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Visual C++实现的基因遗传算法库源代码以演示程序Free Source Code for Genetic algorithm 2008年05月21日 C++, Windows, Win32, Visual Studio, MFC, STL, Arch, Dev, Design 基因遗传算法都是针对概率的,所以因为其随机的本质,导致其结果可能是好的,也可能是坏的,于是我们就需要一个方法确认这个解到底有多大的可用性。这是通过计算相似拟合度进行衡量的。染色体Chromosomes代表了基因遗传算法的结果。每次迭代,算法生成一个染色体,这些子孙染色体又会产生新的迭代……关键内容 这个基因算法库是用 Visual Studio 2005 编写的程序,第一个使用 Microsoft C/C++ 编译器,第二个使用Intel C++ 编译器。 如果你希望在你的程序你使用它,有两个办法,1是直接引用 Genetic Algorithm Library 项目,然后编译;2是添加GeneticAlgorithm.lib 静态链接库到项目中
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.03mb Publisher : chen

Visual C++实现的基因遗传算法库源代码以演示程序Free Source Code for Genetic algorithm 2008年05月21日 C++, Windows, Win32, Visual Studio, MFC, STL, Arch, Dev, Design 基因遗传算法都是针对概率的,所以因为其随机的本质,导致其结果可能是好的,也可能是坏的,于是我们就需要一个方法确认这个解到底有多大的可用性。这是通过计算相似拟合度进行衡量的。染色体Chromosomes代表了基因遗传算法的结果。每次迭代,算法生成一个染色体,这些子孙染色体又会产生新的迭代……关键内容 这个基因算法库是用 Visual Studio 2005 编写的程序,第一个使用 Microsoft C/C++ 编译器,第二个使用Intel C++ 编译器。 如果你希望在你的程序你使用它,有两个办法,1是直接引用 Genetic Algorithm Library 项目,然后编译;2是添加GeneticAlgorithm.lib 静态链接库到项目中-err
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 3.03mb Publisher : chen

BCGSoft BCGControlBar Professional Full Source v10.0 零售版(Retail) BCGControlBar ("Business Components Gallery ControlBar") 是一个C++扩展库,可以用来创建类似Office 2000/XP和Visual Studio.NET的应用程序,可以实现完全定制功能(定制工具栏,菜单,键盘等等)。BCGControlBar库包含了超过100个C++扩展库文件,能够帮助用户将这些功能轻松地融合到程序中,节省宝贵的开发和测试时间。 MFC扩展库。允许你合并高级编辑控制到任意一个基于MFC(Microsoft Foundation Class, MS-Visual C++的类库)的应用程序。提供语法高亮、色块、压缩节点、智判技术(IntelliSense)、记号、符号支持、超链接支持等多种高级编辑功能。 -BCGSoft is proud to announce that the next generation of BCGControlBar Pro- version 10.3 is available now! The product is suitable for Visual C++ 6.0, Visual Studio.NET 2002/2003 and Visual Studio 2005/2008 and includes a lot of new features and enhancements.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 19.4mb Publisher : 张利

DL : 0
BCGControlBar 10.3 Full Source BCGControlBar专业版是MFC的一个扩展库,您可以用来构建类似于Microsoft Office、Microsoft Visual Studio和其他一些知名产品的高级用户界面。这个扩展库包含了150多个经过精心设计,测试和具有完备文档的MFC扩展类。我们的控件能够轻松的融入你的应用程序中,节约大量的的开发和调试时间。-BCGControlBar (Business Components Gallery Control Bar) Professional Edition is an MFC extension framework library with which you can make your apps look like Office XP, Office 2000, Office 2003, Office 2007, Visual Studio, Visual Studio. NET, Visual Studio 2005, Visual Studio 2008 and Internet Explorer—complete with full toolbars, menu, and keyboard customization, docking control bars, menu bars, and Office 2000/XP menus. BCGControlBar offers a set of C++ classes that extend standard MFC features like toolbars and docking windows, but it doesn t replace MFC it just makes it easier to write more powerful MFC apps.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 23.52mb Publisher : chunri

Maya Pluin Source Code Fish eye and spherical environment lenses for Mental Ray with source code. ReadMe inside the arhive (russian language).-Maya Pluin Source Code Fish eye and spherical environment lenses for Mental Ray with source code. ReadMe inside the arhive (russian language). 1) Source code included 2) Visual Studio 2008 MFC included (it does not work without them) . Copy files mfisheye_a.dll, msvcr90.dll and Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest to folder C:Program FilesAutodeskMaya8.5mentalraylib AND file mfisheye_a.mi to folder C:Program FilesAutodeskMaya8.5mentalrayinclude. Choose Raytracing in Mental Ray->Rendering-> Primary Renderer
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 320kb Publisher : Jeffee

DL : 0
串口数据处理程序,能直接将数据写入文本 注:开发环境是Microsoft Visual Studio 2008-Serial data processing program that can write data directly to the text Note: The development environment is Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 100kb Publisher : kinng

DL : 0
1.在Microsoft Visual Studio 2008中创建MFC工程DataStructTest0303 2.通过读入文件的形式,读取写在TXT文本中的实数数据 3.用push将这些数值添加到队列和栈中 4.在DataStructTest0303View.cpp中判断是否是回文 5.输出结果 -1. In Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 to create a MFC project DataStructTest0303 2. Through reading the file format, read TXT text written in the real data 3. With the push will add these values to the queue and stack 4. DataStructTest0303View.cpp determine whether the palindrome 5. output
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 3.6mb Publisher : zengruige

MFC 8.0 was released with Visual Studio 2005. MFC 9.0 was released with Visual Studio 2008. MFC is not included in the free edition of Visual C++ 2005/2008/2010 Express.[5] The Object Windows Library (OWL), designed for use with Borland s Turbo C++ compiler, was a competing product introduced by Borland around the same time. Eventually, Borland discontinued OWL development and licensed the distribution of the MFC headers, libraries and DLLs from Microsoft[6] for a short time, though it never offered fully integrated support for MFC. Borland later released VCL (Visual Component Library) to replace the OWL framework.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 405kb Publisher : Deepak

MFC 8.0 was released with Visual Studio 2005. MFC 9.0 was released with Visual Studio 2008. MFC is not included in the free edition of Visual C++ 2005/2008/2010 Express.[5] The Object Windows Library (OWL), designed for use with Borland s Turbo C++ compiler, was a competing product introduced by Borland around the same time. Eventually, Borland discontinued OWL development and licensed the distribution of the MFC headers, libraries and DLLs from Microsoft[6] for a short time, though it never offered fully integrated support for MFC. Borland later released VCL (Visual Component Library) to replace the OWL framework.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 451kb Publisher : Deepak

基于MFC的绘图软件。用Microsoft Visual Studio 2008打开,可实现形状选择,颜色选择,画笔粗细设置,橡皮擦等功能。-Graphics software based on MFC. Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 to open, the choice of shape, color selection, set the brush size, eraser, and other functions.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 16kb Publisher : 李殊

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 实现功能:棋盘覆盖算法的图形展示。 涉及知识:定时器、STL、基本MFC画图API、双缓冲DC-Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Functions: checkerboard cover graphics algorithms show. Involving knowledge: Timer, STL, MFC basic drawing API, double buffering DC
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 83kb Publisher : 走好每一步
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