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移植到MCS51的uCOS_II。 1。在文件OS_CORE.C中OSMapTbl和OSUnMapTbl数组用于查表,所以应该放在code里。 增加code关键字。UCOS_II.H和OS_CORE.C。 2。OS_CFG.H堆栈大小MaxStkSize改为900。 3。OS_CPU_C.C的InitTimer0函数增加了关于开T0中断的解释。 允许T0中断,此时EA=0(51上电缺省值),中断还不会发生,满足在OSStart()前不产生中断的要求。 4。修改中断处理流程,以便严密监视中断嵌套情况。每个中断进入后立即进行OSIntNesting+1原语操作。 5。增加printf函数的移植,支持灵活的数据显示。支持标准或长二进制/八进制/十进制/十六进制/无符号整数, 支持字符、字符串、浮点数、百分号%。其中,浮点数在整个范围内被完全支持,统一采用科学记数法显示。 -transplanted to the MCS51 uCOS_II. 1. In the document which OSMapTbl OS_CORE.C and OSUnMapTbl array for Lookup, Therefore, it should be placed on code Lane. Increased code keyword. UCOS_II.H and OS_CORE.C. 2. OS_CFG.H MaxStkSize stack size to 900. 3. OS_CPU_C.C InitTimer0 function of the increase on the open T0 interrupted explained. Allow T0 interruption, this time EA = 0 (51 electricity default value), also will not be interrupted. meet the OSStart () do not have interrupted the former requirements. 4. Changes interrupt handling procedures, in order to closely monitor the situation interrupt nesting. Each interruption immediately after entering OSIntNesting a primitive operation. 5. Printf function to increase the transplant, support flexible data show. Support for standard or long binar
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 154kb Publisher : zhangk
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