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Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 48.09kb Publisher :

NDIS HOOK是专业级防火墙使用的一种拦截技术,NDIS HOOK的重点是如何获得特定协议对应NDIS_PROTOCOL_BLOCK指针,获得了该指针,接下来就可以替换该协议所注册的收发函数,而达到拦截网络数据的目的。 获 得NDIS_PROTOCOL_BLOCK指针的方法一般是用NdisRegisterProtocol注册一个新的协议,所获得的协议句柄实际上就是一 个NDIS_PROTOCOL_BLOCK指针,顺着该指针遍历NDIS_PROTOCOL_BLOCK链表,就可以找到你所要挂钩的协议所对应的 NDIS_PROTOCOL_BLOCK.之所以可以这样做,是因为每注册一个协议,系统都会把该协议对应的NDIS_PROTOCOL_BLOCK放置 在协议链表的开头,该协议链表每个元素都是NDIS_PROTOCOL_BLOCK类型,代表一个已经注册的协议。 事 实上我们需要的只是TCPIP协议族的NDIS_PROTOCOL_BLOCK指针,毕竟TCP,IP,ARP,ICMP等等几乎所有我们感兴趣的协议, 都是在tcpip.sys协议驱动里面实现的。如果我们只需要TCPIP协议所对应的NDIS_PROTOCOL_BLOCK,那么上面的方法就有点繁琐 了。我们可以试着寻找更简便的方法来获得TCPIP协议的NDIS_PROTOCOL_BLOCK.
Update : 2012-04-25 Size : 5.24kb Publisher :

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 49kb Publisher :

基于TCP/IP协议的网络入侵检测系统是在Linux平台下,充分利用Linux的网络特性来设计的网络安全防御系统的一部分。在完全理解TCP/IP通讯协议的基础上来开发基于网络的入侵检测系统,它主要包括以下几个部分:数据包拦截器,数据包分析器,数据包生成器,远程通讯控制模块,集中管理模块等。 关键字:入侵检测系统,网络安全,协议分析,网络入侵检测系统- Based on the TCP/IP agreement network invasion examination system is under the Linux platform, fully a network security defense system part which designs using the Linux network characteristic. Completely was understanding the TCP/IP communication agreement the foundation comes up the development based on the network invasion examination system, it mainly includes following several parts: Data packet interceptor, data packet analyzer, data packet production, long-distance communication control module, centralized management module and so on. Essential character: Invasion examination system, network security, protocol analysis, network invasion examination system
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 71kb Publisher : 吴玲

This project implements IPSec as NDIS Intermediate filter driver in Windows 2000. This IPSec driver appears as Virtual NIC to protocol drivers like TCP/IP driver. The network applications need not be aware of the existance of this IPSec driver
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 113kb Publisher : 王斐

在DOS下开发tcp/ip程序,用它可以做出DOS下的tcp/ip程序。-DOS development tcp/ip procedures, and it can be made under the DOS tcp/ip procedures.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 98kb Publisher : dj

讲述Windows网络程序设计的入门教程,展示了各种Windows I/O的方法,详细说明了高性能可伸缩性服务器的开发过程,并给出详细的实现代码。将编程方法、网络协议和应用实例有机组合起来,详细介绍了Internet广播和IP多播、原始套接字、SPI、LAN和WAN上的扫描和侦测技术、网络数据的窃取和保护、ARP欺骗、IP欺骗等。详细演示了协议驱动的开发过程,介绍了NDIS编程接口。在编程实践中学习P2P程序设计、讨论了穿透防火墙、NAT等直接建立UDP和TCP连接的各种方案。包含了Windows个人防火墙的完整实例代码,防火墙采用应用层(SPI)核心层(IMD驱动)双重过滤机制,能够有效地抵挡网络入侵和攻击。提供了大量的完整的实例,许多例子稍做修改即可应用到实际项目中。-on Windows network programming tutorial for beginners, Windows display a variety of I/O methods, a detailed description of high-performance, scalable server development process, and gives detailed codes. Will be programming, network protocol and application examples of organic composition, Details on the Internet radio and IP Multicasting, the original socket, SPI, LAN and WAN on the scanning and detection technology, network and data theft protection, to deceive the ARP, IP deception. Details of the agreement demo-driven development process, NDIS Programming Interface. Programming in practice learning P2P program design, discussed the penetration of firewalls, NAT establish direct UDP and TCP connections to the various programs. Windows includes a complete personal firewall code example
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.05mb Publisher : 王勇

完整的整合了TCP/IP协议栈里所有的协议,并包含有完整的应用层HTTP、FTP、TELNET、SMTP等等协议,可以直接应用!-complete the integration of TCP/IP protocol stack, all the agreements, and includes a complete application layer HTTP, FTP, TELNET, and SMTP, and so on the agreement, can be directly applied!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 648kb Publisher : 吴健勇

ndis 中间层截获后转发的例子,通过修改IP 地址和MAC地址转发.-intercepted between NDIS layer forwarding example, by modifying the IP address and MAC address forwarding.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 395kb Publisher : soar

Visual C++网络程序设计实例详解 简介:本书全面介绍了使用Visual C++开发各种网络程序的方法与技巧,内容涵盖TCP和UDP的客户/服务器编程、Internet和LAN上的远程PC控制、链路层的计算机扫描技术、路由跟踪技术、IP欺骗技术、密码截获及保护技术、网络封包截获技术、串口通信技术、IOCP技术,以及分层协议、NDIS中间层网络驱动编程等。-Visual C++ Network programming examples Detailed Description: This book gave a comprehensive account of the use of Visual C++ The development of a variety of network procedures and techniques, covering TCP and UDP client/server programming, Internet and LAN on Remote PC control, link layer of the computer scanning technology, routing tracking technology, IP spoofing, password intercepted and the protection of technology, network packet intercepted technology, serial communications technology, IOCP technology, as well as stratified agreement, NDIS layer between programming, such as a network drive.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 113kb Publisher : lee

Visual C++网络程序设计实例详解 简介:本书全面介绍了使用Visual C++开发各种网络程序的方法与技巧,内容涵盖TCP和UDP的客户/服务器编程、Internet和LAN上的远程PC控制、链路层的计算机扫描技术、路由跟踪技术、IP欺骗技术、密码截获及保护技术、网络封包截获技术、串口通信技术、IOCP技术,以及分层协议、NDIS中间层网络驱动编程等。-Visual C++ Network programming examples Detailed Description: This book gave a comprehensive account of the use of Visual C++ The development of a variety of network procedures and techniques, covering TCP and UDP client/server programming, Internet and LAN on Remote PC control, link layer of the computer scanning technology, routing tracking technology, IP spoofing, password intercepted and the protection of technology, network packet intercepted technology, serial communications technology, IOCP technology, as well as stratified agreement, NDIS layer between programming, such as a network drive.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.68mb Publisher : lee

内容涵盖TCP和UDP的客户/服务器编程、Internet和LAN上的远程PC控制、链路层的计算机扫描技术、路由跟踪技术、IP欺骗技术、密码截获及保护技术、网络封包截获技术、串口通信技术、IOCP技术,以及分层协议、NDIS中间层网络驱动编程等。-Covers TCP and UDP client/server programming, Internet and LAN on the remote PC control, link layer of the computer scanning technology, routing tracking technology, IP spoofing, password intercepted and the protection of technology, network packet intercepted by technology, Serial Communication Technology, IOCP technology, as well as stratified agreement, NDIS layer between programming and other network drive.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.06mb Publisher : lee

Ndis Driver, TTL Change of IP Packet -Ndis Driver, TTL Change of IP Packet
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 348kb Publisher : Power TRK

一个局域网环境中,用C 语言实现(1)确定截包的方法:包括RAW 模式SOCKET、PACKET32以及直接作为驱动程序挂在NDIS上 (2)要求截获以下包的类型并分析:以太网帧格式、IP包、ICMP包、TCP报文段、UDP报文等相关字段进行描述。 -A LAN environment, using C language (1) determine the cut-off packet Methods: RAW mode including SOCKET, PACKET32 and direct as a NDIS driver hung in the (2) require the interception of the following types of packets and Analysis: Ethernet frame format , IP packets, ICMP packets, TCP Segment, UDP packet description and other related fields.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.15mb Publisher : wulinxin

这是DNS的域名解析程序,能对任何有效域名找到对应的IP地址.-This is the DNS domain name of the procedure, can find any valid domain names corresponding IP address.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 17kb Publisher : cwh

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 871kb Publisher : 曾海

NDIS+SPI双层过滤个人防火墙 详细源程序主要功能有: 1.网络流量统计; 2.网络访问控制; 3.IP规则设置; 4.网站黑名单设置; 5.ARP防御等。-NDIS+ SPI double filtering personal firewall source code in detail the main features are: 1. Network traffic statistics 2. Network Access Control 3.IP rule set 4. Blacklist of Web sites set up 5.ARP defense.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12.86mb Publisher : 唐博

NDIS+SPI双层过滤个人防火墙 详细vc++源程序 主要功能有: 1.网络流量统计; 2.网络访问控制; 3.IP规则设置; 4.网站黑名单设置; 5.ARP防御等。 -NDIS+ SPI double-filtering personal firewall vc++ source code in detail the main function: 1. Network traffic statistics 2. Network Access Control 3.IP rule set 4. Blacklist of Web sites set up 5.ARP defense.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10.73mb Publisher : hzy

在一个局域网环境中,用C 语言实现下面的基本功能: (1)确定截包的方法:包括RAW 模式SOCKET、packet32以及直接作为驱动程序挂在NDIS上 (2)要求截获以下包的类型并分析:以太网帧格式、IP包、ICMP包、TCP报文段、UDP报文等相关字段进行描述。 -In a LAN environment, using C language the following basic functions: (1) determine the method of cut-off package: including RAW mode SOCKET, packet32 and direct as a hanging in the NDIS driver on (2) requires the following package types intercepted and analyzed : Ethernet frame format, IP packet, ICMP packets, TCP segment packet, UDP packets and other related fields are described.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.79mb Publisher : yang peng

windows平台协议驱动程序,修改可以发送自定义的协议,可以用于ip攻击等方式-windows ndis driver
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 65kb Publisher : 金志鑫
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