梅花三弄dezend v1.1
[color=#FF0000]主要增加对用zendguard 4.01进行加密的dezend支持[/color]该类文件开头格式:
<?php @Zend;
梅花三弄dezend v1.0
6.支持dezend后自动执行一批替换,实现扩展式二次dezend,不用于dezend也是一个强大的批量替换工 具,历遍文件夹把选定的后缀文件进行替换
14. 支持双击打开上级目录、双击本窗口打开目录、支持双击调用相应程序打开文件进行编辑(与flashfxp使用方法基本相同)
/h or /? help (帮助信息)
/detail{/d} show detail(显示详细源代码和opcode信息,非常有用)
/opcode show opcode(opcode数值)
/oparray show oparray(oparray信息)
/function show all the function(所有内部函数名)
/class show all the class(所有内部类名)
/hash show all known hash table(所有认识的哈希表)
/info log general infomation(default phpinfo.log)(其他一些信息)
/raw{/r} dump raw op code(显示详细原始opcode信息,遇到exception的时候非常有用)
/execute execute the file(default NOT)(运行源文件)
/backup{/b} backup the file with extension .bak if out file exist(替换前备份)
/append{/a} appaned to previous log file(追加日志,默认是替换)
/tick{/t} show tick span(显示时间消耗)
/noexpire ignore file expire(忽略文件是否过期)
/noindent ignore indent(去掉缩进)
/compact dump with compact style[not support yet](暂未使用)
/classic dump with classic style[not support yet](暂未使用)
/bug dump bug statement(显示BUG)
/full set to full mode(暂未使用)
/force{/f} set to force mode(和/i使用时强制导入config文件)
/import{/i} import class and function name[obfuscate name] from config file(程序根据源文件混淆与否决定导入config文件)
/export{/e} export class and function name[obfuscate name] to config file(导出函数名和类名到config文件)
/obfuscate dump obfuscate name and its url encoded name(显示被混淆的名字)
/dic dump obfuscate name dictionary depend on $level(生成混淆名字典,根据level设置字符数范围)
/tab dump with tab prefix(default space)(使用tab缩进,默认使用空格缩进)
/indent:$i dump with indent $i(default 4)(缩进字符数,默认是4)
/stack:$i dump with stack size $i(default 16)(内部堆栈起始字节数,默认16)
/string:$i dump with stack string length $i(default 4096)(内部字符串堆栈字节数,默认4096,如果内存充裕,可以设大)
/level:$i,$j dump with decode level range $i-$j(default 4-1)(混淆相关的字符数范围,用来猜测名字的字符数范围)
/ext:$ext dump to file with file extension $ext(default .de.php)(输出文件扩展名,*表示使用源文件扩展名)
/root:$root dump to $path + ( $source - $root ) if specified /path:$path(截取路径根路径)
/path:$path dump to $path(输出路径)
/file:$file dump to $file(输出文件名)
/config[:$c] override config file by ?[:phpinfo.log])(config文件名,默认是config.ini)
/log[:$name] override log name by $name([: ?])(日志名)
/logtype:$t override log type by $t<file|registry|debug|messagebox>(输出日志方式,文件、注册表、debug字符串、对话框)
/ini[:$ini] override php.ini search path by $ini([:.], if not specified)(php.ini的优先搜索路径,默认是.,即当前目录)
Enviroment string PHP_DECODE_XXX override default setting, see help(命令行参数都有对应的环境变量)
Command line->Enviroment string->default setting(优先权:命令行 高于 环境变量 高于 默认设置)
if $ext set to *, then keep origin file extension
if $path = 'd:\', $root = 'e:\', then 'e:\php\xxx'=>'d:\php\xxx'
sigma smp8634/8635 toolchain rootfs building source.
This is the Sigma Designs customization of the root file system for the
SMP86xx family of chips.
This package is of course heavily depending on the toolchain and kernel
Quick HOW-TO
a) You need to have a working toolchain package. Once you have built your
toolchain, be sure to source toolchain-path.env. This is required for you to
be able to build the rootfs package.
b) Untar the rootfs package.
c) First, configure your root file system: 'make menuconfig'. All the options
in the configuration menus have detailed help. Once you are satisfied with
your choice of options, exit and save the configuration.
d) If you are using the toolchain composed of gcc 3.4.2, binutils,
and uClibc 0.9.27 (defined in the toolchain package) then you must select
Busybox 1.00 from the 'Package Selection for the target --->' menu.
If on the other hand you are using the toolchain composed of gcc 4.0.4,
binutils 2.17, and uClibc then you must select Busybox 1.5 from
the 'Package Selection for the target --->' menu.
e) If you chose to customize your root file system (option 'customize' in
submenu 'Package Selection for the target'), be sure to prepare your custom
files now.
f) Run 'make' to produce your root file system.
IMPORTANT NOTE: as of this release, the only supported option in the 'Target
Options' menu is 'cramfs root filesystem for the target device' (with all its
suboptions). Any other option is currently unsupported and some are known to
not work.
Once you are through with step e), your root file system is available in the
main directory of the package as 'root_fs_mipsel.cramfs'.
Note about the integration with the toolchain and the kernel source packages
The rootfs package is now integrated with the toolchain package and the
kernel source package and is able to interact with them in the following
a) it can grab the necessary runtime libraries from the toolchain package.
b) it can receive the kernel modules and support files from the kernel source
c) the kernel source package can use the produced rootfs image for its initial
RAM disk.
For interaction a) to take place, the SMP86XX_TOOLCHAIN_PATH environment
variable must be defined and it must point to the main directory of the
produced toolchain. The easiest way to achieve that is by sourcing the
'toolchain-path.env' environment file after it is produced at the end of the
toolchain production.
Note that defining SMP86XX_TOOLCHAIN_PATH is not optional. The build will not
go through unless the environment variable is defined and points to a correct
location. This is because, even if the build went through, the resulting root
file system would be unusable as it would not provide *any* run time library.
For interactions b) and c) to take place, the SMP86XX_ROOTFS_PATH environment
variable must be defined and must point to the main directory of the rootfs
package. The easiest way to achieve that is by sourcing the 'rootfs-path.env'
environment file after it is produced, right after your run 'make' or
'make menuconfig' for the first time.
When SMP86XX_ROOTFS_PATH is defined and points to a valid location, the kernel
source package is able to:
b) install its modules to the correct location under the customization
directory ('package/customize/source') in the rootfs package. In order to
then make sure the modules end up in the produced rootfs image, you must
select the 'customize' option under the 'Package Selection for the target'
menu in 'make menuconfig'.
c) grab the produced rootfs image (root_fs_mipsel.cramfs) and use it for its
initial RAM disk.
Thus, in order to produce a rootfs holding the kernel modules and use it as the
kernel initial RAM disk, you need to go through the following steps in order
(note: this is convoluted):
1) optionally build the toolchain (or use an existing one, more recent than
2) source toolchain-path.env in the toolchain package directory
3) configure the rootfs package with the 'customize' option on in the
'Package Selection for the target' menu
4) source 'rootfs-path.env' in the rootfs package directory
5) configure the kernel, review what is configured as modules, 'make dep'
6) 'make modules' in the kernel source directory
7) the 'modules_install' target for the kernel needs that the system map be
already produced. In order to achieve that, build a first version of the
kernel: 'make vmlinux'
8) 'make modules_install' in the kernel source directory. The modules are now
installed in the rootfs package customization directory.
9) 'make' in the rootfs package directory. You have now produced a rootfs
image holding the kernel modules.
10) 'make' in the kernel source directory. You have now produced a linux ZBF
image with an initrd holding the kernel modules.
Coming features
a) when building the cramfs utility tool, the compiler complains that it can't
find 'zlib.h' or '-lz'.
You need to have the development version of zlib installed on your system.
How to do that depends on your distribution.