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opengl超级宝典所有实例代码 非常使用-opengl super Baodian very use of all instances of code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 24.04mb Publisher : 知道在

首先,画一张有四条腿的桌子,其中四条腿的形状一样位置各异,所以先写一个画桌脚的函数Draw_Leg113(a,b,c),并通过参数把绘制的位置告诉函数。函数的实现较为简单,只需先push,后pop保护当前的矩阵,再经过移位,缩放z轴,绘制cube即可完成。 -First, draw a table has four legs, one of the four legs of different shapes, like the location, so the first leg draw Writing a function Draw_Leg113 (a, b, c), and put through the parameters of the location mapping function tell. Function of relatively simple implementation, just the first push, after the pop the protection of the current matrix, and then after a shift, scaling z-axis and draw to complete the cube.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 309kb Publisher : WangDi

Windows平台的2D Game实例1, 使用了C++和OpenGL.这个souce不但是OpenGL技术,还可以学习到两个方面的技术: part1: win32的消息循环, OpenGL的设置.画一些简单的图形. part2: 处理并且显示卡通图片. -This source focuses on 2D game development with C++ and OpenGL for Windows platform. We will not only focus on OpenGL but also talk about the designs that are commonly used in game programming with a full object oriented approach. This source include two articles: Part 1: covers the win32 message loop, the window creation and the setting-up of OpenGL. You will also learn how to draw some simple shapes. Part 2 : Covers resources handling and displaying simple animations. Contents
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7kb Publisher : hb

Simple 3D program that draws glut shapes in wireframe mode. Use the right mouse button menu to select a new shape to draw.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 周默

Opengl basic shapes c++ Cube, Star, TRAPEZOID
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 229kb Publisher : johen

This code is an opengl shapes under c-This code is an opengl shapes under c++
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : salma elgabri
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