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《Linux网络编程》内容简介:Linux是目前最流行的开源操作系统,网络功能在Linux下占有核心的地位。《Linux网络编程》循序渐进地从应用层到Linux内核、从基本知识点到综合案例,向读者介绍如何在Linux下进行网络程序设计。《Linux网络编程》内容分为4个部分:Linux程序设计基础部分、Linux用户空间网络编程部分、Linux内核网络编程部分以及综合案例部分。内容包含Linux系统概述、Linux编程环境、Linux文件系统简介、Linux下的进程和线程、TCP/IP协议族、应用层网络服务程序、TCP编程、主机信息获取、数据IO复用、UDP编程、高级套接字、套接字选项、原始套接字、服务器模型、IPv6、Linux内核网络部分结构及分布、netfilter框架内报文处理。为了方便读者学习,《Linux网络编程》最后一个部分介绍了3个综合案例,包括应用层的Web服务器例子、简单的应用层网络协议站例子和内核层网防火墙的例子。 -"Linux Network Programming" Introduction: Linux is the most popular open source operating systems, network functionality in Linux, occupies the core position. "Linux Network Programming" step by step from the application layer to the Linux kernel, the basic knowledge from the point to the integrated case, the readers how to network programming under Linux. "Linux Network Programming" is divided into four parts: Linux part of program design, Linux user space part of network programming, Linux kernel network programming and integrated case some part. Includes an overview of Linux system, Linux programming environment, Linux File System Introduction, Linux processes and threads under, TCP/IP protocol suite, application layer network services program, TCP programming, host information access, data IO Multiplexing, UDP programming, advanced socket, socket option, the original socket, server model, IPv6, Linux kernel network part of the structure and distribution, netfilter framework of mess
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.65mb Publisher : chinq

Linux防火墙支持IP6.0 -Firewall/SOSDG is a Linux Netfilter firewall designed to be simple and effective. Features include NAT support, port forwarding, basic routing/forwarding of packets, and ipv6 firewalling support.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 20kb Publisher : wangyongzhi

DL : 0
implementaion of icmp porotocol compatible with ipv6
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : pouria

本书内容分为4个部分:linux程序设计基础部分、linux用户空间网络编程部分、linux内核网络编程部分以及综合案例部分。内容包含linux系统概述、linux编程环境、linux文件系统简介、linux下的进程和线程、tcp/ip协议族、应用层网络服务程序、tcp编程、主机信息获取、数据io复用、udp编程、高级套接字、套接字选项、原始套接字、服务器模型、ipv6、linux 内核网络部分结构及分布、netfilter框架内报文处理程;解释多重继承问题的难点,展示RTTI的实际使用,描述了典型的设计模式及其实现,特别介绍被认为是标准C++下一版特征之一的多线程处理编程技术,并提供了最新的研究成果。-This book introduces C++ practical programming techniques and best practices, in-depth exploration of exception handling and exception safety design introduction of C++ string, input and output streams, STL algorithms, containers and templates for modern usage, including the template meta-programming Jieshi 多重 succession issues difficult to demonstrate the actual use of RTTI, describes the typical design patterns and, in particular on Jieshao is considered to be the next version of the standard C++ feature of multithreading programming techniques, and provides the latest research the results.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.67mb Publisher : 陈雨

IPv6-specific defines for netfilter.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : rhziula

IPv6 specific functions of netfilter core.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : vangnbnang

IPv6-specific defines for netfilter.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : lerryrun

IPv6-specific defines for netfilter.Per-protocol information: only matters if proto match.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : riuhaigf

IPv6 specific functions of netfilter core.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : derkeqa
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