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这是一个很不错的程序-a nice program
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.4mb Publisher : 江津

opengl特效:多个镜面反射的效果,产生多个镜子的反射效果,很给你以启示!-opengl effects : the number of specular reflection and generates more reflective mirror, I give you the inspiration!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 金钺

用vc++和opengl实现了樱花飞舞的场景,以及用镜像效果反射樱花的飘动。一个不错的全屏演示软件-with vc++ and borders to achieve the brook winding scene, and the effects of reflex mirror with cherry blossoms wafted. A pretty good full-screen display software
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 200kb Publisher : cheny

Environment map conversion procedure using generic pixel-to-ray and ray-to-pixel primitives. You need this equirectangular environment map image: latlong.ppm. The output is a spherical mirror ball image spherical.ppm that you can also use in the former OpenGL(R) reflection mapping program-Environment map conversion procedure using generic pixel-to-ray and ray-to-pixel primitives. You need this equirectangular environment map image: latlong.ppm. The output is a spherical mirror ball image spherical.ppm that you can also use in the former OpenGL (R) reflection mapping program
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 田先生

opengl光照与材质之材质 环境光 漫反射光 镜面反射光-opengl light and texture of the material ambient light diffuse reflectance optical mirror reflected light
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 98kb Publisher : 连连

3D世界,它带有空间的六自由度和花哨的效果如镜像、入口、扭曲等等,当然还要有更快的帧显示速度。这一课就要解释一个基本的3D世界"结构",以及如何在这个世界里游走。 -3D world, it is a space of six degrees of freedom and fancy effects such as mirror, importers, distort and so on, of course you need a faster frame display speed. This lesson will have to explain a basic 3D world structure , and how to walk in this world.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 137kb Publisher : ff

一些opengl程序,其中包括轨迹球、镜面效果、机器人-some opengl programs,inculdes arcball、mirror effect、robot,and so on.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9.65mb Publisher : 贺萍

一个利用OpenGL的编写的动态图形效果:两个球体围绕水银镜面圆球做不同半径的旋转,且两个球大小随旋转产生变换,背景生动有良好视觉效果-Prepared using OpenGL, a dynamic graphical effects: two balls of mercury around the mirror-ball do different radius of rotation, and the two balls the size of transformation with the rotation of the background lively with good visual effects
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.96mb Publisher : 杨雨枫

这是一个用opengl制作的反射效果的例子,与镜面效果一样.很真实- this is a program about make a reflect effect .like a mirror
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 235kb Publisher : 陈晓晓

opengl提供镜面映射的功能,而且能够贴图,增加倒影等-opengl mirror
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 174kb Publisher : 刘刘

OpenGL模拟镜子的程序,采用的是像素读写操作方法,希望可以有用-OpenGL simulation mirrors the procedure used is the pixel read-write operation, and I hope can be useful
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 202kb Publisher : 风信子

这是eastcowboy的OpenGL入门教程第十二课所使用的图象文件和C语言源代码。 alpha_test.c,演示了Alpha测试的一种应用,制作相框效果。 stencil_test.c,演示了模板测试的一中应用,制作平面镜效果。 -This is the twelfth eastcowboy' s OpenGL Tutorial image files used in class and C language source code. alpha_test.c, demonstrates an application of Alpha testing, production frame effect. stencil_test.c, demonstrates the application of a template test, production plane mirror effect.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 763kb Publisher : 李大山

使用VisualC++ Win32应用程序开发的一个OpenGL程序,在OpenGL中实现镜面发散的效果-Using VisualC++ Win32 OpenGL application development of a procedure implemented in OpenGL mirror the effect of divergence
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.19mb Publisher : ZhangQL

openGL glui库编写的房间程序 实现shading 可以移动房间内的物体-Still Life is an interactive OpenGL® -based program that renders a realistic image of a small room with objects and a mirror. The whole scene can be rendered with soft shadows (using jittering of the light source(s), and the viewpoint can be rotated and translated around the scene to see it from any angle.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.84mb Publisher : 杜天宇

画了四个物体:球体,正方体,圆球,圆柱体,再画出一面镜子,可以看到镜子里自己的像。可以移动鼠标旋转查看,也可以通过按键A, D, F ,R 来控制旋转等功能。-Drew four objects:sphere,cube,sphere,cylinder, and then drew a mirror,you can see the image of their own. You also can move the mouse to rotate view, you can also keys A, D, F, R to control the rotation and other functions.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 370kb Publisher : Jansy

这是一个OpenGL写的后视镜的文章,文章中采用了离屏渲染的技术将照相机后面的场景采集下来,之后将其显示在后视镜模型上。-This is a mirror of the articles written by OpenGL, the article used in the off-screen rendering technology to capture the scene behind the camera down, and then display it in the mirror model.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 453kb Publisher : shang

用opengles画一个哈哈镜 图片展示 很旋的效果-Draw a magic mirror picture with opengles show is the effect of spin
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.93mb Publisher : czda1100

用opengl真实绘制场景,利用镜面发射的效果和采用光线跟踪算法实现光照。-True with opengl rendering scenes, the use of mirror effects and launch ray tracing algorithm using illumination.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 243kb Publisher : 李奕

DL : 0
哈哈镜,精选ios编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。-Magic mirror, selection of learning IOS programming source code, a good reference.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.93mb Publisher : 烟鸭掌儿

以太阳、地球作为例子,把太阳作为光源,模拟地球围绕太阳转动时光照的变化。于是,需要设置一个光源——太阳,设置两种材质——太阳的材质和地球的材质。 把太阳光线设置为白色,位置在画面正中。把太阳的材质设置为微微散发出红色的光芒,把地球的材质设置为微微散发出暗淡的蓝色光芒,并且反射蓝色的光芒,镜面指数设置成一个比较小的值。简单起见,不再考虑太阳和地球的大小关系,用同样大小的球体来代替之。 -In the sun, the Earth as an example, the sun as a light source, simulate the Earth rotation around the sun light changes. Thus, the need to set up a light source- the sun, setting two materials- the sun and the Earth material material. The sun s rays to white, middle position in the frame. The material of the sun setting slightly exudes red light, the earth material to emit a slightly dim blue light and reflects blue light, mirror the index is set to a relatively small value. For simplicity, no longer consider the relationship between the Sun and Earth s size, with the same size of a sphere instead.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10.26mb Publisher : Alice
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