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[Other resourcex25045_v2

Description: 关于x25045芯片的功能编程。x20545为一个既能接收64个键盘又能驱动16位led显示的芯片,在medwin上通过。(原来在此网上下的本片子驱动不能正常使用,故自己重编并重传)-x25045 chip on the functional programming. X20545 can receive for a 64 keyboard can drive 16 led the chip show, in medwin adopted. (Originally in the Internet-driven films of the normal use from their renumbering both Biography)
Platform: | Size: 8959 | Author: 杨光 | Hits:

[Other resourcedanpianji

Description: 用单片机实现彩条信号发生器 ,实现红绿蓝场信号 , 并有动画 、渐变、 循环等效果 。这是我毕业设计成果,忍痛割爱 同大家一起分享 用MEDWIN开发的
Platform: | Size: 2094590 | Author: zhangyiyi | Hits:

[Other resourceISD2560DRIVER

Description: 本程序为AT89C51单片机下语音芯片ISD2560的驱动程序,能够实现ISD2560中语音数据的随机读取。开发环境为Medwin。
Platform: | Size: 1535 | Author: Along Tuo | Hits:

[Other resourceADS7843

Description: AT89C51下的触摸屏控制芯片ads7843驱动程序。采用Medwin作为开发环境。
Platform: | Size: 3687 | Author: Along Tuo | Hits:


Description: medwin使用方法说明手册 很好的东西
Platform: | Size: 2164142 | Author: 白福亮 | Hits:


Description: 关于x25045芯片的功能编程。x20545为一个既能接收64个键盘又能驱动16位led显示的芯片,在medwin上通过。(原来在此网上下的本片子驱动不能正常使用,故自己重编并重传)-x25045 chip on the functional programming. X20545 can receive for a 64 keyboard can drive 16 led the chip show, in medwin adopted. (Originally in the Internet-driven films of the normal use from their renumbering both Biography)
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 杨光 | Hits:


Description: 用单片机实现彩条信号发生器 ,实现红绿蓝场信号 , 并有动画 、渐变、 循环等效果 。这是我毕业设计成果,忍痛割爱 同大家一起分享 用MEDWIN开发的-With MCU color signal generator, to achieve red-green-blue field signal, and animation, transitions, effects circulation. This is my graduation project results, and in pain afford to spare to share with everyone using MEDWIN development
Platform: | Size: 2094080 | Author: zhangyiyi | Hits:


Description: 本程序为AT89C51单片机下语音芯片ISD2560的驱动程序,能够实现ISD2560中语音数据的随机读取。开发环境为Medwin。-This procedure for the AT89C51 single-chip voice chip ISD2560 under the driver can achieve ISD2560 voice data in a random read. Development environment for the Medwin.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Along Tuo | Hits:


Description: AT89C51下的触摸屏控制芯片ads7843驱动程序。采用Medwin作为开发环境。-AT89C51 under the touch screen controller chip ads7843 driver. Medwin used as a development environment.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: Along Tuo | Hits:


Description: medwin使用方法说明手册 很好的东西-medwin to use the instruction manual very good things
Platform: | Size: 2163712 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 这个是用MedWin配合proteus仿真的单片机程序,使用的AT89S52单片机控制14个数码管动态扫描,实现时钟和日期显示。并有按键控制,仿真也通过,内部附有HEX文件-This is MedWin microcontroller simulation with Proteus, the use of the AT89S52 Singlechip control 14 digital control of dynamic scanning, the realization of the clock and date display. And a button control, through simulation, the internal file with HEX
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: 张强 | Hits:


Description: 单片机的学习软件,只是作为参考详细的资料稍后上传-MCU learning software, but detailed information as a reference later upload
Platform: | Size: 2715648 | Author: 宋平 | Hits:


Description: 实验四 子程序设计实验 实验目的:通过调试数据块传送程序,加深对循环程序的理解,掌握子程序的设计与MedWin环境下子程序的调试。进一步加深对并行I/O口的理解。 实验内容: 1. 调试程序dmove.asm,观察片外数据区7000H、A000H开始的单元内容变化规律。 修改程序将7010H-7073H单元内容传送至B000H开始的存储区中。 2. 设计一个子程序,统计片外数据区从2000H开始的256个符号数中偶数的个数,低位存入R3,高位存入R2。 3.(选作题)设计子程序,实现对片外数据存储器的测试。具体要求如下: 1)测试方法自选 2)数据存储区首地址、长度可变。 3)可统计坏单元数目,并记录坏单元地址。 4)利用LED指示灯,提示测试过程和结果状态。 思考题: 1.从2000H单元开始的外部RAM中存有100个数,要求把它传送到自2500H单元开始的存贮区中去,但在传递过程中要检查数的值,遇到第一个零就停止传送。应如何编写程序? 2.若要将偶数从小到大排序并置于从2000H开始的前端,其余符号数按原来顺序置于偶数后面。应如何编写程序? 3.若要求偶数的算术平均值,应如何编写程序? -err
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: 张弛 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringMedwinv3

Description: 详细介绍了Medwinv3的使用方法。MedWinV3集成开发环境安装步骤。MedWinV3项目管理器等。-Described in detail the use of Medwinv3. Integrated Development Environment MedWinV3 installation steps. MedWinV3 such as project management.
Platform: | Size: 4461568 | Author: 冷锋 | Hits:


Description: 开发工具: MedWin v2.39单片机集成开发环境,AT89C51单片机,Insight ME-52H仿真机,RP-3000通用型编程器。 项目描述: 这是一个通用中间件,在模拟量输入前可接各种物理量的传感器,完成物理信号的测量与显示;在模数变换后将数字量通过并行总线引入单片机系统,可生成标准的EIA协议,再经由RS232串口引入通用机系统,完成进一步的处理或界面表征。-Tools: MedWin v2.39 single-chip integrated development environment, AT89C51 single-chip, Insight ME-52H simulator, RP-3000 general-purpose programmer. Project Description: This is a generic middleware, in the Analog Input former of which can be accessed by a variety of physical sensors, signal the completion of the physical measurement and display in the analog-to-digital conversion will be digital parallel bus through the introduction of single-chip microcomputer system can be generation EIA standard agreement, and then the introduction of Universal Serial RS232 systems, the completion of further processing or characterization of the interface.
Platform: | Size: 153600 | Author: 周波 | Hits:

[assembly languagecaidengkognzhi

Description: 该程序使用MEDwin编写,可以汇编程序上执行,所实现的功能是四种彩灯控制亮闪方式。经过实际跑,正确无误-The program uses MEDwin write, you can compile programs to run, the realization of the function of four kinds of lanterns bright flash control mode. After the actual running correctly
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 杜海彬 | Hits:

[assembly languageTraffic

Description: 该程序用medwin编写,实现南北合东西方向的红绿灯控制,按下K1键后,可以实现紧急情况下的交通管制-The program prepared by medwin to achieve what the North-South co-direction of traffic lights control, press the K1 key, can be achieved in case of an emergency traffic control
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 杜海彬 | Hits:


Description: (1)用AT89S51单片机的P0.0/AD0-P0.7/AD7端口接数码管的a-h端,8位数码管的S1-S8通过74LS138译码器的Y0-Y7来控制选通每个数码管的位选端。AT89S51单片机的P1.0-P1.2控制74LS138的A,B,C端子。在8位数码管上从右向左循环显示“12345678”。能够比较平滑地看到拉幕的效果。 -hao
Platform: | Size: 6748160 | Author: 努努 | Hits:

[Other Embeded program1

Description: Coding in MedWin,the crowls move from right to left for once,then from left to right for once.
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: zhangzhuxiao510 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringMedwin

Description: Medwin编程语言练习,单片机编程实验素材,非常初级-The Medwin programming language exercises, microcontroller programming experimental material, very preliminary
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: Zheng | Hits:
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