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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.65kb Publisher : ken

Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher :

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M=4正交信号时数字通信系统进行蒙特卡罗仿真程序,当均值分别等于0,0.1,1.0,2.0时完成10000个比特的仿真并求出误比特概率。绘出理论误码率和蒙特拉罗仿真的差错率并进行比较这俩个结果,并绘出每个均值情况下判决器的1000个接受信噪比抽样-M = 4 orthogonal signals in digital communication systems Monte Carlo simulation program, when the mean, respectively, equivalent to 10,000 completed 0,0.1,1.0,2.0 simulation bit and bit error probability are obtained. Mapping theory and蒙特拉罗BER simulation这俩error rate and compare results, and the mean circumstances of each mapped
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : 金玲

完成一个利用矩形信号星座图的M=16D的QAM通信系统的MonteCarlo的仿真-To complete a use of the rectangular signal constellation diagram of M = 16D of QAM communication system MonteCarlo Simulation
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 欧米秋

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hs is the set of files (with the powerpoint presentation, in french or in english) used for the Webinar "Simulation de Monte Carlo en MATLAB". - The first demo (LakeArea, run MainLakeArea) is computing the size of a polyogon using a MC approach - The second demo (PortSim, run WebinarScript) can do 2 things: First, we genrate some equity paths, to verify the lognormality If changing the mode to OptionPricing (uncomment one of the first line), then those spaths will be used for pricing an asian option - the 3rd Demo,in myMC (run MonteCarlo.m) , show how to simulate some corelated asset paths - The 4th demo, (run VanillaPricingUsingDifferentMethods.m in the VarReduction folder) , wil compare th results obtrtain byt differents reduction of Variance technics or "quasi" 礛ont Carlo simultion using Hamlton and sobol Sequences -hs is the set of files (with the powerpoint presentation, in french or in english) used for the Webinar "Simulation de Monte Carlo en MATLAB". - The first demo (LakeArea, run MainLakeArea) is computing the size of a polyogon using a MC approach - The second demo (PortSim, run WebinarScript) can do 2 things: First, we genrate some equity paths, to verify the lognormality If changing the mode to OptionPricing (uncomment one of the first line), then those spaths will be used for pricing an asian option - the 3rd Demo,in myMC (run MonteCarlo.m) , show how to simulate some corelated asset paths - The 4th demo, (run VanillaPricingUsingDifferentMethods.m in the VarReduction folder) , wil compare th results obtrtain byt differents reduction of Variance technics or "quasi" 礛ont Carlo simultion using Hamlton and sobol Sequences
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 398kb Publisher : yang

蒙特卡洛方法原理及在移动通信中的应用的资料包括高斯(正态) 、Reyleigh、Rice 和Nakagami - m 等四种常见的随机分布。-Application of Monte- Carlo Simulation in Mobile Communications
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 179kb Publisher : 与非

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使用直接模拟蒙特卡罗法的Matlab编程,里面三个算例,如湖面积、资产路径等的概率求解法~-Vincent Leclercq, The MathWorks, 2007 Ths is the set of files (with the powerpoint presentation, in french or in english) used for the Webinar "Simulation de Monte Carlo en MATLAB". - The first demo (LakeArea, run MainLakeArea) is computing the size of a polyogon using a MC approach - The second demo (PortSim, run WebinarScript) can do 2 things: First, we genrate some equity paths, to verify the lognormality If changing the mode to OptionPricing (uncomment one of the first line), then those spaths will be used for pricing an asian option - the 3rd Demo,in myMC (run MonteCarlo.m) , show how to simulate some corelated asset paths - The 4th demo, (run VanillaPricingUsingDifferentMethods.m in the VarReduction folder) , wil compare th results obtrtain byt differents reduction of Variance technics or "quasi" 礛ont Carlo simultion using Hamlton and sobol Sequences
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 388kb Publisher : 杨强

蒙特卡罗法计算亚式期权其中限制时间步数N而让M循序增大-MonteCarlo Method with fixed time steps N and icreasing M
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 748kb Publisher : 张皓禹

用Matlab来模拟MonteCarlo,包括ppt和.m 文件。 如何使用的教程。-To show principles and uses cases for Monte Carlo methods. Using Matlab toolbox for Monte Carlo simulations.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 212kb Publisher : Cheng Huang

蒙特卡洛算法的M文件-Monte Carlo
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 568kb Publisher : 程文

DL : 0
完成M=4的PSK通信系统的Montecarlo仿真。-Completion of M = 4 PSK communication system 4 of Montecarlo simulations.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : li

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完成M=4的DPSK数字通信系统montecarlo仿真-Completion of M = DPSK digital communication system simulation montecarlo 4
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : li

M=8PSK通信系统的MonteCarlo仿真,检测器的检测算法按照最接近接收信号相位的方法选为信号点。-M = 8PSK communication system Monte Carlo simulation, detector detection algorithm according to the method closest to the received signal phase is selected to signal point.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : maomaoyu
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