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嵌入式系统的图形库minGUI的源码,里面有各种控件,各种图形驱动,图形加速器等东西-Embedded systems graphics library minGUI the source, there are a variety of controls, a variety of graphics driver, graphics accelerators and other things
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 20.26mb Publisher : fusjh2o

mingui 移植源代码 ,gui里面编译缺少头文件,需要在网上下载并添加(MiniGUI is a free software project. It aims to provide a fast, stable, and cross-operating-system graphics user interface (GUI) support system, which is especially fit for real-time embedded systems based-on Linux/uClinux, eCos, and other traditional RTOSes, such as VxWorks, ThreadX, uC/OS-II, and Nucleu)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.05mb Publisher : lk890406
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