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网络攻击与防护概念性内容,包括前言,网络安全和风险分析,以后更新-network attack and defense conceptual content, including the foreword, network security and risk analysis, future updates
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.23mb Publisher : 李琨

DL : 0
这是一个集多种网络黑客工具于一体的软件!能够比较方便的进行几种简单的网络攻击!在局域网内测试通过!-This is a multi-network hackers tools in the integrated software! Compared to facilitate the conduct of several simple network attack! The LAN test pass!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 660.83kb Publisher : 操家庆

DL : 0
本文介绍了Dos(Denial of severance 拒绝服务)和Ddos(Distributed Denial of Severance 分布式拒绝服务)网络攻击的原理和c语言实现。并且在着重分析SYN-flooding的基础之上,介绍了UDP-flooding和Icmp-flooding攻击,并做出比较。最后,就软件防火墙对于Dos Ddos攻击的过滤给出了相应对策。 关键字:Dos Ddos SYN-flooding 防火墙 tcp/ip协议-Dos (Denial of severance Denial of Service) and Ddos (Distributed Denial of Severance distributed denial of service) network attack down on the principle and C Language. And the focus on analysis SYN-flooding basis, on the UDP-flooding and Icmp-flooding attacks, and to make more. Finally, on the firewall software for Dos Ddos attack filtering the corresponding countermeasures. Keywords : Dos Ddos SYN-flooding firewall tcp / ip agreement
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 8.76kb Publisher : 暗夜

About WepDecrypt: Wepdecrypt is a Wireless LAN Tool written in c which guesses WEP Keys based on a active dictionary attack, key generator, distributed network attack and some other methods, it s based on wepattack and GPL licensed. WepDecrypt highlights: - Implemented packet filters. - Only one crypted packet is enough to start cracking - Has its own key generator. - Can crack a dumpfile over a network. - Can act as a server and client. - Also works in windows. - Has an fltk gui.-About WepDecrypt : Wepdecrypt is a Wireless LAN Tool written in c wh ich guesses WEP Keys based on a active dictionar y attack, key generator, distributed network attack and some other meth ods. it's based on wepattack and GPL licensed. WepDec rypt highlights : - Implemented packet filters. - Only one crypte d packet is enough to start cracking - Has its own key generator. - Can a crack dumpfile over a netw contex. - Can act as a server and client. - Also works in windows. - Has an FLTK gui.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 88.14kb Publisher : 刘小斌

本安全评估系统通过对网络设备进行自动的安全漏洞检测和分析,模拟漏洞分析专家及安全专家的技术,提供基于策略的安全风险管理过程。网络漏洞扫描可执行预定的或事件驱动的网络探测,去识别可能被入侵者利用的网络安全漏洞。网络漏洞扫描提供了多种缺省的扫描策略配置,同时允许用户自己订做符合特定要求的策略。通过确认正确的配置,保证用户不会忽略正式的安全策略,使所有的系统都保持合理的安全性来抵御外部的攻击。-assessment of the security system of network equipment for the automatic detection and vulnerability analysis, vulnerability analysis simulation experts and the technical experts, policy-based security risk management process. Network Vulnerability scanning executable scheduled or event-driven network detection, to identify possible intruders use network security loopholes. Network Vulnerability Scanning providing a wide variety of scanning default policy configuration, and allows the user to build with their own specific requirements of the strategy. By identifying the correct configuration ensures that the users will not overlook the formal security policy, so that all the systems are to maintain a reasonable security to withstand external attack.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 540kb Publisher : 石林

网络攻击与防护概念性内容,包括前言,网络安全和风险分析,以后更新-network attack and defense conceptual content, including the foreword, network security and risk analysis, future updates
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.23mb Publisher : 李琨

该项目通过对网络设备进行自动的安全漏洞检测和分析,模拟漏洞分析专家及安全专家的技 术,提供基于策略的安全风险管理过程。网络漏洞扫描可执行预定的或事件驱动的网络探测, 去识别可能被入侵者利用的网络安全漏洞。网络漏洞扫描提供了多种缺省的扫描策略配置,同 时允许用户自己订做符合特定要求的策略。通过确认正确的配置,保证用户不会忽略正式的安 全策略,使所有的系统都保持合理的安全性来抵御外部的攻击。 -the project through the network equipment for the automatic detection and vulnerability analysis, vulnerability analysis simulation experts and the technical experts, policy-based security risk management process. Network Vulnerability scanning executable scheduled or event-driven network detection, to identify possible intruders use network security loopholes. Network Vulnerability Scanning providing a wide variety of scanning default policy configuration, and allows the user to build with their own specific requirements of the strategy. By identifying the correct configuration ensures that the users will not overlook the formal security policy, so that all the systems are to maintain a reasonable security to withstand external attack.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.69mb Publisher : 大大

这是一个集多种网络黑客工具于一体的软件!能够比较方便的进行几种简单的网络攻击!在局域网内测试通过!-This is a multi-network hackers tools in the integrated software! Compared to facilitate the conduct of several simple network attack! The LAN test pass!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 661kb Publisher : 操家庆

本文介绍了Dos(Denial of severance 拒绝服务)和Ddos(Distributed Denial of Severance 分布式拒绝服务)网络攻击的原理和c语言实现。并且在着重分析SYN-flooding的基础之上,介绍了UDP-flooding和Icmp-flooding攻击,并做出比较。最后,就软件防火墙对于Dos Ddos攻击的过滤给出了相应对策。 关键字:Dos Ddos SYN-flooding 防火墙 tcp/ip协议-Dos (Denial of severance Denial of Service) and Ddos (Distributed Denial of Severance distributed denial of service) network attack down on the principle and C Language. And the focus on analysis SYN-flooding basis, on the UDP-flooding and Icmp-flooding attacks, and to make more. Finally, on the firewall software for Dos Ddos attack filtering the corresponding countermeasures. Keywords : Dos Ddos SYN-flooding firewall tcp/ip agreement
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8kb Publisher : 暗夜

About WepDecrypt: Wepdecrypt is a Wireless LAN Tool written in c which guesses WEP Keys based on a active dictionary attack, key generator, distributed network attack and some other methods, it s based on wepattack and GPL licensed. WepDecrypt highlights: - Implemented packet filters. - Only one crypted packet is enough to start cracking - Has its own key generator. - Can crack a dumpfile over a network. - Can act as a server and client. - Also works in windows. - Has an fltk gui.-About WepDecrypt : Wepdecrypt is a Wireless LAN Tool written in c wh ich guesses WEP Keys based on a active dictionar y attack, key generator, distributed network attack and some other meth ods. it's based on wepattack and GPL licensed. WepDec rypt highlights :- Implemented packet filters.- Only one crypte d packet is enough to start cracking- Has its own key generator.- Can a crack dumpfile over a netw contex.- Can act as a server and client.- Also works in windows.- Has an FLTK gui.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 88kb Publisher : 刘小斌

网络攻防资料-网络渗透技术书籍,学信息安全的很适用的书籍-Network attack and defense of information- Internet penetration of technical books, learning is very applicable to information security books
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 29.35mb Publisher : 李灵

本文是一篇关于传感器网络安全的综述,详细地从各个层介绍了它的研究情况。-Wireless sensor networks(WSNs) use small nodes with constrained capabilities to sense,collect,and disseminate information in many types of applications.As sensor networks become wide-spread,security issues become a central concern, especially in mission-criticaltasks.In this paper,we identify the threats and vulnerabilities to WSNs and summarize the defense methods based on the networking protocol layer analys is ?rst.Then we give a holistic overview of security issues.These issues are divided into seven categories:cryptography,keymanage- ment,attack detections and preventions,securer outing,secure location security,secure data fusion,and other security issues. Along the way we analyze thead vantages and disadvantages of current secure schemes in each category.Inaddition,we also summarize the techniques and methods used in these categories,and point out the open research issues and directions in each area.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 340kb Publisher : 马宁

ARP 以后,对整个网络会有点影响,监听也只能监听一部分,不象同一HUB下的监听。对被监听者会有影响,因为他掉了一部分数据。 当然还有其他一些应用,需要其他技术的配合。以下是send_arp.c的源程序 -ARP after a bit of the whole network, monitor only a part of listening, not listening, as under the same HUB. Have an impact on those who are listening, because he lost part of the data. Of course there are other applications that require the cooperation of other technologies. The following is the source send_arp.c
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : zhangxi

俄罗斯著名黑客克里斯,卡巴斯基网络攻击技术基础,原版书籍-Chris the famous Russian hacker, Kaspersky network attack techniques based on the original books
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.84mb Publisher : Ben

黑客的基本攻击方法及原理,以及一些简单软件应用。 网络渗透攻击事件的发生极为普遍,众多的网络管理员和网络安全工作者却对网络安全环境所面临的严峻考验缺乏足够的认识,因而也未曾采取全面的防范补救措施应对各种攻击行为。《孙子兵法》曰“知已知彼,百战不殆;不知彼而知已,一胜一负;不知彼不知已,每战必败”。建立有效的防御体系的惟一障碍是知识的不足。不论你是一位信息安全技术的爱好者、一位IT专家或一名有经验的信息安全实践者,只要你想建立起一个有效的防御体系,就必须了解黑客们所使用的基本工具和手段。 以“网络渗透攻击”为切入点,就是要让实训对象认清网络安全环境和网络渗透入侵的一些普遍规律,并有针对性的补充知识和采取全面的防范补救措施,为网络防御提供事件依据和需求来源。力争打破常规实训体系,不同于普通实训书籍或培训机构的教学模式,实现由浅入深、由意识到技术分而治之的教学模式。-The fundamental hacker attack methods and principles, as well as some simple software application. Network attack events is very common, many network administrators and network security workers to network security environment is facing a severe test to lack enough understanding, and therefore not taking comprehensive precautionary and remedial measures to deal with all kinds of aggressive behavior. " Grandchildren strategics" Yue" Zhiyizhibi, invincible do not know and confidant, one of a negative do not know do not know, every war must be". The establishment of an effective defense system only obstacle is lack of knowledge. Whether you re a information security technology enthusiasts, a IT expert or an experienced information security practitioners, as long as you want to set up an effective defense system, it is necessary to understand the hackers were using basic tools and methods. With "the network attack" as the breakthrough point, is to make the training object recognize
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.43mb Publisher : 小邓

本代码是在NS2软件中通过tcl语言实现DoS网络攻击模拟的。-The code is in the NS2software, through the Tcl language to achieve DoS network attack simulation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10kb Publisher : 福福

Network Attack called Middle Man Attack
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 16kb Publisher : vvishal

一本关于网络攻防的学习书籍,小白们可以参考学习!-A network attack and defense on learning books, white can refer to learn!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.79mb Publisher : 马挊

Network Attack Model for omnetpp
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.97mb Publisher : CommsMan

This is NS 2 network attack script which is focused on Denial of Service attack on network
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 12kb Publisher : Nil09
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