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[Multimedia programTsdemux

Description: MPEG2文件解TS流程序。可以将transport stream流中的内容解析出来。-MPEG2 files TS procedures. It will transport stream flow analysis of the contents out.
Platform: | Size: 21906 | Author: 张彤 | Hits:


Description: ts to ps simple trans form, can be refer to mux , and demux mpeg2 streamts to ps s imple trans form, can be refer to mux , and demux mpeg2 streamts to ps s imple trans form, can be refer to mux , and demux mpeg2 stream-ts to ps simple trans form, can be refer to mux , and demux mpeg2 streamts to ps s imple trans form, can be refer to mux , and demux mpeg2 streamts to ps s imple trans form, can be refer to mux , and demux mpeg2 streamts to ps s imple trans form, can be refer to mux , and demux mpeg2 stream
Platform: | Size: 480525 | Author: 朱住 | Hits:

[mpeg mp3RL_Soft

Description: RL AC3 Decoder SDK 1.0提供了一套用于从MPEG2 PS流或TS流中解码AC3音频的库函数-RL AC3 Decoder 1.0 SDK provides a set of PS flow from the MPEG2 or T S stream decoder AC3 audio library functions
Platform: | Size: 38286 | Author: asfsafd | Hits:


Description: 1、简介 此代码是IS0 13818-5 MPEG2系统层协议分析代码,经过我的一点修改,现在终于可以在VC++ 6.0下编译运行, 发布上来献给那些为了理解MPEG2系统层协议而苦苦加班的程序员。为了可以在windows下编译,我修改了部分操作系统相关代码,注解掉了一些main函数,只留下decode.cpp中的main函数没有注解,所以编译后的程序是TS流系统层解码分析程序,如果要实现其他功能如encode,只要把decode.cpp中的main函数注解,把encode.cpp中的main函数注解去掉即可。 2、VC++6.0编译设置 需要在菜单Poject-〉Settings 弹出的对话框中把预编译头设置成Not using precompiled headers,如Vc_setting.jpg中的图片所示。 3、运行 编译生成decode2.exe文件后在命令行如下运行 decode2.exe d:\\cctv.ts 一开始在没有分析完PAT和PMT表时会打印一些如unexpected pid: 513的消息,请耐心等待一会儿就会发现分析的系统层信息打印了。可能刷屏很快导致你看不清信息,可以将打印信息重定向到某个文件中,如下: decode2.exe d:\\cctv.ts >c:\\ts_decode.txt 运行decode2.exe的同时会在当前目录生成过滤后的PES文件,文件名格式stream512,512为PID。 -a brief account of this code is ISO 13818-5 MPEG2 system layer protocol analysis code, After I few modifications, now he can finally in VC 6.0 compiler operation, Published line with those dedicated to understanding MPEG2 system layer protocol and an overtime programmers. To be compiled under the windows, I revised the relevant part of the operating system code, Notes swap some of the main function, leaving only the main decode.cpp function without notes, So when a compiled program is TS system layer decoding process analysis, if we are to achieve other functions such as encode. decode.cpp as long as the main function of the rich encode.cpp put the main function annotation will be removed. 2. VC 6.0 compiler installed in the menu Poject - "Settings pop-up dialog box put pre - translat
Platform: | Size: 100002 | Author: 陈水德 | Hits:

[Multimedia programTSFileSource_2.1.0.2

Description: mpeg2 的ts 流解包,开源代码,手机电视接收软件的解包filter!-the flow unpacked revenue code, cell phone television receivers software unpacked filter!
Platform: | Size: 110243 | Author: song wei | Hits:

[Multimedia programT2ps

Description: ts to ps simple trans form, can be refer to mux , and demux mpeg2 stream
Platform: | Size: 51837 | Author: Rabit | Hits:

[mpeg mp3systems

Description: mpeg2的TS流解复用程序,C++编写。
Platform: | Size: 96239 | Author: zw | Hits:

[mpeg mp3libdvbpsi5-0.1.6.tar

Description: 对mpeg2 的ts流进行操作 提取psi信息,包括pat,pmt等
Platform: | Size: 409072 | Author: | Hits:

[File OperateTS-MPEG2

Description: 目前绝大部分视频数字水印系统是将一个64位-128位的条码嵌入到视频中,而本软件最大特点是可将用户任意指定的一幅120x120的 黑白图片(如电子印章)隐藏在一段视频流中。这样做的优点是给用户提供了最大的直观性,同时由于偶们嵌入的是一幅图片而不是一组确定的数字,因此在视频被重编码为mpeg4低分辨率格式、信息大量丢失的情况下,仍可以通过人眼识别出已经非常模糊的图片。
Platform: | Size: 686199 | Author: 高尚兵 | Hits:


Description: mpeg2 DVB 广播 TS的详细数据结构,有利于开发DVB-S的应用-mpeg2 DVB broadcasting TS detailed data structure, and is conducive to the development of the DVB-S Application
Platform: | Size: 614612 | Author: 傅东 | Hits:

[mpeg mp3MPEG基础和协议分析指南

Description: mpeg协议的基础分析指南,mpeg的基础知识-mpeg analysis of the basis of agreement guidelines, the basic knowledge mpeg
Platform: | Size: 4318208 | Author: 牛文 | Hits:

[mpeg mp3DVBsystemencoder

Description: DVB的MPEG2的系统层编码,将原始数据打包成TS stream的程序,很不错。-DVB system encoding
Platform: | Size: 136192 | Author: 査奇文 | Hits:

[File Formatiso13818-1

Description: ISO/IEC 13818-1 TS流格式标准,用于开发MPEG2标准的TS流解码与编码。-ISO/IEC 13818-1 TS stream format standards, standards for the development of MPEG2 TS streams decoding and encoding.
Platform: | Size: 1505280 | Author: fubo | Hits:

[Windows Developmssyystemsp

Description: mpeg2的TS流解复用程序源源码,C++开发。 -mpeg2 TS stream demultiplexing application source code the development C++.
Platform: | Size: 92160 | Author: liyun9090 | Hits:

[Program docIEC-13818-2_Specs

Description: mpeg2 TS流关于视频的ISO标准文档,对于想要做ts解码的朋友必要技术手册。-mpeg2 TS stream video ISO standard document, the necessary technical manual for the friends want to do ts decoding.
Platform: | Size: 1336320 | Author: chen hui | Hits:

[Program docPAT-and-PMT-in-mpeg2

Description: TS包结构,PAT,PMT表解析,码流示例-TS packet structure, PAT, PMT table parsing, stream example
Platform: | Size: 276480 | Author: meiyue | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4mpeg2ts1394dec-0.3.1

Description: Mpeg2 TS 音视频解析程序,根据媒体的pid类型解析出音视频类型及格式。-Mpeg2 TS audio and video parse program, it pase out the media type by pid type.
Platform: | Size: 235520 | Author: jones | Hits:

[Multimedia programSpecialFTS

Description: 自己的开源小项目:TS封装格式分析器。TS全称是 MPEG 2 Transport Stream(MPEG2 传输流),广泛用于广播电视系统,比如说数字电视,以及IPTV。我这个项目规模不大,主要可以用来学习TS封装格式结构。此外它还支持分离TS中的视频流和音频流。以及输出TS包的时间戳,PTS,DTS等。 详情参考: http://blog.csdn.net/leixiaohua1020/article/details/17973587 -A MPEG2 TS (Transport Stream) format analysis software based on MFC. It has friendly user interface and is suitable for beginner of MPEG2 TS format. It can demux ts files to audio streams and video streams. Furthermore it can dump each TS packet s information to text files.
Platform: | Size: 1761280 | Author: 雷霄骅 | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4TSDEMO

Description: MPEG2-TS解析器,用于视频流媒体分析操作。媒体TS封包解析-MPEG2-TS parser for streaming video analysis operations. Media TS packet resolution
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: yflibra2015 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopOpenEye.DVBAnalyzer.Setup

Description: 是一款MPEG2 TS流分析工具,它对实时的或离线的流能提高正确的分析以判断流的结构是否标准(OpenEye.DVBAnalyzer.Setup is a flow analysis tool, its flow of real-time or offline can improve the correct analysis to determine whether the structure of flow standard ts analyze)
Platform: | Size: 7146496 | Author: wykdm520 | Hits:
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