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Macromedia Flash MX Game Design Demistified
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 19.08mb Publisher : 小于

利用五分钟,给程序添加播放flash的功能flash的播放,是使用Macromedia的flash播放控件来播放flash步骤如下:建立一个单文档的程序,最后一步选择CFormView作为视图编辑视图的资源添加一个EditBox作为输入文件名,一个按钮播放。添加flash播放控件Project Add To Project Components and Controls Gallary选择:Registered ActiveX Controls文件夹下面的Shockwave Flash Object,它其实是指向c:\\winnt\\system32\\macromed\\Flash\\Flash.ocx的。利用向导添加两个变量,分别对应输入的文件名和flash控件 CString m_filename CShockwaveFlash m_flash 添加播放按钮的事件,打开flash文件并且播放void CViewFlashView::OnPlay() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here //CShockwaveFlash UpdateData() m_flash.LoadMovie(0,m_filename) m_flash.Play() }-use five minutes, adds to the functionality flash player flash player is the use of the Macromedia flash player to player flash control steps are as follows : the creation of a single document the procedures, the last step CFormView choose Edit View View as the resources to add a EditBox as input file name, according to a NIU players. Adding flash player Control Project # 61664; Add To Project # 61664; Components and Controls Gallery options : Registered ActiveX Controls folders below the Shockwave Flash Object, it is actually pointing c : \\ winnt \\ system32 \\ macromed \\ Flash \\ the user. Using Wizard adding two variables, corresponding to the input file name and flash control redeem m_filename CShockwaveFlash m_flash add players button, and open the document flash player void CViewFlashVi
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 46.33kb Publisher : 林风

利用五分钟,给程序添加播放flash的功能flash的播放,是使用Macromedia的flash播放控件来播放flash步骤如下:建立一个单文档的程序,最后一步选择CFormView作为视图编辑视图的资源添加一个EditBox作为输入文件名,一个按钮播放。添加flash播放控件Project Add To Project Components and Controls Gallary选择:Registered ActiveX Controls文件夹下面的Shockwave Flash Object,它其实是指向c:\winnt\system32\macromed\Flash\Flash.ocx的。利用向导添加两个变量,分别对应输入的文件名和flash控件 CString m_filename CShockwaveFlash m_flash 添加播放按钮的事件,打开flash文件并且播放void CViewFlashView::OnPlay() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here //CShockwaveFlash UpdateData() m_flash.LoadMovie(0,m_filename) m_flash.Play() }-use five minutes, adds to the functionality flash player flash player is the use of the Macromedia flash player to player flash control steps are as follows : the creation of a single document the procedures, the last step CFormView choose Edit View View as the resources to add a EditBox as input file name, according to a NIU players. Adding flash player Control Project# 61664; Add To Project# 61664; Components and Controls Gallery options : Registered ActiveX Controls folders below the Shockwave Flash Object, it is actually pointing c : \ winnt \ system32 \ macromed \ Flash \ the user. Using Wizard adding two variables, corresponding to the input file name and flash control redeem m_filename CShockwaveFlash m_flash add players button, and open the document flash player void CViewFlashVi
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 57kb Publisher : 林风

A custom webcontrol enhancing the ability to easily add a Macromedia flash movie to your webforms.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 26kb Publisher : hex

請使用「Macromedia Flash MX 文件更新程式」更新 Macromedia Flash MX 的說明系統。更新程式包含關於多語言文字、建立組件、使用繪圖 API 以及 Macromedia Flash Player (6r40) 新增功能的新文件。這裡還提供使用 Macromedia Flash 學習互動的新教學課程以及 ActionScript 字典的更新。-please use the "Macromedia Flash MX document update program," Macromedia Flash MX update the note system. Programs include update on the multi-language, and the establishment of components, the use of graphics API and Macromedia Flash Player (6r40) new features of the new document. Here also provided the use of Macromedia Flash interactive learning new teaching courses and ActionScript dictionary updates.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 55kb Publisher : lzl

每次想看FLASH的时候到都找不到播放器,还是拖进IE里看,于是乎利用Macromedia提供的Flash.ocx以及相关接口进行编写,功能比较完善,不过由于Flash.ocx本身接口的缺陷有些问题不能解决,只有等到研究Swf格式才行,本代码也解决了很多网友不能解决的问题,对这方面感兴趣或对本程序提出BUG的网友可以和我联系 QQ:8207531-I can t find a player everytime when I want play FLASH movie. I have to drag it into IE. So I develp this player by using OCX which provide by Macromedia. Some problem can not be resolved because of the own problem of the OCX. Bug reports cantact me though QQ:8207531
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 21kb Publisher :

机器里要装有Flash播放软件(你的IE能显示Flash)。IE之所以能显示Flash是安装了由 Macromedia公司提供的swflash.ocx控件,我们可以在Win98的$Windows\System\Macromed \Flash中 或在Win2000中的$Winnt\System32\ Macromed\Flash中找到它。ActiveX控件在Windows里是通用的, Delphi也同样支持。 -machine to be installed Flash Player software (IE you can show that the Flash). IE will show why Flash is installed by the Macromedia swflash.ocx control, we can Win98 $ Windows \ System \ Macromed \ Flash or in the Win2000 $ WINNT \ System32 \ Macromed \ Flash find it. ActiveX control in Windows Lane is a versatile, Delphi also support.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 普拉

MACROMEDIA FLASH PLAYER 的源代码,是练习和学习VC编程的很好的实例教程。-MACROMEDIA FLASH PLAYER of the source code, exercises and learning VC is a good example of programming tutorials.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.75mb Publisher : 赵瑜

Swfdec is a decoder/renderer for Macromedia Flash animations. The decoding and rendering engine is provided in a library that can be used by other applications
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.77mb Publisher : kuang_gg

Learning ActionScript 2.0 for Macromedia Flash 8
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.13mb Publisher : Yang

Director MX 2004 Help 完全中文版提供关于 Director 的从基本的到高级的所有的信息。因此,你不需要有任何的先前写脚本的经验也能用 Director 为 CDs,DVDs, 资讯服务站,和 Internet 开发出高性能的多媒体内容和应用程序。假设你是初级用户,这里包含有全面的描述和详细的一步一步的用法说明;假设你是专业开发人员,你能充分地释放你的创造力: 使你能够在你的多媒体 projects 中嵌入绝大多数的主流媒体格式,包括 DVD-Video, Windows Media, RealMedia, QuickTime,以及 Macromedia Flash 内容, 声音,位图,和 3D 格式。-Director MX 2004 Help complete the Chinese version of the Director to provide information on the basics to advanced of all information. Therefore, you do not have any previous experience to write the script can also Director for the CDs, DVDs, kiosks and the Internet to develop high-performance multimedia content and applications. Assuming you are the primary users, here contains a description of a comprehensive and detailed step-by-step instructions the assumption that you are a professional developer, you can fully release your creativity: you can in your multimedia projects embedded in the vast Most of the mainstream media formats, including DVD-Video, Windows Media, RealMedia, QuickTime, and Macromedia Flash content, audio, bitmap, and 3D format.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.58mb Publisher : cxx

DL : 0
wince下flash动画播放源码,不过速度有点慢-wince under the flash animation player source code, but the pace a bit slow
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14.96mb Publisher : hhgg

D:\导航flash备份\Macromedia Flash Player 5.0\install_flash_player_ppc_en.rar-D: navigation flash backup Macromedia Flash Player 5.0install_flash_player_ppc_en.rar
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 265kb Publisher :

Gnash是一个播放Adobe(以前的 Macromedia)Flash 的自由软件;目前 Gnash 是一个独立播放器,几乎实现了 Flash 7 的所有规格;Gnash 的开发者是Rob Savoye。-Gnash is a player Adobe (previously Macromedia) Flash free software Currently Gnash is an independent player, almost all the Flash 7 specification Gnash developers is Rob Savoye.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.24mb Publisher : yongzi

Macromedia Flash 8.0 官方简体中文教程-Macromedia Flash 8.0 Official Tutorial Simplified Chinese
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 35.16mb Publisher : stuart

DL : 0
Macromedia Flash MX 绿色随身携带版_仅6M的Flash MX-Macromedia Flash MX portable version of the green _ only 6M of Flash MX
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.9mb Publisher : yang

DL : 0
Flash中文使用手册。本指南旨在向您介绍 Flash。其中的教程将引导您创建简单的 Flash 应用程序。-Macromedia Flash
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.38mb Publisher : 林海

Macromedia Flash MX 2004. ActionScript Reference Guide
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.65mb Publisher : Eugene

Tổ ng quan về Macromedia Flash 5~-Tổ ng quan về Macromedia Flash 5~
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 194kb Publisher : HunterSoft

Macromedia Flash 5 Biblia in hungarian language.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 21.22mb Publisher : mottejr
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