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[Windows Developopos

Description: pos机行业的国际标准,此源码为opos控制对象开发源码,可以直接使用。
Platform: | Size: 889584 | Author: ma | Hits:

[Windows Developopos

Description: pos机行业的国际标准,此源码为opos控制对象开发源码,可以直接使用。-pos machine industry to international standards, the source for the development of source OPOS control objects can be used directly.
Platform: | Size: 888832 | Author: ma | Hits:

[Program docESCPOS

Description: 找了很久的ESC/POS指令集,为官方正式发布版本,为需要的朋友提供方便哈-For a long time looking for the ESC/POS command set, for the official release version, in order to facilitate the needs of friends and Kazakhstan
Platform: | Size: 171008 | Author: 杨桂通 | Hits:

[OS programADG_Chin_Ver2_50

Description: 本文是一个应用OPOS支持的API,来开发应用程序所联系到的各种告戒和要点。-This article is supported by OPOS an application API, to develop applications to a variety of links and points of caution.
Platform: | Size: 241664 | Author: 刘宝荣 | Hits:


Description: 本文是一个Star微型打印机的OPOS开发技术手册-This article is a Micro-Star development OPOS printer Technical Manual
Platform: | Size: 983040 | Author: 刘宝荣 | Hits:


Description: opos 遵守UpOS规则,开发opos例子,很全面-opos
Platform: | Size: 772096 | Author: solo yu | Hits:

[USB developPINPAD-USB-Dll

Description: Windows下USB接口的密码键盘演示程序-demo application of USB interface PINPAD for windows
Platform: | Size: 1351680 | Author: Sadou | Hits:


Description: opos test utilitys for msr, pole and rear displays and cash drawers
Platform: | Size: 8160256 | Author: si | Hits:

[Software EngineeringADG_Chin_Ver2_50

Description: EPSON OPOS ADK Version 2.50E 的手册,中文版,《OPOS ADK 应用程序开发指南--基本功能》-EPSON OPOS ADK offers standardized API functions that interface with peripherals used in POS systems through ActiveX controls that can be run in Visual Basic, operating on the Windows NT4.0, Windows XP or Windows 2000 platforms. Through these standardized API functions, you can develop powerful, open POS systems easily.
Platform: | Size: 243712 | Author: longting | Hits:

[Education soft systemCashDrawer

Description: OPOS Drawerv sample program
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: mcryan | Hits:


Description: Windows 版本分类 • OPOS vs POS for .NET • Microsoft POS for .NET ADK 安装 • 支持端口 • 安装环境 • 安装Microsoft POS for .NET • 学习环境 • 安装Epson OPOS.NET ADK 1.11.13 • SetupPOS-Windows version of the classification • OPOS vs POS for. NET • Microsoft POS for. NET ADK installation • Support port • installation environment • Install Microsoft POS for. NET • learning environment • Install Epson OPOS.NET ADK 1.11.13 • SetupPOS
Platform: | Size: 899072 | Author: wbc | Hits:


Description: IBM OPOS命令集。标准POS机开发文档-IBM OPOS command set. POS Machine Development Documentation Standards
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 喻晗 | Hits:


Description: opos for .net应用软件,可用于测试开发opos serviceobject-opos for. net application
Platform: | Size: 151552 | Author: wangyc | Hits:

[Printing programStep8_GSa_

Description: OPOS开发的应用测试软件,用于测试打印机的信息自动反馈-OPOS test software applications developed for testing the printer' s automatic feedback information
Platform: | Size: 356352 | Author: wangyc | Hits:

[Printing programStep1_

Description: OPOS应用程序开发示例,哟关于测试字符修饰打印-OPOS application development example, modification of yo character on the test print
Platform: | Size: 350208 | Author: wangyc | Hits:

[Printing programStep3_

Description: OPOS应用程序开发示例,用于测试切纸与条码打印-OPOS application development example, for testing cutting and bar code printing
Platform: | Size: 352256 | Author: wangyc | Hits:

[Printing programStep4

Description: OPOS驱动应用开发,用于测试页模式打印-OPOS-driven application development, print test page mode
Platform: | Size: 33792 | Author: wangyc | Hits:

[Finance-Stock software systemOPOS

Description: Very nice OPOS Application with code source
Platform: | Size: 677888 | Author: Fouad | Hits:


Description: 钱箱驱动 upos EXE 单文件调用(IBM casher driver for ibm opos)
Platform: | Size: 1812480 | Author: 杰三 | Hits:


Description: epson opos.net install document
Platform: | Size: 899107 | Author: hccge***** | Hits:
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