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界面漂这的MP3,使用了皮肤控件,希望大家喜欢。-MP3, using the skin controls, hope you like them.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.36mb Publisher : kk

PSMFirewall防火墙源代码 -PSMFirewall firewall source code PSMFirewall firewall source code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 558kb Publisher : shine

使用TDI 和Filter-Hook进行网络数据拦截的两个例子, 以前外挂用过-The use of TDI and the Filter-Hook for network data to intercept the two examples previously used plug-ins
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 160kb Publisher : Yofoo

Ndis Driver, TTL Change of IP Packet -Ndis Driver, TTL Change of IP Packet
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 348kb Publisher : Power TRK

明小子旁注源代码 很好的源代码 可以参考写自己的工具
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 460kb Publisher : haoxing

XFILTER 2,防火墙整套代码及文档,上层应用及vxd、wdm驱动,NDIS驱动。对研究防火墙的同志极具有参考价值。编译成功,可直接作为产品使用。编译环境需DDK及VC。-XFILTER 2, firewall package of code and documentation, the upper application and vxd, wdm drivers, NDIS driver. The study of highly comrades firewall reference value. Compile success can be directly used as the product. Environmental DDK compiler and VC.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.17mb Publisher : 三棱镜

AdpSpy NDIS 网卡 网络接口,、在 NT 系统中插、拔网线时,系统栏右下角都会冒出个气泡进行提示。它是怎样实现的呢,其实很简单,如果您感兴趣的话,不妨花几分钟看看我写的这个小程序。 2、特点:不依赖具体协议,直接读取中间层驱动接口,能够实时监控网线是否被插拔、网卡是否被插拔或禁用。作少许改动还可以得到网卡流量等信息。 3、我的水平很洼,也不知道过去有没有人写过相同的程序(那就太丢人了),班门弄斧别笑话我-AdpSpy NDIS 网卡 网络接口
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 196kb Publisher : 王二

ShCti driver user s manual, y Details NDIS driver development, Under XP-driven development (Engl Based on the expansion of passthr Parallel and Distributed Simulati The driver of a scanner to prepar Tuopu TCB8000 Chinese liquid crys USB development with Delphi sourc This is a printer port control-dr- ShCti driver user s manual, y Details NDIS driver development, Under XP-driven development (Engl Based on the expansion of passthr Parallel and Distributed Simulati The driver of a scanner to prepar Tuopu TCB8000 Chinese liquid crys USB development with Delphi sourc This is a printer port control-dr
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : rachmat jeny

SYNflood源码.用WINCAP编写的SYN洪水攻击源码,附带了WINCAP的DLL,不用安装-SYNflood source. WINCAP prepared with SYN flood attack source, WINCAP comes with the DLL, do not install
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 265kb Publisher : ffff

Sample Delphi Firewa-Sample Delphi Firewall
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 130kb Publisher : c

有关如何运用windows api的完整例子,里面涉及无线网络,实现从获取AP信息,连接,到断开连接的实现。-About how to use windows api example of integrity, which involves a wireless network, from AP to obtain information, connect to the realization of disconnected.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.5mb Publisher : liu

网络防火墙NetGuard源码.基于费尔的Ndis Hook技术,里面有代码说明.-NetGuard source network firewall. Ndis Hook of Fairbanks-based technology, there are codes.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 481kb Publisher : Connecticut

Ndis delphi 数据包捕获 Ndis delphi-Ndis delphi 数据包捕获
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 466kb Publisher : 陈力

DL : 0
# remotecontrolserver.(Remote Control - Java) - /***** remote control server source code of the role and his ... # Delphiremotecontrols(Remote Control - Delphi) - remote control samples, Delphi7 compile, including switching ... # delphiremotecontrol.(WinSock-NDIS - Delphi) - use of a Delphi production for remote control of the code, c ... # remote.rar(Network Security - Delphi) - DELPHI write remote control systems, source code, can rest a ... # Delphiremotecontroli(Remote Control - Delphi) - use of the remote control socket Development Implementation
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 24kb Publisher : NN

一个高性能的网络数据包处理架构,利用WinpkFilter可以在应用层直接对数据包进行处理,甚至可以在应用层延缓数据包发送-WinpkFilter is a high performance packet filtering framework for Windows that allows developers to transparently filter (view and modify) raw network packets with minimal impact on network activity without having to write low level TDI or NDIS driver code. WinpkFilter is more than just a firewall development kit for Windows. With WinpkFilter you can make an application that inserts itself into the Windows network stream: custom firewall solution, internet connection sharing (NAT), IP shaper, VPN and many other low-level network solutions completely in user-mode using your favorite development environment: Visual C++, Visual C#, Delphi, Visual Basic, C++ Builder and etc. Using WinpkFilter requires no experience in kernel mode programming on your behalf since WinpkFilter provides you with powerful user level API. However, if you need to implement your solution (to achieve better performance) in kernel mode you can use well-documented raw IOCTL interface as well.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.57mb Publisher : awe
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