。-"tool of the state and of" Since Windows 95 as a common control there, tools of the state and becomes a very common thing. As MFC floating support of the tools which make them more popular. With GM controls update Rebars (initially called Coollbar) of the tools have made another mode of display. In the third part, I will introduce the WTL for control of the support and how the process you use them.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 30kb Publisher : wwwwppp

A collection of freeware MFC classes to encapsulate the Windows 95/98 performance counters. 一个封装95/98计数器的类(10KB) -A collection of freeware MFC classes to encapsulate the Windows 95/98 performance counters. A package 95/98 counter category (10KB)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9kb Publisher : 张祥

Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.92mb Publisher : Bekcy Shen

Win32++ provides a framework for developing applications using the Win32 API directly. It supports all MS operating systems that run the Win32 API, from Windows 95 through to Windows XP and Vista. This framework is designed to produce programs with a similar look and feel to those created using MFC. It can develop applications based on simple windows, dialogs, frames and MDI frames. The frames produced by Win32++ have the following features: • Rebar control (to contain the Menubar and Toolbar) • Menubar • Toolbar • Status bar • Tool tips
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 737kb Publisher : 含羞草

A freeware MFC dialog class to select an icon. This is based on the dialog that appears when you choose to change the icon for a shortcut in the Windows 95 / NT 4 shell. The actual appearance of the dialog is based on the new look dialog in IE4 PP2 which uses a larger list box to display the icons. Have a look on my web site or run the supplied sample to see what it looks like. -A freeware MFC dialog class to select an icon. This is based on the dialog that appears when you choose to change the icon for a shortcut in the Windows 95/NT 4 shell. The actual appearance of the dialog is based on the new look dialog in IE4 PP2 which uses a larger list box to display the icons. Have a look on my web site or run the supplied sample to see what it looks like.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 12kb Publisher : 陈妍

Visual C++是开发运行于Windows 95和Windows NT环境下的Win32应 用程序的可视化编程工具中最重要的成员之一,它为软件开发人员提 供了完整的编辑、编译和调试工具和建立于Win32 API(Application Programming Interface)基础上的MFC类库(Microsoft Foundation Class Library),从而有效的缩短了Windows应用程序的开发周期。-Visual C++ is developed to run on Windows 95 and Windows NT environments Win32 application of visual programming tools, one of the most important members, it provides software developers a complete edit, compile and debug tools and the establishment of the Win32 API (Application Programming Interface) based on the MFC class library (Microsoft Foundation Class Library), thereby shortening the effective application of the Windows development cycle.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.93mb Publisher : cher

Programming Windows 95 with MFC 書附範例,內容實用且清楚,範例同 Programming Windows 但全為MFC所寫成-Programming Windows 95 with MFC book attached example, the content is practical and clear. These examples just like the example of Programming Windows , but they are all written in mfc.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 925kb Publisher : Martin Chang

Visual C++即VC,全称是 MicroSoft Visual C++,是由微软公司推出的开发Win32应用程序(Windows 95/98/2000/XP/NT)的、面向对象的高级可视化计算机程序开发工具,是一个可视化的集成开发系统。Visual C++提供了一套开发环境:Visual Studio,它是以C++语言和C语言为蓝本的可视化编译、开发环境,用微软的C++语言编写程序,并兼容C语言,可以识别C/C++语言并进行编译等,并且支持功能强大MFC类库。-Visual C++ or VC, full name is the MicroSoft Visual C++, was launched by Microsoft Win32 Application Development (Windows 95/98/2000/XP/NT), and high-level object-oriented visual development tools, computer programs, is a visual integrated development system. Visual C++ provides a set of development environment: Visual Studio, it is based on C++ language and C language is modeled on the visual compilation, development environment, using Microsoft' s C++ programming language and is compatible with C language, you can identify the C/C++ language and compile and so on, and supports a powerful MFC class library.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.59mb Publisher : 色某某

外文书籍developing professional applications in windows 95 and NT using MFC的配套源码-Foreign language books, developing professional applications in windows 95 and NT using MFC the supporting source code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.99mb Publisher : zl

CImage类 CImage是MFC和ATL共享的新类,它能从外部磁盘中调入一个JPEG、GIF、BMP和PNG格式的图像文件加以显示,而且这些文件格式可以相互转换。由于CImage在不同的Windows操作系统中其某些性能是不一样的,因此在使用时要特别注意。例如,CImage::PlgBlt和CImage::MaskBlt只能在 Windows NT 4.0 或更高版本中使用,但不能运行在Windows 95/98 应用程序中。CImage::AlphaBlend和CImage::TransparentBlt也只能在 Windows 2000/98或其更高版本中使用。即使在Windows 2000运行程序还必须将stdafx.h文件中的WINVER和_WIN32_WINNT的预定义修改成0x0500才能正常使用。-CImage class CImage MFC and ATL is a new class of share, it transferred from the external disk in a JPEG, GIF, BMP, and PNG image file format to be displayed, and these file formats are interchangeable. As CImage Windows operating systems in different some of its properties are different, so special attention when in use. For example, CImage:: PlgBlt and CImage:: MaskBlt only in Windows NT 4.0, or later use, but will not run on Windows 95/98 application. CImage:: AlphaBlend and CImage:: TransparentBlt only in Windows 2000/98 or later use. Even in the Windows 2000 operating procedures must also stdafx.h file WINVER and _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500 predefined modified to be used normally.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8.9mb Publisher : 郑飞

DL : 0
Visual C++是开发运行于Windows 95和Windows NT环境下的Win32应 用程序的可视化编程工具中最重要的成员之一,它为软件开发人员提 供了完整的编辑、编译和调试工具和建立于Win32 API(Application Programming Interface)基础上的MFC类库(Microsoft Foundation Class Library),从而有效的缩短了Windows应用程序的开发周期。-C++ examples tutorial
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 41.62mb Publisher : 田鹏

DynData v1.0 A collection of freeware MFC classes to encapsulate the Windows 95/98 performance counters. Ever wanted to write some code to determine the amount of bytes sent or received by Dial-Up Networking, what is the current CPU Usage or how many threads are currently running on the system?. The classes provided allow you do query any of these parameters, or to query the availability of performance objects and heir counters both on the local machine and any machine on the network. Please note that since NT has its own version of performance counters which are incompatible with the 95/98 versions, these classes will not work on NT. If you want classes to work with NT, have a look at the CPdh classes which I have developed.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10kb Publisher : Casper

DL : 0
目前市面上有不少讲解MFC 程序设计观念的书籍,其中不乏很好的作品,包括Programming Windows 95 with MFC( Jeff Prosise 着, Microsoft Press 出版),以及我曾经翻译过的Inside Visual C++ 4.0( David J.Kruglinski 着, Microsoft Press 出版)。深入浅出MFC 的宗旨与以 上二书,以及全世界所有的MFC 或Visual C++ 书籍,都不相同。全世界(呵,我的确敢 这么说)所有与MFC 相关的书籍的重点,都放在如何使用各式各样的MFC 类别上,并供 应各式各样的应用实例,我却意不在此。我希望提供的是对MFC 应用程序基本架构的每一 个技术环节的深入探讨,其中牵扯到MFC 本身的设计原理、对象导向的观念、以及C++ 语 言的高级议题。有了基础面的全盘掌握,各个MFC 类别之使用对我们而言只不过是手册查 阅的功夫罢了。-MF Cprogramming
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 107kb Publisher : qingbiaozhou

介绍 Windows API 编程, 介绍利用MFC库进行Windows开发编程。(Windows API programmers who want to learn MFC Programmers who have never before programmed Windows)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.92mb Publisher : 龚云
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