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[OS programCNetControl

Description: 图形显示CPU内存利用率 1.本程序分两种情况来获取CPU的利用率,NT下利用ntdll.dll中没有公开的API: NtQuerySystemInformation, 9x下利用注册表来获取CPU的利用率 2.通过 GlobalMemoryStatus来获取内存的使用情况 3.程序中封装了两个类 CcpuUsgesCtl和CmemUsgesCtl,使用这两这个类可以实现CPU,内存利用率的定时读取,并以图形化的形式显示出来-graphics CPU utilization of a memory. The procedure to obtain two of the CPU utilization, NT not use Base open API : NtQuerySystemInformation. 9x use the registry to obtain two CPU utilization. through GlobalMemoryStatu s access memory to the use of the three. proceedings of the two types of packages and CmemU CcpuUsgesCtl sgesCtl, the use of these two categories can achieve the CPU, memory utilization regularly read, and in graphical form displayed
Platform: | Size: 144853 | Author: 王勃 | Hits:

[Driver DevelopdvKrnlData

Description: 该代码为我学习winnt内核时所写,主要功能是在ring3下通过DeviceIoControl与驱动进行通信,获取内核的数据以及sdt,idt信息等。并实现了hook NtQuerySystemInformation函数来实现进程隐藏的功能-The code for the kernel, I am learning winnt wrote, Its main function is in ring3 through DeviceIoControl communication with the driver. access to the kernel and sdt data, the information loop. And the achievement of the hook function to achieve NtQuerySystemInformation implicit process possession of the function
Platform: | Size: 55181 | Author: 左手 | Hits:


Description: NT进程查看,使用NTDLL的NtQuerySystemInformation函数,vc6.0编译通过-NT process, NTDLL NtQuerySystemInformation use the function, vc6.0 compile
Platform: | Size: 30295 | Author: Athena1713 | Hits:


Description: 使用内核函数NtQuerySystemInformation做的进程显示程序,
Platform: | Size: 36115 | Author: 李强 | Hits:

[Hook api微软未公开API【NtQuerySystemInformation】函数

Description: IN OUT PVOID          SystemInformation, IN   ULONG          SystemInformationLength, OUT   PULONG         ReturnLength OPTIONAL); NTQUERYSYSTEMINFORMATION NtQuerySystemInformation; 从中可以看到,SystemInformationClass是一个类型信息,它大概提供了50余种信息,也就是我们可以通过这个函数对大约50多种 的系统信息进行探测或设置。SystemInformation是一个LPVOID型的指针,它为我们提供需要获得的信息,或是我们需要设置的系统信息。 SystemInformationLength是SystemInformation的长度,它根据探测的信息类型来决定。至于 ReturnLength则是系统返回的需要的长度,通常可以设置为空指针(NULL)。 首先,我们来看看大家比较熟悉的系统进程/线程相关的信息。这个题目在网上已经讨论了N多年了,所以我就不在老生常谈了,呵呵。那么就提出这个结构类型的定义: typedef struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSES { ULONG     NextEntryDelta;     //构成结构序列的偏移量; ULONG     ThreadCount;       //线程数目; ULONG     Reserved1[6];     LARGE_INTEGER CreateTime;       //创建时间; LARGE_INTEGER UserTime;        //用户模式(Ring 3)的CPU时间; LARGE_INTEGER KernelTime;       //内核模式(Ring 0)的CPU时间; UNICODE_STRING ProcessName;       //进程名称; KPRIORITY   BasePriority;      //进程优先权; ULONG     ProcessId;       //进程标识符; ULONG     InheritedFromProcessId; //父进程的标识符; ULONG     HandleCount;       //句柄数目; ULONG     Reserved2[2]; VM_COUNTERS  VmCounters;       //虚拟存储器的结构,见下; IO_COUNTERS  IoCounters;       //IO计数结构,见下; SYSTEM_THREADS Threads[1];       //进程相关线程的结构数组,见下; 。。。。。
Platform: | Size: 10385 | Author: blackcorpse | Hits:

[OS programCNetControl

Description: 图形显示CPU内存利用率 1.本程序分两种情况来获取CPU的利用率,NT下利用ntdll.dll中没有公开的API: NtQuerySystemInformation, 9x下利用注册表来获取CPU的利用率 2.通过 GlobalMemoryStatus来获取内存的使用情况 3.程序中封装了两个类 CcpuUsgesCtl和CmemUsgesCtl,使用这两这个类可以实现CPU,内存利用率的定时读取,并以图形化的形式显示出来-graphics CPU utilization of a memory. The procedure to obtain two of the CPU utilization, NT not use Base open API : NtQuerySystemInformation. 9x use the registry to obtain two CPU utilization. through GlobalMemoryStatu s access memory to the use of the three. proceedings of the two types of packages and CmemU CcpuUsgesCtl sgesCtl, the use of these two categories can achieve the CPU, memory utilization regularly read, and in graphical form displayed
Platform: | Size: 144384 | Author: 王勃 | Hits:

[Driver DevelopdvKrnlData

Description: 该代码为我学习winnt内核时所写,主要功能是在ring3下通过DeviceIoControl与驱动进行通信,获取内核的数据以及sdt,idt信息等。并实现了hook NtQuerySystemInformation函数来实现进程隐藏的功能-The code for the kernel, I am learning winnt wrote, Its main function is in ring3 through DeviceIoControl communication with the driver. access to the kernel and sdt data, the information loop. And the achievement of the hook function to achieve NtQuerySystemInformation implicit process possession of the function
Platform: | Size: 55296 | Author: 左手 | Hits:


Description: NT进程查看,使用NTDLL的NtQuerySystemInformation函数,vc6.0编译通过-NT process, NTDLL NtQuerySystemInformation use the function, vc6.0 compile
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: huangXX | Hits:


Description: 使用内核函数NtQuerySystemInformation做的进程显示程序,-The use of the kernel function of the process of doing NtQuerySystemInformation display program,
Platform: | Size: 35840 | Author: | Hits:


Description: Fport并没有调用socket函数来获得socket属性,这说明有一个更简单直接的方法可以从SOCKET句柄中得到端口、协议等信息,可惜我不知道,此为疑点三。不过令人欣慰的是,我写出来的Gport可以在Win2K的非管理员用户下运行,此时,仅能获得本用户所有进程的端口,这大概是Fport所没有具备的功能。 -Fport did not call the socket function socket to obtain property, this description has a more simple and direct method can be obtained from the SOCKET handle port, protocol information, etc. Unfortunately, I do not know, this is three points. But good news is that I write out Gport can Win2K non-administrator user run, At this point, the only access to all processes of the user ports, which are perhaps not Fport features.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: lix | Hits:


Description: a simple demo program uses NATIVE APIs ( that is , from NTDLL.DLL, espicially NtQuerySystemInformation API) good to learn how to use NATIVE APIs this demo shows current memory usage, pageing status and freedisk space.
Platform: | Size: 234496 | Author: jackal | Hits:


Description: NtQuerySystemInformation主要的的结构体,-The structure of the main body of NtQuerySystemInformation,
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 孙涛 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopNtQuerySystemInformation

Description: 这是介绍如何在Windows驱动层 HOOK NtQuerySystemInformation内核 函数的文章。 这篇文章超级详细的介绍了这个函数的每一个参数以及用法。-This is how the Windows kernel function driver layer HOOK NtQuerySystemInformation article. This article describes the super-detailed each parameter of this function and usage.
Platform: | Size: 55296 | Author: 汤文 | Hits:

[assembly languageEnum-Process-for-MASM

Description: code for all processes running at the time API uses native (NtQuerySystemInformation) compiled with MASM the code is for 32 bytes can be changed to 64 bytes:)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: MUTANT | Hits:

[OS programtake-CPU-utilization

Description: NtQuerySystemInformation 取CPU占用率-NtQuerySystemInformation take CPU utilization
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 啊啊 | Hits:

[OS programEnumKrnlMod

Description: 通过使用系统函数 NtQuerySystemInformation查找显示系统模块-use NtQuerySystemInformation enum system moudle
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: avkiller2012 | Hits:


Description: List Processes using NtQuerySystemInformation. wap2k
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: animatorix | Hits:

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