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Description: 一种基于Markov链模型的动态聚类方法-a Markov chain model based on the dynamic clustering method
Platform: | Size: 49152 | Author: lj | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsMarkov_algorithm

Description: 在即算机上模拟一离散状态均匀马尔可夫链,状态数为2-imminent counting machine to simulate a discrete homogeneous state Markov chain, the number of state for two
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 1。《遗传算法的数学基础》,张文修、梁怡编着 西安交通大学出版社 2000年第一版 遗传算法(genetic algorithm)是模拟自然界生物进化过程与机制求解问题的一类自组织与自适应的人工智能技术,已广泛应用于计算机科学、人工智能、信息技术及工程实践。 本书重点在于阐述遗传算法的数学基础。全书共分3章,第1章给出了遗传算法的几何理论,第2章给出了遗传算法的马尔可夫链分析,第3章给出了遗传算法的收敛理论。 本书可以作为应用数学、计算机科学、系统科学等专业研究生的教材,也可以作为研究遗传算法的参考书。 -1. "Genetic Algorithm mathematical basis," Zhang Xiu, Yi Liang compile Xi'an Jiaotong University Press in 2000 the first edition of the genetic algorithm (genetic algorit hm) is a simulation of natural biological evolution process and mechanisms to solve the problem of a kind of self-organization and adaptive artificial intelligence technology, has been widely used in computer science, artificial intelligence, information technology, and engineering practice. The book focused on the genetic algorithm described math. The book is divided into three chapters, one chapter is a genetic algorithm of the geometric theory Chapter 2 of the genetic algorithm is a Markov chain analysis, presented in Chapter 3 of the genetic algorithm convergence theory. The book can be applied mathemati
Platform: | Size: 2689024 | Author: 孙东 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsmcmc

Description: 马尔可夫链,蒙特卡洛方法,数值模拟 matlab程序-Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, numerical simulation procedures Matlab
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 俏鱼 | Hits:


Description: JAVA編寫的馬可夫鏈程式,內包含源碼及.jar檔案-JAVA prepared Markov chain program, which includes source code and. Jar file
Platform: | Size: 65536 | Author: 鍾彩星 | Hits:


Description: 马尔可夫链 & 马尔可夫随机场-Markov Chain
Platform: | Size: 601088 | Author: lijin | Hits:


Description: mcmc 马尔可夫链 蒙特卡罗算法 具体参数 请用help命令-MCMC Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm specific parameters Please help command
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: | Hits:


Description: Sequential Monte Carlo without Likelihoods 粒子滤波不用似然函数的情况下 本文摘要:Recent new methods in Bayesian simulation have provided ways of evaluating posterior distributions in the presence of analytically or computationally intractable likelihood functions. Despite representing a substantial methodological advance, existing methods based on rejection sampling or Markov chain Monte Carlo can be highly inefficient, and accordingly require far more iterations than may be practical to implement. Here we propose a sequential Monte Carlo sampler that convincingly overcomes these inefficiencies. We demonstrate its implementation through an epidemiological study of the transmission rate of tuberculosis.-Sequential Monte Carlo without Likelihoods Particle Filtering likelihood function do not have the circumstances of this article Abstract: Recent new methods in Bayesian simulation have provided ways of evaluating posterior distributionsin the presence of analytically or computationally intractable likelihood functions.Despite representing a substantial methodological advance, existing methods based on rejectionsampling or Markov chain Monte Carlo can be highly inefficient, and accordinglyrequire far more iterations than may be practical to implement. Here we propose a sequentialMonte Carlo sampler that convincingly overcomes these inefficiencies. We demonstrateits implementation through an epidemiological study of the transmission rate of tuberculosis .
Platform: | Size: 181248 | Author: 阳关 | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combineHiddenMarkovModel

Description: 隐性马尔科夫链包含有训练和测试算法以及前后项递推算法-Hidden Markov chain contains training and testing algorithm as well as before and after the recursive algorithm of
Platform: | Size: 772096 | Author: 林元培 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsmcmc

Description: 马尔科夫链蒙特卡洛模拟的matlab源代码-Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation of the matlab source code
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 左秀霞 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsMCMCDEMC

Description: A Markov Chain Monte Carlo version of the genetic algorithm Differential Evolution: easy Bayesian computing for real parameter spaces
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 曹大群 | Hits:

[Windows Developmarkovchain

Description: stochastic process markov chain
Platform: | Size: 79872 | Author: omyazan | Hits:


Description: 详细介绍了隐马尔科夫链的原理和matlab代码实现,可以运行其中的demo了解hmm的工作原理-Detailed information on hidden Markov chain theory and the matlab code, you can run the demo to understand the working principle hmm
Platform: | Size: 770048 | Author: 宗丹 | Hits:


Description: 以“一主三从”主从多机通信系统为物理模型,研究应用马尔可夫链建立仿真算法及蒙特卡洛法建立了数学模型,通过将完整的系统元件化,并对每个元件创立各自的状态转移机模型,仿真运行状态,实现了对于这一通信系统的可靠性建模评估。-" One the main three from the" master-slave multi-communication system for the physical model to study the application of Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation algorithm and the mathematical model established through the will of a complete system components, and the creation of each component their respective state transition model, the simulation run, and the realization of a communication system for the assessment of the reliability of modeling.
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: pobenliu | Hits:


Description: this r code for Gibbs sampler and Metropolis sampler which are two variants of markov chain monte carlo simulators.-this is r code for Gibbs sampler and Metropolis sampler which are two variants of markov chain monte carlo simulators.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: meysa | Hits:


Description:  the book <<Simulation and Monte Carlo With applications in finance and MCMC >> about MONte carlo method applying to finance problem and markov chain and markov decision process.
Platform: | Size: 3390464 | Author: 胡桃 | Hits:


Description: 马尔科夫链的matlab仿真,网上找到的,和大家分享一下-simulation of Markov Chain with Matlab
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: lizhe | Hits:


Description: Markov Chain for monte carlo
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Ines | Hits:

[OtherMarkov chain models for extreme wind speeds

Description: Markov Chain for wind speed modeling.
Platform: | Size: 795648 | Author: jsj.brainstorm | Hits:

[matlabMarkov chain

Description: Markov chain to find probability
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: elvin_137 | Hits:
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