Description: Windows 的IPC(进程间通信)机制主要是异步管道和命名管道。(至于其他的IPC方式,例如内存映射、邮槽等这里就不介绍了)
-Windows of the IPC (interprocess communication) mechanism is asynchronous pipelines and named pipe. (As for the rest of IPC, such as memory mapping, etc. Mailslot not presented here) Pipeline (pipe) is used for IPC shared memory region. Create a pipeline known as the pipeline process server, and connect to the pipeline as the pipeline of the process of the client. A process to write information to the pipeline, while a process to read information from the pipeline. Platform: |
Size: 153600 |
Author:周晓宇 |
Description: "命名管道"或"命名管线"(Named Pipes)是一种简单的进程间通信(I P C)机制, Microsoft Windows NT,Windows 2000,Windows 95以及Windows 98均提供了对它的支持 (但不包括Windows CE).命名管道可在同一台计算机的不同进程之间,或在跨越一个网络的 不同计算机的不同进程之间,支持可靠的,单向或双向的数据通信.用命名管道来设计应用 程序实际非常简单,并不需要事先深入掌握基层网络传送协议(如T C P / I P或I P X)的知识.这 是由于命名管道利用了微软网络提供者(M S N P)重定向器,通过一个网络,在各进程间建立 通信.这样一来,应用程序便不必关心网络协议的细节.之所以要用命名管道作为自己的网 络通信方案,一项重要的原因是它们充分利用了Windows NT及Windows 2000内建的安全特 性. -name pipes demo Platform: |
Size: 451584 |
Author:fyhe |
Description: Fast Inter Process Communication for Delphi based on Named Pipes.
Fast inter process communication channel
Packet oriented messaging. Platform: |
Size: 958464 |
Author:yahosua |