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Description: 一款用vc写的局域网聊天软件程序采用网上介绍的方法实现最基本的P2P方式通讯.模拟实现即时消息互发.界面也很清新-This chat program ,working in lan, written in vc carries out instant message communication through the basic P2P style, a clear and novel appearance is provided as well.
Platform: | Size: 585728 | Author: Finn | Hits:


Description: 程序说明: 1.程序采用网上介绍的方法实现最基本的P2P方式通讯.模拟实现即时消息互发. 2.P2P通讯说明: 1).网关类型是在理想状态下.即非对称型NAT. 2).同在一个内网的两个CLIENT端通讯时,如果网关NAT不支持环回,将会失败. 文件目录说明: tQServer:程序服务端,请将其放在公网上运行. tQClient:程序客户端,可以在不同的内网中运行登录连接到服务端. Common:公共协议文件夹 本程序只是实现简单的P2P互发消息.完成的比较粗糙,更多功能欢迎朋友们更新完善-procedures : 1. Online procedures introduced by the most basic method of peer-to-peer communication. Simulation made instant messaging each other. 2.P2P communications Note : 1). Gateway is the ideal type of state. That is non-symmetric NAT. 2). In the same period net CLIENT-2 communications, if not support NAT Gateway Circular, will fail. directory : tQServer :-service procedures, I would be grateful if the public on its Internet. tQClient : clients, in different operations within the network login to connect to the server. Common : Public the agreement folder procedure is a simple peer-to-peer updates. completion of the rougher, more functional friends welcome update perfect
Platform: | Size: 387072 | Author: 王华 | Hits:


Description: 程序说明: 程序采用网上介绍的方法实现最基本的P2P方式通讯.模拟实现即时消息互发. 本程序只是实现简单的P2P互发消息.完成的比较粗糙,更多功能欢迎朋友们更新完善-procedure : online procedures introduced by the most basic method of peer-to-peer communication. Simulation made instant messaging each other. This procedure is a simple peer-to-peer updates. Completion of the rougher, more functional friends welcome update perfect
Platform: | Size: 555008 | Author: 王华 | Hits:


Description: 程序说明: 1.程序采用网上介绍的方法实现最基本的P2P方式通讯.模拟实现即时消息互发. 2.P2P通讯说明: 1).网关类型是在理想状态下.即非对称型NAT. 2).同在一个内网的两个CLIENT端通讯时,如果网关NAT不支持环回,将会失败. 文件目录说明: tQServer:程序服务端,请将其放在公网上运行. tQClient:程序客户端,可以在不同的内网中运行登录连接到服务端. Common:公共协议文件夹 本程序只是实现简单的P2P互发消息.完成的比较粗糙,更多功能欢迎朋友们更新完善-procedures : 1. Online procedures introduced by the most basic method of peer-to-peer communication. Simulation made instant messaging each other. 2.P2P communications Note : 1). Gateway is the ideal type of state. That is non-symmetric NAT. 2). In the same period net CLIENT-2 communications, if not support NAT Gateway Circular, will fail. directory : tQServer :-service procedures, I would be grateful if the public on its Internet. tQClient : clients, in different operations within the network login to connect to the server. Common : Public the agreement folder procedure is a simple peer-to-peer updates. completion of the rougher, more functional friends welcome update perfect
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 吴欢 | Hits:


Description: 1.程序采用网上介绍的方法实现最基本的P2P方式通讯.模拟实现即时消息互发. 2.P2P通讯说明: 1).网关类型是在理想状态下.即非对称型NAT. 2).同在一个内网的两个CLIENT端通讯时,如果网关NAT不支持环回,将会失败. 文件目录说明: tQServer:程序服务端,请将其放在公网上运行. tQClient:程序客户端,可以在不同的内网中运行登录连接到服务端. Common:公共协议文件夹. 本程序只是实现简单的-1. Online procedures introduced by the most basic method of peer-to-peer communication. Simulation made instant messaging each other. 2.P2P communications Note : 1). Gateway is the ideal type of state. That is non-symmetric NAT. 2). With one in the net within two CLIENT- communication, if not support NAT Gateway Circular, will fail. directory : tQServer :-service procedures, I would be grateful if the public on its Internet. tQClient : clients, in different operations within the network login to connect to the server. Common : Public folder agreement. this procedure is a simple realization
Platform: | Size: 546816 | Author: 许悦 | Hits:

[Windows Developp2pfile

Description: jbuiler做的一个p2p的软件,基本实现了p2p的一些原理,文件共享和下载很简单。-jbuiler do a peer-to-peer software and the basic realization of the principle of peer-to-peer file-sharing and downloading is very simple.
Platform: | Size: 65536 | Author: 周小 | Hits:


Description: 一个基于JAVA的多torrent下载程序,可以手动设置某个torrent的优先权,加入了irc聊天室,增加了一些基本的irc命令,可以看见在线人数和ID,支持多tracker url,对于多tracker发布的torrent可自动切换,并可以手动更改tracker url。-a Java-based multi-torrent download, can manual configuration of a torrent priority, joined the irc chat rooms, an increase of some basic irc order, you can see the ID number and online, supports multi-tracker url, for more releases in the torrent tracker automatically switch and can manually change tracker url.
Platform: | Size: 5188608 | Author: taomh | Hits:


Description: Galaxy Ares Galaxy是一套非常不错的免费P2P档案分享软体,虽然目前在网络上分享与下载档案最热门的方式是BT,但是BT种子并不是马上找就会有,而且若是种子太旧也下载不了;所以目前还是有不少的使用者选择P2P传输软件。不过综观市面上的P2P下载软件,不是需要付费就是功能限制太多,是否有完全免费的呢?有,Ares Galaxy就是一值得推荐的一套。它不但免费,而且支持格式很多,几乎所有的音乐、影片、图片、文件、软件等它都下载得到。除了基本的分享与搜寻下载功能之外,它还拥有以下功能特色:1. 开放原始码,若有程序设计上的缺失,很快就会被发现并立即修正。2. 没有服务器,不怕被封锁,也可自设代理服务器。3. 搜寻与下载不用透过服务器,所以速度很快。 4. 可以架设自己的聊天室或是加入别人的,成为一个社群。 5. 内建拨放器,可以预览播放,不怕下载到假档。 6. 内建媒体柜,方便整理个人收藏。 7. 内建浏览器,可以边搜寻边浏览网页。Ares Galaxy的接口简单清楚,还支持了繁体中文语系:只要在开启软件后点选「Control Panel」选项,然后将「Preferred Language」中的设定改成「chinese_tw」,就可以变成繁体中文接口了。只要使用Ares Galaxy的人越多,那么可以搜寻下载的档案就越多喔!-cf Galaxy Galaxy is a very good free P2P file-sharing software, While on the network to share and download the most popular form of BT, But BT is not immediately find seeds will be, but if the seed is too old can also download; Therefore, at present, a lot of P2P users to choose the transmission software. But on the whole the market P2P downloading software is not required to pay is a functional too restrictive, with completely free? A, cf Galaxy is a recommendable one. It not only free, but support many formats, and almost all music, film, photographs, documents, software, etc. It has been downloaded. In addition to the basic sharing and downloading the search function, it also has the following functional characteristics : 1. Open source, If the program design deficiencies will be found
Platform: | Size: 1696768 | Author: 杰克逊 | Hits:


Description: 快来看BitTorrent的源码,本代码利用BT下载软件的基本原理,是学习P2P软件的好助手-Come see the source code, the code download software using BT's basic principles, P2P software is to learn from the good assistants
Platform: | Size: 244736 | Author: 辜桂兵 | Hits:


Description: 类似于P2P聊天软件的源代码,简单实用。具有基本的聊天工具的功能。-similar to the peer-to-peer chat software source code, simple and practical. Chat with the basic tools function.
Platform: | Size: 557056 | Author: zhx | Hits:


Description: 基本的NAT实现的功能很简单,在子网内使用一个保留的IP子网段,这些IP对外是不可见的。子网内只有少数一些IP地址可以对应到真正全球唯一的IP地址。如果这些节点需要访问外部网络,那么基本NAT就负责将这个节点的子网内IP转化为一个全球唯一的IP然后发送出去。(基本的NAT会改变IP包中的原IP地址,但是不会改变IP包中的端口)-achieve basic NAT function is very simple. Subnets within a reservation to use the IP subnet, These external IP is not visible. Subnet only a small number of IP addresses corresponding to be the only truly global IP addresses. If these nodes need access to external networks, NAT on such a basic responsibility to the children of this node within the IP network into a single global IP then sent out. (Basic NAT will change the IP packet original IP address, but would not change the IP packet ports)
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: zz | Hits:

[Delphi VCL14

Description: 序采用网上介绍的方法实现最基本的P2P方式通讯.模拟实现即时消息互发. 2.P2P通讯说明: 1).网关类型是在理想状态下.即非对称型NAT. 2).同在一个内网的两个CLIENT端通讯时,如果网关NAT不支持环回,将会失败. 文件目录说明: tQServer:程序服务端,请将其放在公网上运行. tQClient:程序客户端,可以在不同的内网中运行登录连接到服务端. Common:公共协议文件夹-sequence on the Internet to the most basic method of peer-to-peer communication. Simulation instant messaging each other fat. 2 . P2P communications : 1). Gateway is the ideal type of state. that is non-symmetric NAT. 2). with the network within a two CLIE NT-communication, if not support NAT Gateway Circular, will fail. directory : tQServer : process server, you should put its public Internet. tQClient : clients, in various operations within the network login connected to the server. Common : Public folder agreement
Platform: | Size: 584704 | Author: yuguming | Hits:


Description: DC++最新工程,P2p基本框架,干 p2p分享多-DC++ Latest project, P2p basic framework, dry p2p sharing of multi-
Platform: | Size: 2307072 | Author: 王瑜与 | Hits:


Description: 基于JXTA编写的p2p程序,实现了基本的聊天功能,对等组的建立,加入对等组,对等点发现以及文件共享等功能。-JXTA-based p2p program prepared to achieve the basic chat functions, the establishment of peer-to-peer group, by adding peer-to-peer groups, peer discovery and file sharing functions.
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: zyt | Hits:


Description: P2P文件传输和聊天系统 Internet/网络编程 P2P 程序-P2P file transfer and chat system, Internet/network programming P2P program
Platform: | Size: 83968 | Author: cheaven | Hits:


Description: 点到点无线通信实验,属于无线传感器网络中基础通信类相关代码。-Point-to-point wireless communications experiment, wireless sensor networks belong to basic communications in the relevant category code.
Platform: | Size: 233472 | Author: Naruto | Hits:


Description: Jxta 的初级知识介绍,介绍了JXTA的一部分基础知识,电子工业出版社出版的。-Jxta introduce primary knowledge on the part of the basic knowledge of JXTA, the Publishing House of Electronics Industry.
Platform: | Size: 9972736 | Author: cary | Hits:


Description: 流媒体服务器功能有查看音视频文件的基本信息,mp3音频数据和MP4视频数据的实时传输和服务器统计信息。点播工具的功能包括下载节目列表,点播后会弹出播放器进行播放。-Streaming media server functionality the ability to view basic information about audio and video files, mp3 audio data, and MP4 video data real-time transmission and server statistics. The features include on-demand tools to download programs list, on-demand after the pop-up player for playback.
Platform: | Size: 430080 | Author: zixue | Hits:


Description: 实现了p2p,基本的客户端和服务器端的通信,还能在服务器端和客户端通信。客户端之间也能传文件。可作为很好的例子学习。-Achieved p2p, basic client and server communication, but also on the server side and client communications. Clients can also transfer files between. As a good example of learning.
Platform: | Size: 4202496 | Author: | Hits:


Description: TI Basic RF一个点对点通信的例程,附有word版的通信过程简介,可以作为入门理论参考。-one example of P2P programme in Basic RF.And there is a brief introduction of the Basic RF process,which can be used as reference for beginner.
Platform: | Size: 724992 | Author: leedy | Hits:
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