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[Windows Developan502_src

Description: The MS5534 pressure measurement module consists of a SMD-hybrid device including a piezoresistive pressure cell and an ADC-Interface IC. It provides 16 Bit data words from a pressure- and temperature-dependent voltage. Additionally the module contains 6 readable coefficients for a highly accurate software calibration for the pressure and temperature measurement. The MS5534 is a low-power, low-voltage device with automatic power down (ON/OFF) switching. A 3-wire interface is used to communicate with a microcontroller.
Platform: | Size: 611328 | Author: peter | Hits:


Description: 实现压力的侧量,与ATmega128相连,完成压力测量,可返回较精确值-Lateral pressure to achieve volume, connected with the ATmega128, the completion of the pressure measurement, and they can return to a more accurate value of
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: wangshuai | Hits:


Description: 气压传感器MS5534,高灵敏度的传感器有温度和气压值输出,可以算出高度-Pressure sensor MS5534, a high sensitivity of the sensor temperature and pressure values of the output,you can calculate the height of
Platform: | Size: 493568 | Author: FREEXP | Hits:


Description: ms5534气压传感器程序 平台 stm32单片机 -ms5534 pressure sensor process platform stm32 SCM
Platform: | Size: 263168 | Author: | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopMS5534

Description: 芯片MS5534的功能描述及芯片使用方法和部分代码描述-MS5534-chip functions of description and chips, and some use the code described in
Platform: | Size: 131072 | Author: quzhan | Hits:


Description: 实现ms5534与c51的链接驱动,keil编译通过,需要的自己下了-The link with the c51 to achieve ms5534 driver, keil compiler passed, the needs of their own down the
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: 许小平 | Hits:

[Other Embeded program4ms5534

Description: ms5534气压传感器程序平台stm32单片-ms5534-chip pressure sensor process platform stm32
Platform: | Size: 264192 | Author: wfwef | Hits:


Description: 利用微处理器 AVR ATmega 128,温湿度传感器SHT11/71,压力传感器MS5534A, 光传感器TSL2550,加速度传感器ADXL202E-Use of microprocessors AVR ATmega 128, temperature and humidity sensors SHT11/71, pressure sensors MS5534A, light sensors TSL2550, acceleration sensor ADXL202E
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: 张旭东 | Hits:


Description: 这是ms5534的源码程序 现在很难找啊 大家-This is ms5534 source program is difficult to find ah we look at
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: l775852zy | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developheight

Description: 使用ms5534数字气压高度计测量大气压力,经80c51单片机计算后显示在1602液晶屏上-Use ms5534 digital pressure altimeter measurements of atmospheric pressure, calculated by 80c51 microcontroller displayed on the LCD screen in 1602
Platform: | Size: 36864 | Author: wangjie | Hits:


Description: 压力传感器资料,需要的人看看,设计过程中用到的 有相关源程序-MS5534 press good for you BAROMETER MODULE Integrated pressure sensor Pressure range 300-1100 mbar ♦ 15 Bit ADC ♦ 6 coefficients for a software compensation stored on-chip ♦ 3-wire serial interface ♦ 1 system clock line (32.768 kHz) ♦ Low voltage/low power
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: miao | Hits:


Description: 大气压力传感器ms5534-cm驱动程序代码-Atmospheric pressure sensor ms5534-cm driver code
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 徐少亮 | Hits:

[Windows Developmms5534s

Description: ms5534气压传感器程序 平平台 stm32单片机可直接使用。 -ms5534 pressure sensor program level platform stm32 microcontroller can be used directly.
Platform: | Size: 264192 | Author: tiebos | Hits:

[source in ebookMS5534-CODE

Description: MEAS公司数字式压力传感器MS5534程序代码-The MEAS digital pressure sensor MS5534 program code
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: yl | Hits:


Description: 温、湿、压风采集电路,温湿度传感器是SHT75,气压传感器是MS5534-Temperature, humidity, pressure style set circuits, temperature and humidity sensor SHT75, MS5534 pressure sensor is
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: boeryu | Hits:


Description: 温湿度传感器SHT75和气压传感器MS5534传感器的测量电路及嵌入式程序-SHT75 temperature and humidity sensor and barometric pressure sensor MS5534 sensor measurement circuits and embedded program
Platform: | Size: 273408 | Author: boeryu | Hits:


Description: 基于msp430F149单片机,模拟spi,驱动ms5534测量程序。含工程文件方便调用。-Based msp430F149 microcontroller, atmospheric pressure measurement module MS5534 drivers, analog spi, including engineering test program.
Platform: | Size: 148480 | Author: 马庆锋 | Hits:

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