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这是一个简单的绘图程序,编制该程序的过程包括建立应用程序的基本框 架、处理视图、处理文档、串行化处理、滚动处理、窗口分割、创建对话模板 资源、创建对话类、定义成员变量、定义消息处理函数、创建对话类对象并显 示对话框以及添加工具栏按钮。 该程序的功能就是在单文档窗口中绘制各种不同线宽(有六种线宽)、不 同风格(有三种风格:实线、划线和点线)和不同颜色的线段。并且具备保存、 恢复、撤消、滚动、窗口分割等功能。 该程序所用到的都是Visual C++最基本、最核心的内容。-This is a simple drawing program, the preparation of the procedures for the establishment of the process, including the application of the basic framework for handling View, documents, serial processing, and rolling, window segmentation, create dialogue template resources, the creation of such a dialogue, the definition member variables, the definition Message Handling Functions to create dialogue and object type dialog box appears and add toolbar button. The procedure is the function of a single document window mapping different width (a six linewidth), the different styles (three styles : solid line, and crossed point line) and different colors segment. And with the preservation, restoration, lifting, rolling, the window segmentation capabilities. The procedures are used by the Visual C
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 43kb Publisher : 力风

视频序列运动估计,补偿算法。还可实现背景渐变的运动图像中运动目标分割。希望对大有帮助。-video sequences motion estimation, compensation algorithm. Gradualism can achieve background of the image moving object segmentation. Hope to assist.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 100kb Publisher : ggaaoo390

这是一个基于非参数模型的背景减运动目标分割算法的VC++程序,自己编写的,上传与大家分享。-This is a non- parametric model based on the background by moving object segmentation algorithm VC procedures, the preparation of their own. Upload share with you.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 225kb Publisher : hjs

帮助分割图像的程序 能从目标图像中取出对象 This program segments and extracts objects from an image.-help the image segmentation process images from the target object Retrieve This program segme nts and extracts objects from an image.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 19kb Publisher : 少文

美国博士论文,关于视频对象分割和用snack算法的跟踪。-American doctoral thesis on the video object segmentation and the use of the tracking algorithm snack.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.19mb Publisher : 左伟

基于多桢边缘差异的视频对象分割与跟踪算法-Based on Multi-ching marginal difference in the video object segmentation and tracking algorithm
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 451kb Publisher : lijin

Object Detection Combining Recognition and Segmentation, Eighth Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2007 源代码-Object Detection Combining Recognition and Segmentation, Eighth Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2007 source code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 978kb Publisher : steed

经典迭代直方图分离聚类算法,该聚类算法基于图像直方图,非常适合于多类目标分割,计算速度非常快-Classical iterative separation histogram clustering algorithm, the clustering algorithm based on image histogram, very suitable for many types of object segmentation, calculation of very fast
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 刘炎

FIsher准的运动对象分割算法,值得借鉴,其中实验结果非常完美。-Fisher quasi Moving Object Segmentation Algorithm, is worth learning, in which the experimental results perfectly.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 295kb Publisher : 雷子

基于区域生长,(区域增长)的目标分割方法,简单实用,易上手,m语言编写,易懂易用,没有调用内部函数,方便以后改写为c语言代码,请尽情享用-Based on regional growth, (regional growth) of the object segmentation method is simple and practical易上手, m language easy to understand and use, there is no call to internal function, convenient to rewrite the future for the c language code, please enjoy
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : zz

对视频系列进行运动估计及对其中的运动目标进行分割获得运动对象。-Series of video motion estimation and target one of the sport was moving object segmentation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 101kb Publisher : farmer

本代码计算帧间光流场,通过阈值分割获得运动矢量,对当前帧进行补偿,配置差分后实现运动目标分割,解决复杂背景下运动目标的检测问题。-This code interframe optical flow field calculated by threshold segmentation to obtain motion vectors, to compensate for the current frame, after the implementation differential configuration object segmentation exercise to address the complexity of the context of sport target detection problem.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 37kb Publisher : 付亚峰

视频序列运动估计,补偿算法。还可实现背景渐变的运动图像中运动目标分割。希望对大有帮助。-video sequences motion estimation, compensation algorithm. Gradualism can achieve background of the image moving object segmentation. Hope to assist.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 170kb Publisher : asdf

通过组合多种图像特征 , 实现 了一种新的检测运动物体方法。 一方 面,组合 图像 的颜 色、梯度和纹理特征 , 利用梯度和纹理信息对亮度变化不敏感的特性,提高运动物体分割的准确性 ;另一方面,使用图切割算法对物体/ 背景进行分割, 在不影响整体分割 结果前提下修 正局部判别错误 的像素点, 分割结果噪声少且稳定性强。 -A novel method is proposed to detect moving objects based on the linear combination of multiple features. Firstly the color gradient and texture features are synchronously used to construct background model.Secondly graphcut algorithm is employed to computer the object segmentation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 523kb Publisher : 巡洋舰

Octree-Based Object Segment code 目标分割的代码。值得参考。-Octree-Based Object Segment code object segmentation code. Worth considering.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 40kb Publisher : cui

这个matlab程序实现了目标对象的图像分割与提取技术,附件里的程序以车牌的检测与识别为例,效果非常好。-The matlab program to achieve the target object' s image segmentation and extraction technology, in the annex of the procedures for license plate detection and recognition, for example, the effect was very good.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 20kb Publisher : 动荡

MOT - Moving Object Segmentation and Tracking System Di Zhong and Shih-Fu Chang, Columbia University {dzhong,sfchang}
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.48mb Publisher : dams arn

matlab的运动目标分割 车辆检测 平均建模背景差分-Moving object segmentation matlab Vehicle Detection average difference modeling background
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 印象小七

DL : 0
Robust Motion Segmentation via Lossy Compression 运动目标分割-Robust Motion Segmentation via Lossy Compression moving object segmentation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1mb Publisher : zhuweina

运动目标分割是视频处理中的一项基本且重要的任务,本文详细描述运动目标分割算法的研究及其嵌入式系统实现。-Research on Moving Object Segmentation and its Implementation in Embedded System.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7.94mb Publisher : wanyukun
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