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Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 23.89kb Publisher :

vti_encoding:SR|utf8-nl vti_timelastmodified:TR|24 Aug 2003 15:59:02 -0000 vti_extenderversion:SR| vti_cacheddtm:TX|24 Aug 2003 15:59:02 -0000 vti_filesize:IR|20992 vti_cachedlinkinfo:VX| vti_cachedsvcrellinks:VX| vti_cachedtitle:SR|实验一 ASP程序运行环境的配置 vti_title:SR|实验一 ASP程序运行环境的配置 vti_backlinkinfo:VX|asp/left.htm asp/left0b.htm asp/leftbf.htm asp/lefty.htm -vti_encoding : SR | utf8 - nl vti_timelastmodified : TR | 24 Aug 2003 15:59:02 -0000 vti_extenderversion : SR | vti_cacheddtm : TX | 24 Aug 2003 15 : 59:02 -0000 vti_filesize : IR | 20992 vti_cachedlinkinfo : VX | vti_cachedsvcrellinks : VX | vti_cachedtitle : SR | experimental procedures in an ASP environment configuration vti_title : SR | experimental procedures in an ASP environment configuration vti_backlinkinfo : VX | asp / left.htm asp/left0b.htm asp / leftbf.htm asp / lefty.htm
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 74.87kb Publisher : zqq

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VB将日期转化为农历-VB conversion to date of the Lunar New
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 24.15kb Publisher : 小小

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A series of .c and .m files which allow one to perform univariate and bivariate wavelet analysis of discrete time series. Noother wavelet package is necessary -- everything is contained in this archive. The C-code computes the DWT and maximal overlap DWT. MATLAB routines are then used to compute such quantities as the wavelet variance, covariance, correlation, cross-covariance and cross-correlation. Approximate confidence intervals are available for all quantities except the cross-covariance and cross-correlation. A set of commands is provided. For a description of this example, please see
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 37.8kb Publisher : yupenghui

About WinMTR: WinMTR is a windows clone of popular Matt s traceroute Linux program. Original mtr can be found at Installation: Binary: Unzip You will have in unzip directory two files: WinMTR.exe LICENSE.TXT You can start WinMTR by simply running WinMTR.exe Sources: Unzip You will have in unzip directory a new directory called WinMTR In this directory are all the sources including Visual C++ 6.0 project and workspace files. Screenshots: Start screen Options screen -About WinMTR : WinMTR windows is a clone of popular Matt's trace Linux route program. Original Mutation can be found a t http : / / Installation : Binary : Unzip You will have in unzip di rectory two files : WinMTR.exe LICENSE.TXT You can start by WinMTR simply running WinMTR.exe Sources : Unzip You will have in unzip dir ectory a new directory called WinMTR In this dir ectory are all the sources including Visual C 6. 0 project and workspace files. Screenshots : Start screen Options screen
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 30.83kb Publisher : Huangql

This toolbox implements the algorithm in a fairly general way in a C file that can be called from Matlab. It allows to perform the traditional NL-means for denoising (for both B&W and color images) but also to use an arbitrary set of patches to perform the denoising. -This toolbox implements the algorithm in a fairly general way in a C file that can be called f rom Matlab. It allows to perform the traditiona l NL-means for denoising (for both B
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.34mb Publisher : 张文国

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农历.rar VFP环境下非常好的农历软件原码
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 13.66kb Publisher : xxsj

Update : 2011-04-21 Size : 3.37kb Publisher : in5hine

This toolbox implements the algorithm in a fairly general way in a C file that can be called from Matlab. It allows to perform the traditional NL-means for denoising (for both B&W and color images) but also to use an arbitrary set of patches to perform the denoising. -This toolbox implements the algorithm in a fairly general way in a C file that can be called f rom Matlab. It allows to perform the traditiona l NL-means for denoising (for both B
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.34mb Publisher : 张文国

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.09mb Publisher : 姜正茂

毫米波图像存在分辨率低的缺点,该程序在WRLA算法的基础上,进一步采用投影算法,能有效改善毫米波图像的分辨率-Images acquired from Passive Millimeter-Wave (PMMW) radiometer have poor resolution due to limited aperture dimension. Therefore, Super-Resolution Algorithm (SRA) is a key component for PMMW imager. SRA realizes spectrum extrapolation, however, spectrum in-band is deteriorated too. Wiener-Richardson-Lucy Algorithm (WRLA) recovers spectrum in-band by Wiener filter, and extrapolates spectrum out-of-band by Richardson-Lucy Algorithm (RLA). WRLA can avoid spectrum deterioration in passband, but its ability for spectrum extrapolation is limited also. We propose an improved algorithm to solve this problem. This algorithm, which has built constraints according to characteristics of PMMW imaging, uses Projection-Onto-Convex-Sets (POCS) technique to enhance the WRLA s performance, so it is termed as POCS-WRLA.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19kb Publisher : 姜正茂

图像去噪的快速算法,利用SSI和FFT.毕设的内容,效果还是不错的。-based NL-means filter,fast mean with SSI and FFT
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : zhangyuan

这个压缩文件 包含了非局部去噪的文章和这篇文章的去噪代码 -This compressed file contains non-local denoising of articles and code of this article denoising
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.34mb Publisher : 潘秋丰

非线性方程组N-L解-数值方法(MATLAB版 第4版).pdf-Nonlinear equations NL- A numerical method (MATLAB version 4). Pdf
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 383kb Publisher : bluedream

NL Delphi IDE Menu Extension. An example of Delphi 7 IDE menu extender.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : jaejunks

改进的经典N-L潮流计算程序,比以前的渐变使用-Improved classic NL flow calculation program, using a gradient than before
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 39kb Publisher : Lightning

Non-local means算法由A. Buades, B. Coll, J.M Morel提出。该算法的主要参考文献为: A. Buades, B. Coll, J.M Morel, A review of image denoising algorithms, with a new one , Multiscale Modeling and Simulation (SIAM interdisciplinary journal), Vol 4 (2), pp: 490-530, 2005. 这个工具箱以一种相当普遍的方式可以被matlab调用的C文件上实现这个算法。它允许执行传统的NL-means进行去噪(对黑白图像和彩色图像均适用)并且使用任意一组补丁执行去噪。 -The non-local means is an algorithm introduced by A. Buades, B. Coll, J.M Morel. The main reference for the algorithm is A. Buades, B. Coll, J.M Morel, A review of image denoising algorithms, with a new one , Multiscale Modeling and Simulation (SIAM interdisciplinary journal), Vol 4 (2), pp: 490-530, 2005. This toolbox implements the algorithm in a fairly general way in a C file that can be called Matlab. It allows to perform the traditional NL-means for denoising (for both B&W and color images) but also to use an arbitrary set of patches to perform the denoising.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.74mb Publisher : 沙天飞

NL-MEANS图像去噪算法。 该算法对于灰度图像的高斯白噪声的去除效果极好,但是在计算时间上耗时较高。本程度对于256*256的灰度图像,约在30s以上。 运行,请输入“main”。-NL-means algorithm is a good way for grey image denoising on AWN, but it has high cost on the computation. The program here may cost beyond 30s for 256*256 image. Please enter main to launch the code.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 173kb Publisher : 王程

NL-mean 图像去噪方法的matlab实现,附录有一个小demo(the matlab code of NL mean algorithm, the appedenix have a demo)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : cavin

NL-means滤波的代码,觉得有用的可以拿去(The code of the NL-means filter,Think useful can be taken)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 氵水水
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