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Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 895byte Publisher :

UART I/O and Memory Allocation Example for GNU The project GNU_IODemo shows how to use memory allocation routines (malloc) and char I/O (printf, scanf) via a serial interface with the GNU toolchain. The I/O functions are adapted for the Analog Devices ADuC7000 series using the SERIAL.C module. The example also shows the efficiency of the Keil CA ARM Compiler run-time library which is tuned for single chip systems.-UART I / O and Memory Allocation for Example The GNU project GNU_IODemo shows how to use memo ry allocation routines (malloc) and char I / O (p rintf. Scanf) via a serial interface with the GNU toolc DERA. The I / O functions are adapted for the Anal og Devices ADuC7000 series using the SERIAL.C m odule. The example also shows the efficiency of the Keil CA ARM Compiler run-time library which is tuned for single chip systems.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 41.96kb Publisher : 郭文彬

Tug of War(A tug of war is to be arranged at the local office picnic. For the tug of war, the picnickers must be divided into two teams. Each person must be on one team or the other the number of people on the two teams must not differ by more than 1 the total weight of the people on each team should be as nearly equal as possible. The first line of input contains n the number of people at the picnic. n lines follow. The first line gives the weight of person 1 the second the weight of person 2 and so on. Each weight is an integer between 1 and 450. There are at most 100 people at the picnic. Your output will be a single line containing 2 numbers: the total weight of the people on one team, and the total weight of the people on the other team. If these numbers differ, give the lesser first. )
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.13kb Publisher :

DL : 0
采用OPenGL编写的小程序。-prepared using OpenGL small procedures.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 55.34kb Publisher : mark

Files presented: README.txt - This file. Plaintext documentation of my work. go - Shell Scripts for running the codes. cmds - Prolog commands used for executing the codes and generate output. - Prolog codes for the 16x16 Sudoku solver. input - Hex sudoku input file from the hw assignment page. Because Prolog input is hard to deal with full-stop sign, the input file extension is eliminated. hexsud - Another testing Hex Sudoku input file.-Files presented : README.txt-This file. Plaintext documentati on of my work. go-Shell Scripts for running the c odes. cmds - Prolog used for executing commands the codes and generate output. - Prol og codes for the 16x16 Sudoku solver. input-Hex sudoku input file hw assignment from the page. B ecause Prolog input is hard to deal with full-st op sign. the input file extension is eliminated. hexsud - Another testing Hex Sudoku input file.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6.06kb Publisher : emerald

DL : 0
to use an ActiveX control in your Win32 Project without MFC with CreateWindowEx or in a dialog box-to use an ActiveX control in your Win32 Proj ect without MFC with CreateWindowEx or in a dial og box
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 34.6kb Publisher : ASD

og game is the key word but you need to compile in vc ++.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.48mb Publisher : 王强

DL : 0
This a simple Windows application, which creates and reproduces 3D-image (surface) of a function plot using OpenGL rendering context.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 29.67kb Publisher : XiongBihua

a example og heightmap
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 181.31kb Publisher : wdl

DL : 0
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 38.21kb Publisher : 杜文超

DL : 1
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 23.27kb Publisher : ranger

DL : 0
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 59.25kb Publisher : h

Source Code from Que publications \"Advanced C\" Techniques and Aplications ISBN 0-88022-162-3 Advanced C Techniques and Applications QUE Unpack into a directory with the following structure root - Contents of this arc. root/bgs Contents of BGS.arc root/uis Contents of UIS.arc root/grfuser Contents og grfuser.arc
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 42.26kb Publisher : yc

3G技术的一些简介和入门,大家可以看看以便3G技术的使用和学习!-the basic and beginning knowledge og 3g technology, we can use it to use or study 3g technology.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6.6mb Publisher : Dill

Tug of War(A tug of war is to be arranged at the local office picnic. For the tug of war, the picnickers must be divided into two teams. Each person must be on one team or the other the number of people on the two teams must not differ by more than 1 the total weight of the people on each team should be as nearly equal as possible. The first line of input contains n the number of people at the picnic. n lines follow. The first line gives the weight of person 1 the second the weight of person 2 and so on. Each weight is an integer between 1 and 450. There are at most 100 people at the picnic. Your output will be a single line containing 2 numbers: the total weight of the people on one team, and the total weight of the people on the other team. If these numbers differ, give the lesser first. )
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher :

Source Code from Que publications "Advanced C" Techniques and Aplications ISBN 0-88022-162-3 Advanced C Techniques and Applications QUE Unpack into a directory with the following structure root - Contents of this arc. root/bgs Contents of BGS.arc root/uis Contents of UIS.arc root/grfuser Contents og grfuser.arc-Source Code from Que publications "Advanced C" Techniques and Aplications ISBN 0-88022-162-3 Advanced C Techniques and Applications QUE Unpack into a directory with the following structure root- Contents of this arc. root/bgs Contents of BGS.arc root/uis Contents of UIS.arc root/grfuser Contents og grfuser.arc
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 42kb Publisher : yc

我对他如何控制准星、显示敌友很好奇,找来看看的 支不支持1.5版CS不知道。-I dug this trainner out since I was so curious about how it managed to control the aim and show friends/enemies automatically. It s not tested under CS version 1.5 yet.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 256kb Publisher : 刘跃红

平衡OG序列的matlab生成代码,包含可以计算平衡OG序列相关性的代码-OG balance matlab generated code sequence
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : 刘云飞

Blind imagequalityassessmentbyrelativegradientstatistics and adaboostingneuralnetwork
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 10.12mb Publisher : 雪漫露松影

Fixed point QR-dekomponering og tykerksubstitusjon
Update : 2022-08-05 Size : 1.04mb Publisher : nitubisen.nuva
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