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用于Microchip 16位单片机的通信应用程序库 1042
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4.16mb Publisher : 小洪

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 664.83kb Publisher : 李强

Microchip 公司实现的J1939协议栈代码
Update : 2009-11-19 Size : 173.66kb Publisher :

ZigBee™ 是专为低速率传感器和控制网络设计的无线
网络协议。有许多应用可从ZigBee 协议受益,其中可
业控制网络、远程抄表以及PC 外设。
与其他无线协议相比, ZigBee 无线协议提供了低复杂
RS-485)或专有无线协议的替代方案, ZigBee 协议可
此应用笔记旨在帮助您在应用中采用ZigBee 协议。 可
以使用在应用笔记中提供的Microchip ZigBee 协议栈快
无关的应用程序接口。 因此,无需做重大修改就可以轻
松地在射频(Radio Frequency,RF)收发器之间移植
Microchip 协议栈和用法的一些常见问题及其答案。

Update : 2008-12-25 Size : 499.42kb Publisher : skyily

This demo uses the selected hardware platform as an SD card reader. Connect the hardware platform to a computer through a USB cable. To run this project, you will need to load the corresponding firmware into the devices. There are two methods available for loading the demos: Precompiled demos and source code projects. Precompiled Demos are available in the “\USB – Precompiled Demos” folders. Each demo should be prefaced with the hardware platform it is compiled for. Select the file that matches the hardware that you have and the demo that you want to run. For more information about how to load a precompiled project, please see the “Getting Started – Loading a precompiled demo” guide. The source code for this demo is available in the “Topics…->MPLAB IDE). Please note that when using either the C30 or C32 demo projects you will be required to select the correct processor for the demo board. 1) Open the associated project file 2) In MPLAB Select “Configure->Select Device” 3) In the device list box in the top left corner of that window, select the desired device. NOTE WHEN USING THE HID BOOTLOADER (for PIC18F87J50 PIM): The “USB Device - Mass Storage - SD Card reader” and “USB Device - Mass Storage - SD Card data logger” demos make use of the SD Card PICtail Daughter Board (Microchip® Direct: AC164122). This PICtail uses the RB4 I/O pin for the card detect (CD) signal, and is actively driven by the PICtail. The active drive overpowers the pull up resistor on the RB4 pushbutton (on the PIC18F87J50 FS USB Plug-In Module board). As a result, if the PIC18F87J50 is programmed with the HID bootloader, and an SD Card is installed in the socket when the microcontroller comes out of reset, the firmware will immediately enter the bootloader (irrespective of the RB4 pushbutton state). To exit the bootloader firmware, remove the SD Card from the SD Card socket, and tap the MCLR button. When the SD Card is not plugged in, the PICtail will drive the card detect signal (which is connected to RB4) logic high, which will enable the bootloader to exit to the main application after coming out of reset. Once the main application firmware is operating, the SD Card can be plugged in. The SD Card is “hot-swappable” and should be recognized by the host upon insertion. To avoid this inconvenience when using the bootloader with the PICtail, it is suggested to modify the bootloader firmware to use some other I/O pin for bootloader entry, such as RB0 (which has a pushbutton on it on the HPC Explorer board).
Update : 2009-05-17 Size : 755.27kb Publisher : bluntpig

Update : 2010-10-31 Size : 776.21kb Publisher : diaskimo

MicroChip 的 Zigbee协议说明文档
Update : 2010-12-14 Size : 389.67kb Publisher :

Microchip UART example
Update : 2011-02-01 Size : 46.23kb Publisher :

Microchip Keeloq培训教程
Update : 2011-04-22 Size : 1.49mb Publisher : longtoon

Microchip MiWi" P2P 无线协议
Update : 2011-06-03 Size : 425.09kb Publisher :

microchip 得协议栈,学习tcp/ip得仁兄可以参考参考-protocol stack, learning tcp/ip can refer to in reference to my dear friend
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.24mb Publisher : 向许东

用于Microchip 16位单片机的通信应用程序库 1042-Microchip 16-bit MCU for communication applications Treasury 1042
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.16mb Publisher : 小洪

Microchip新开发的32位PIC32上移植的uCOSII。环境:IC是PIC32MX360F512L,BSP支持Explorer16。里面已有两个例程的了。-Microchip newly developed 32-bit PIC32 on the transplant uCOSII. Environment: IC is PIC32MX360F512L, BSP support Explorer16. There have been two of the routines.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 665kb Publisher : 李强

MICROCHIP Digital Filter Design.torrent software
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : Mr

Microchip的标准资料和程序,包括Common、TCPIP Stack、MDD File System、USB、Microchip Application Solutions Users Agreement-Microchip' s standard materials and procedures, including Common, TCPIP Stack, MDD File System, USB, Microchip Application Solutions Users Agreement, etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 33.28mb Publisher :

DL : 0
Microchip Application GUI solution source code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 680kb Publisher : wang

Salvo, The RTOS that runs in tiny places, is a full-featured cooperative multitasking RTOS for severely memory-limited applications. HI-TECH Software ( produces an ANSI-compliant C compiler (PIC C) that is certified by Pumpkin for use with Salvo on many of Microchip s PIC microcontrollers.-Salvo, The RTOS that runs in tiny places, is a full-featured cooperative multitasking RTOS for severely memory-limited applications. HI-TECH Software ( produces an ANSI-compliant C compiler (PIC C) that is certified by Pumpkin for use with Salvo on many of Microchip s PIC microcontrollers.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.5mb Publisher : Vilo

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 47kb Publisher : fodil

uC/OS-II and uC/TCP-IP for the Microchip PIC32 CPU (on the Explorer 16 Evaluation Board)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.95mb Publisher :

microchip程序实例HELLOWORD(Microchip Program Instance Helloword)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 96kb Publisher : zhanghongshuai
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