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Neural Network Based Clustering using Self Organizing Map (SOM) in Excel Here is a small tool in Excel using which you can find clusters in your data set. The tool uses Self Organizing Maps (SOM) - originally proposed by T.Kohonen as the method for clustering. * Neural Network based Clustering tool in Excel (209 KB in Zipped format. 947 KB when unzipped.) Inside the downloaded zip file, you will find the Excel file containing the application. Before running it, I suggest that you go through the ReadMe worksheet. It contains brief instructions on how to run the tool. If you are interested in building Prediction and Classification models in Excel using Feedforward-Backpropagation Neural Network, here are two small Excel based tools for you. Also, if you are interested in Tree based Classification models, here is a Tree based classifier in Excel. -Neural Network Based Clustering using Self Organizing Map (SOM) in Excel Here is a small tool in Excel using which you can find clusters in your data set. The tool uses Self Organizing Maps (SOM)- originally proposed by T.Kohonen as the method for clustering. * Neural Network based Clustering tool in Excel (209 KB in Zipped format. 947 KB when unzipped.) Inside the downloaded zip file, you will find the Excel file containing the application. Before running it, I suggest that you go through the ReadMe worksheet. It contains brief instructions on how to run the tool. If you are interested in building Prediction and Classification models in Excel using Feedforward-Backpropagation Neural Network, here are two small Excel based tools for you. Also, if you are interested in Tree based Classification models, here is a Tree based classifier in Excel.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 209kb Publisher : Jessie
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