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[Other resourceZY-OA

Description: ZY-OA网络办公系统,这是我从别的地方下的 -ZY-office network OA system, which is what I got from the other places
Platform: | Size: 1656281 | Author: lzj | Hits:


Description: 这是我用asp.net开发的现在之具有一些功能的oa办公系统,希望大家多提些建议和意见:wangzhilili@gmail.com,等开发完了我还会发给大家,想必众人拾柴火焰高。-Asp. Net with the development now that it has some function in oa office systems in the hope that we will make more suggestions and observations : wangzhilili@gmail.com, such as development finished, I will be sent to Members, the four dancers.
Platform: | Size: 901120 | Author: wer | Hits:


Description: 好东东,asp.net(C#)带进度条的大文件上传,相信很多人找这-good Dongdong, Asp. Net (C#) with the progress of the file upload and I think many people find it Dongdong
Platform: | Size: 176128 | Author: 邓小 | Hits:


Description: ZY-OA网络办公系统,这是我从别的地方下的 -ZY-office network OA system, which is what I got from the other places
Platform: | Size: 1655808 | Author: lzj | Hits:


Description: 带进度条的文件上传(java+ajax源码) 在写代码的时候,还要用到关于servlet的包servlet-api.jar。   写完后调试的过程中,老报错:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/io/output/DeferredFileOutputStream,后来一查才知道少了commons-io-1.2.jar,加上后,就ok了。   关于获取及显示进度部分,用了我原来自己写的一个ajax的应用架构,从中抽取了部分代码出来,注意,js文件只适用于UTF-8编码的页面,因为现在我只写UTF-8编码的页面了,国际化方便。  progressUpload.jar中,包含了commons-fileupload-1.1.1.jar,servlet-api.jar,commons-io-1.2.jar,在progressUpload.jar中,还包含一个属性文件,里面是一些默认配置,可根据自己的需要修改。   由于有源码,怎么用可以自己看源码,此外,那个例子中也写了,在此不再赘述。例子中只取到了FileItem,再将item保存一下就ok了,示例代码: File upFile = new File(remoteFilePath) try \{ item.write(upFile) fileInfo.put("infotip", "上传成功.") } catch (java.lang.Exception e) \{ fileInfo.put("infotip", "上传失败.") }-with the progress of the file upload (java ajax OSS) in writing code, also used on packages servlet servlet-api.jar. After the finish debugging process, the old errors : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError : org/apache/commons/io/output/DeferredFil eOutputStream. Later, an investigation will know less commons-io- 1.2.jar, plus, on the ok. On access and display some progress with my own original written by a ajax application architectures, from taking part code, and the attention js document only applies to UTF-8 encoded pages. now I just write UTF-8 encoded pages, international convenience. ProgressUpload.jar, contains commons- fileupload- 1.1.1.jar. servlet-api.jar, commons-io- 1.2.jar. In progressUpload.jar, also includes an attribute documents, There is some of the default conf
Platform: | Size: 577536 | Author: 商务通 | Hits:


Description: JSPMYSQL能飞网络办公OA系统,希望对各位能够有所帮助-JSPMYSQL network could fly OA system, and I hope to be able to help you
Platform: | Size: 1605632 | Author: 建&洁 | Hits:


Description: OA管理程序代码,希望大家喜欢,一起共同拥有-OA management program code, I hope everyone like it, along with co-owner
Platform: | Size: 2720768 | Author: linwei | Hits:

[WEB Codeoa

Description: asp做的软件,希望大家多多支持,谢谢大家-asp software to do, I hope everyone will support, I would like to thank everyone
Platform: | Size: 364544 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 很好的 源码,希望大家喜欢,这个源码很有用的 ,真的 好难得-Very good source, I hope everyone likes this source useful, really good rare
Platform: | Size: 6543360 | Author: wenjun | Hits:


Description: 精品OA,已经本人测试成功,完全可用,使我花钱从别人那买的.商业源码仅供学习交流,请勿用于商业用途. 在建立数据库时,不要是用恢复,应使用ConfigSys/ConfigDB.exe 切记切记-Boutique OA, has been tested successfully, I completely available, so I spend money to buy it from others. Commercial source for study and exchanges, not for commercial purposes. In the establishment of the database, is not restored, should be used ConfigSys/Remember Remember ConfigDB.exe
Platform: | Size: 12684288 | Author: andy | Hits:


Description: jsp开发的oa系统,希望对大家有所帮助。-jsp development oa system, I hope all of you to help.
Platform: | Size: 2229248 | Author: huaxingling | Hits:

[Windows Developoa

Description: 这是一个由名字为51aspx开发的通用OA开源,希望分享-This is a name for 51aspx General OA open source development, I hope to share
Platform: | Size: 9714688 | Author: ye | Hits:


Description: java源码,可供学习与交流之用,希望做个oa开源项目的人能传授一下经验!-java source for learning and the exchange of use, I hope to be an open source project oa one can teach about the experience!
Platform: | Size: 5028864 | Author: huahao | Hits:


Description: 我的毕业设计-OA系统 ASP开发的 请多多指教-I graduated from the ASP design-OA system, the development of advice please
Platform: | Size: 2763776 | Author: 唐建佳 | Hits:

[WEB CodeOA(Struts2.Hibernate3.2.Spring2.5.DWR)

Description: [[浪曦原创J2EE]OA办公自动化系统(Struts2.Hibernate3.2.Spring2.5.DWR大型项目).06.24更新俺自己的源代码加入了ExtJS菜单功能(里面还有个项目是尚学堂SSH版本的OA源码)],struts2编写-[[Long-Xi original J2EE] OA Office Automation System (Struts2.Hibernate3.2.Spring2.5.DWR large-scale projects) .06.24 update I own the source code to the ExtJS menu functionality (there is also a project is not yet school version of the SSH The OA source code)], struts2 preparation
Platform: | Size: 41733120 | Author: | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsoa

Description: 一套办公自动化系统 本人现在正在使用 希望对大家有帮助-An office automation system is now being used I want to help everyone
Platform: | Size: 396288 | Author: 刘飞 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringNew-oa

Description: 新一代办公自动化系统方案书 本人oa项目时的设计参考文档,很不错的-A new generation of office automation system solutions book I oa project design reference document, a very good
Platform: | Size: 1050624 | Author: 朋臣 | Hits:

[WEB Codeoa

Description: 对拍客PIIKEE竞拍程序进行优化后的版本,并且增加了UCENTER支持和积分商城功能,非常好,感兴趣的我这还有最新更新版,但想和JSP做的闪拍程序换,有的可以联系我的邮箱yabsc163@163.com-Take-off on the auction procedures PIIKEE optimized version, and added support and integration UCENTER Mall features, very good, I' m interested in this latest update as well, but want to shoot JSP procedures for doing flash, and some can Contact my email yabsc163@163.com
Platform: | Size: 39328768 | Author: 战胜斌 | Hits:


Description: 本系统采用流行的MVC设计模式,是一个典型的JSP +JavaBeans +Servlet +JDBC +DBMS的Web应用,具有较高的可维护性与可扩展性。 在开发过程,采用MyEclipse 7.0为主要的开发工具,数据库管理系统采用SQL Server 2000,Web服务器采用Apache的开源项目Tomcat6.0。- The system USES the MVC design patterns, popular is a typical JSP+ JavaBeans+ Servlet+ JDBC+ DBMS Web applications, has the high expansibility and maintainability. In the development process, USES the MyEclipse 7.0 as the main development tools, database management system USES SQL Server 2000, Web Server using open source project Tomcat6.0 I can with Apache.
Platform: | Size: 1482752 | Author: Peng Jin | Hits:

[Windows Developjsp办公oa自动化系统源码

Description: 功能比较完善的oa系统,包括了人员管理,仓库管理,信息管理等等(This is a relatively perfect function of the OA system, I hope you give some opinions)
Platform: | Size: 11975680 | Author: test65789 | Hits:
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